Daily Iowan, April 1, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, April 1, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D. P. FOR RENT--Modern furnished front room. 505 E. Washington. 75 LOST--Blue serge coat and trousers. Delivered to wrong address. Please call phone 1137. 76 LOST--Friday night between armory and the Englert a gold wrist watch with initials S. M. W. Reward. Return to Iowan office. 76 UNIVERSITY PLAY TOMORROW NIGHT Advance Seat Sale Is Very Big For Rollicking Comedy Tomorrow Night Indications are that the University Player's first play of the season, "Dolly Reforming Herself", which will be presented tomorrow evening at the Englert theatre, will be a rousing success from the standpoint of quality in production and attendance. A large quantity of advance sale tickets have been disposed of in the past few days about the campus and at Whetstone's where they may still be purchased. The seat sale proper opens at the Englert theatre box office this morning at 9 o'clock. It is thought that an early rush for seats will be made by the students of the University who already know, or wish to become pleasantly acquainted with the merits of Iowa's only dramatic organization. Margery Heberling, an already greatly popular actress in home talent productions is delightful and winsome in her leading role as "Dolly". Jean Birdsall as "Renie", a friend of Dolly, also has a very prominent part in the production. Sophia Kleveland is "Peters." The men appearing in the production are: Har- STRAND THEATRE Last Time Today FANNY WARD, in Common Clay PASTIME THEATRE TODAY AND TOMORROW PEGGY HYLAND in the "REBELLIOUS WIFE" This is a crackerjack comedy drama. Also Pathe News ADMISSION 15c old Harney as "Captain Wentworth," Leon Brigham as "Mr. Barron," Marcus Mullaney as "Mr. Telfer," Charles V. Brown as "Mr. Pilcher," Albert Wilcox as "Professor Sturgess," and Harold Stoner as "Criddle". CREDIT TO SOLDIERS TO BE DECIDED SOON Men Having Ninety Hours Credit At Enlistment Will be Considered Separately Amount of credit to be granted in the college of liberal arts to men honorably discharged from the army and navy, will be determined after the decision of a committee from the Association of Collegiate Registrars at a meeting the latter part of April to decide the amount of credit to be granted to men who have received training in officers' training camps. The executive committee of the University will consider separately the question of credit in the case of IF YOUR FILM IS RUINED IN FINISHING You're out of luck, that's all. IF YOUR PRINTS ARE NOT GOOD-- You can bring them to us for finishing. BUT WHY-- Take chances of having your films ruined and having to pay for prints the second time? WHY NOT-- Bring your films to us in the first place where they are finished by experts with the best materials obtainable? HENRY LOUIS The Rexall & Kodak Store 124 East College men who had earned ninety hours at the time of enlistment who wish to be graduated in June or at the close of the summer session, according to George F. Kay, dean of the college of liberal arts. This action will not affect the graduation of seniors since the registrar will present their names to the executive committee for special consideration. SOUVENIR SENT TO LIBRARY Miss Roberts Receives Phamphlets From Library of Rheims Miss Jane Roberts, University librarian, has recently received two pamphelts from Conger Reynolds, formerly head of the journalistic department, which he picked up on a tour through the ruined city of Rheims. The pamphlets were used in the library in the small suburb of Ceres, and contain interesting information as to the manner of personal identification and an alphabetical list of Frenchmen and the books they wrote. They will be put on the current topics desk. Mr. Reynolds writes of the ruins: "In the course of a ramble through the destroyed city I found these pamphlets among a pile that was being rapidly destroyed by the rain pouring in on them. Of the building pictured in the catalogue there remained only the four walls, and they were considerably broken. All the books left were ruined or being ruined by the rain and snow. Under these circumstances I could see no harm in my taking these two pamphlets, to send to the University as a souvenir of the library of Rheims." Athena: Attendance at the extemporaneous contest Wednesday evening is required. Unexcused absense will be fined. Garden TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ALICE JOYCE in "THE LION AND THE MOUSE A Special 6-reel Feature Also a special 2-reel Comedy Admission 10 and 15 c. People's Steam Laundry 225 IOWA AVE. WHEN IN NEED OF LAUNDRY WORK. Telephone 58 C. J. Toms Photographs... Newest and Latest Folders just arrived for your Easter photographs. See them in our display window. NEWBERG STUDIO SENIORS Of All Colleges Order your Commencement Invitations at the UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE IF YOU WANT ANY Do it now or you won't get any. The Committee New Shipment of Rookwood Pottery New Pictures New Frames Book and Craft Shop 124 E. Washington Street
