Daily Iowan, March 13, 1919
Page 3
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Thursday, March 13, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE WHAT OTHERS THINK To the Daily Iowan: An article on "Poor Sportsmanship" appeared in Sunday morning's Iowan. That article was written by one of the leading athletes in the university, and shows the attitude of our athletic teams toward the spirit that has been shown at some of our recent basketball games. The University of Iowa has always prided itself on its good sportsmanship. But before we talk too much about our good sportsmanship, we will have to watch our actions a little more carefully in that respect. During the four years that I have been at the university, on several occasion it has happened that a referee has had to stop a game until the groans and hisses of the crowed died down enough to make it possible to continue. This practice is becoming more noticeable, and it is winning for us a reputation for any thing but good sportsmanship among the other universities of the conference. Our athletes say that they always meet with courteous treatment at the different schools to which they go. Surely these schools have a right to expect the same sort of treatment from us. In the speed and excitement of a basketball games it is not always easy to confine our remarks within the bounds of strict politeness, when we see a decision which seems to us unjust. But we owe it to our own team as well as to our visitors to treat both players and officials with at least a decent amount of respect. And everyone knows that it takes a whole lot more sportsmanship to make a good loser that it takes to make a good winner. Probably in the majority of cases the trouble is due to thoughtlessness rather than to any unfriendly feeling. It is even possible that some people think that to show disrespect for the opposing team, and disapproval of the adverse decisions of the referee, shows advertisement TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa advertisement illustration of a pipe Look at this one. A corking piece of genuine French Briar, sterling ring, vulcanite bit, the smoothest workmanship - a shape that makes it mighty convenient to have in your room. WDC TRADE MARK You will see WDC Pipes on every campus in the country - American pipes for American men, and not bettered anywhere. You can get any shape, size and grade you want in a W D C. The best shops carry them at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. DEMUTH & Co., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer advertisement The Townsend Studio SAFETY FIRST start of new column, article continued a sort of loyalty to their own team. If they would stop to think they would surely realize that they are doing the most disloyal thing that they could possibly do, by giving their school the reputation of being a bunch of "bum sports" - a reputation that is carried back home by every team that visits us, and in the end comes back to us every time. We are hearing a good deal of talk about students self-government and the development of an intelligent public opinion among the student body. Let's turn our public opinion and our concerned action first of all the removal of this blemish from the spirit of the university. A.W. The Triangle club met Tuesday evening at its rooms for a picnic supper. Hot potatoes and coffee were served by the committee. Dancing and other entertainments followed. illustration of male figure BUSTED F.M. DON'T let that stop you from going to the Junior Prom Borrow the money and get your ticket NOW March 28 start of new column HEPS ELECTS OFFICER Hesperia literary society elected the following officers for the last quarter at the meeting Tuesday evening: president, Romola Lathchem; vice president, Adele Kimm, treasurer, Florence Pascoe, recording secretary, Helen Von Lackum, corresponding secretary, Lucy Pierce advertisement What Is the Greatest Thing In Life? Send your answer to the Contest Editor, Iowa City, Daily Press advertisement Need a little more Coal this Spring? Order PYROLITE - the long-flame coal. You can't beat it for quality or price. It is hot, clean, clinkerless and leaves little ash. We can now supply all you need. YOU'RE SURE WHEN YOU BUY OF DUNLAP BY THE DAM PHONE 10 illustration DUNLAP QUALITY SERVICE PRICE LUMBER COAL advertisement BOOK and CRAFT SHOP TEXT BOOKS for the THIRD QUARTER Fountain Pens, Note Book Paper and other supplies 124 E. WASHINGTON STREET new column advertisement DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING's PHARMACY On Dubuque St. new column advertisement illustration of camera Take a Kodak With You and let us finish your films when you return. When you bring your films to us to have them finished you are sure to get results. We maintain our own finishing department, which means it gets the same expert attention as we give a Kodak Buyer. Mail Orders given prompt attention. Henry Louis The Rexall & Kodak Store 124 E. College
Thursday, March 13, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE WHAT OTHERS THINK To the Daily Iowan: An article on "Poor Sportsmanship" appeared in Sunday morning's Iowan. That article was written by one of the leading athletes in the university, and shows the attitude of our athletic teams toward the spirit that has been shown at some of our recent basketball games. The University of Iowa has always prided itself on its good sportsmanship. But before we talk too much about our good sportsmanship, we will have to watch our actions a little more carefully in that respect. During the four years that I have been at the university, on several occasion it has happened that a referee has had to stop a game until the groans and hisses of the crowed died down enough to make it possible to continue. This practice is becoming more noticeable, and it is winning for us a reputation for any thing but good sportsmanship among the other universities of the conference. Our athletes say that they always meet with courteous treatment at the different schools to which they go. Surely these schools have a right to expect the same sort of treatment from us. In the speed and excitement of a basketball games it is not always easy to confine our remarks within the bounds of strict politeness, when we see a decision which seems to us unjust. But we owe it to our own team as well as to our visitors to treat both players and officials with at least a decent amount of respect. And everyone knows that it takes a whole lot more sportsmanship to make a good loser that it takes to make a good winner. Probably in the majority of cases the trouble is due to thoughtlessness rather than to any unfriendly feeling. It is even possible that some people think that to show disrespect for the opposing team, and disapproval of the adverse decisions of the referee, shows advertisement TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa advertisement illustration of a pipe Look at this one. A corking piece of genuine French Briar, sterling ring, vulcanite bit, the smoothest workmanship - a shape that makes it mighty convenient to have in your room. WDC TRADE MARK You will see WDC Pipes on every campus in the country - American pipes for American men, and not bettered anywhere. You can get any shape, size and grade you want in a W D C. The best shops carry them at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. DEMUTH & Co., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer advertisement The Townsend Studio SAFETY FIRST start of new column, article continued a sort of loyalty to their own team. If they would stop to think they would surely realize that they are doing the most disloyal thing that they could possibly do, by giving their school the reputation of being a bunch of "bum sports" - a reputation that is carried back home by every team that visits us, and in the end comes back to us every time. We are hearing a good deal of talk about students self-government and the development of an intelligent public opinion among the student body. Let's turn our public opinion and our concerned action first of all the removal of this blemish from the spirit of the university. A.W. The Triangle club met Tuesday evening at its rooms for a picnic supper. Hot potatoes and coffee were served by the committee. Dancing and other entertainments followed. illustration of male figure BUSTED F.M. DON'T let that stop you from going to the Junior Prom Borrow the money and get your ticket NOW March 28 start of new column HEPS ELECTS OFFICER Hesperia literary society elected the following officers for the last quarter at the meeting Tuesday evening: president, Romola Lathchem; vice president, Adele Kimm, treasurer, Florence Pascoe, recording secretary, Helen Von Lackum, corresponding secretary, Lucy Pierce advertisement What Is the Greatest Thing In Life? Send your answer to the Contest Editor, Iowa City, Daily Press advertisement Need a little more Coal this Spring? Order PYROLITE - the long-flame coal. You can't beat it for quality or price. It is hot, clean, clinkerless and leaves little ash. We can now supply all you need. YOU'RE SURE WHEN YOU BUY OF DUNLAP BY THE DAM PHONE 10 illustration DUNLAP QUALITY SERVICE PRICE LUMBER COAL advertisement BOOK and CRAFT SHOP TEXT BOOKS for the THIRD QUARTER Fountain Pens, Note Book Paper and other supplies 124 E. WASHINGTON STREET new column advertisement DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING's PHARMACY On Dubuque St. new column advertisement illustration of camera Take a Kodak With You and let us finish your films when you return. When you bring your films to us to have them finished you are sure to get results. We maintain our own finishing department, which means it gets the same expert attention as we give a Kodak Buyer. Mail Orders given prompt attention. Henry Louis The Rexall & Kodak Store 124 E. College
Daily Iowan Newspapers