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, April 1, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D. P. FOR RENT--Modern furnished front room. 505 E. Washington. 75 LOST--Blue serge coat and trousers. Delivered to wrong address. Please call phone 1137. 76 LOST--Friday night between armory and the Englert a gold wrist watch with initials S. M. W. Reward. Return to Iowan office. 76 UNIVERSITY PLAY TOMORROW NIGHT Advance Seat Sale Is Very Big For Rollicking Comedy Tomorrow Night Indications are that the University Player's first play of the season, "Dolly Reforming Herself", which will be presented tomorrow evening at the Englert theatre, will be a rousing success from the standpoint of quality in production and attendance. A large quantity of advance sale tickets have been disposed of in the past few days about the campus and at Whetstone's where they may still be purchased. The seat sale proper opens at the Englert theatre box office this morning at 9 o'clock. It is thought that an early rush for seats will be made by the students of the University who already know, or wish to become pleasantly acquainted with the merits of Iowa's only dramatic organization. Margery Heberling, an already greatly popular actress in home talent productions is delightful and winsome in her leading role as "Dolly". Jean Birdsall as "Renie", a friend of Dolly, also has a very prominent part in the production. Sophia Kleveland is "Peters." The men appearing in the production are: Har- STRAND THEATRE Last Time Today FANNY WARD, in Common Clay PASTIME THEATRE TODAY AND TOMORROW PEGGY HYLAND in the "REBELLIOUS WIFE" This is a crackerjack comedy drama. Also Pathe News ADMISSION 15c old Harney as "Captain Wentworth," Leon Brigham as "Mr. Barron," Marcus Mullaney as "Mr. Telfer," Charles V. Brown as "Mr. Pilcher," Albert Wilcox as "Professor Sturgess," and Harold Stoner as "Criddle". CREDIT TO SOLDIERS TO BE DECIDED SOON Men Having Ninety Hours Credit At Enlistment Will be Considered Separately Amount of credit to be granted in the college of liberal arts to men honorably discharged from the army and navy, will be determined after the decision of a committee from the Association of Collegiate Registrars at a meeting the latter part of April to decide the amount of credit to be granted to men who have received training in officers' training camps. The executive committee of the University will consider separately the question of credit in the case of IF YOUR FILM IS RUINED IN FINISHING You're out of luck, that's all. IF YOUR PRINTS ARE NOT GOOD-- You can bring them to us for finishing. BUT WHY-- Take chances of having your films ruined and having to pay for prints the second time? WHY NOT-- Bring your films to us in the first place where they are finished by experts with the best materials obtainable? HENRY LOUIS The Rexall & Kodak Store 124 East College men who had earned ninety hours at the time of enlistment who wish to be graduated in June or at the close of the summer session, according to George F. Kay, dean of the college of liberal arts. This action will not affect the graduation of seniors since the registrar will present their names to the executive committee for special consideration. SOUVENIR SENT TO LIBRARY Miss Roberts Receives Phamphlets From Library of Rheims Miss Jane Roberts, University librarian, has recently received two pamphelts from Conger Reynolds, formerly head of the journalistic department, which he picked up on a tour through the ruined city of Rheims. The pamphlets were used in the library in the small suburb of Ceres, and contain interesting information as to the manner of personal identification and an alphabetical list of Frenchmen and the books they wrote. They will be put on the current topics desk. Mr. Reynolds writes of the ruins: "In the course of a ramble through the destroyed city I found these pamphlets among a pile that was being rapidly destroyed by the rain pouring in on them. Of the building pictured in the catalogue there remained only the four walls, and they were considerably broken. All the books left were ruined or being ruined by the rain and snow. Under these circumstances I could see no harm in my taking these two pamphlets, to send to the University as a souvenir of the library of Rheims." Athena: Attendance at the extemporaneous contest Wednesday evening is required. Unexcused absense will be fined. Garden TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ALICE JOYCE in "THE LION AND THE MOUSE A Special 6-reel Feature Also a special 2-reel Comedy Admission 10 and 15 c. People's Steam Laundry 225 IOWA AVE. WHEN IN NEED OF LAUNDRY WORK. Telephone 58 C. J. Toms Photographs... Newest and Latest Folders just arrived for your Easter photographs. See them in our display window. NEWBERG STUDIO SENIORS Of All Colleges Order your Commencement Invitations at the UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE IF YOU WANT ANY Do it now or you won't get any. The Committee New Shipment of Rookwood Pottery New Pictures New Frames Book and Craft Shop 124 E. Washington Street
Daily Iowan Newspapers