Daily Iowan, April 24, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, April 24, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. FOUND—Fountain pen in natural science auditorium Monday. Call Iowan Office. FOUND—Pocket book containing watch. Call Red 1714. LOST—Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. Tf CANOE for sale. Phone 1889. 88 FOR RENT—Suite of modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. 604 S. Clinton. 87 LOST—Silver wrist watch on No. Clinton. Finder please call 962 91 $22,000 IS TOTAL [SUBSCIBED] TO DATE Liberal Arts College Subscribes One Half—All Cards Are Not in Yet Twenty-two thousand dollars is the grand total of the amount subscribed by the University students for the fifth Liberty Loan up to last night. Of this amount, $10,000 or one half was subscribed by the liberal arts college alone under the management of the presidents of the various classes. This total does not really represent the entire number of bonds taken by members of the University, since in many cases students made the statement that their parents had taken out for them at home. Not all the solicitors have turned in their cards and for this reason the sum will undoubtedly be increased by the end of the week. Any student may leave his subscription at Professor Weller’s office, room 11. A helmet will be given as a reward to each of the following: to the man and to the woman getting the most subscriptions, and to the fraternity and sorority investing the most in bonds. Winners of these helmets will be announced Saturday. [advertisement] TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY’S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON RUSSELL SUGGESTS STUDENT EXCHANGE Ideas of Iowa Professor For Russian Educators are Being Adopted While in Russia Dean W.F. Russell urged upon the educators of that country to exchange students and professors with America declaring that both American and Russian students have much to gain from the exchange. American education is practical and technical according to Dean Russell and that is the main defect of the Russian school system. On the other hand, American students may learn much of painting, music, literature, and all the arts from the Russians. The criticisms of the Russian school system made by the University dean are being taken up by Professor Sapozhnikoy. The suggestion that the Russian students take work in the American schools seems to have produced immediate reactions. “The Americans have great experience in the development of their natural riches,” writes the minister of education in the Vladivostok paper. “Russia, troubled and exhausted by war and political conditions, is incapable of getting along in her industrial life without a helping friendly hand. A rich country like the United States can play an important role in this respect. But it must be understood that after Russia has regained her strength and become richer in skilled workers and good technical schools, her industry must be concentrated mainly in the hands of Russians. The government of the United States is interested in the exchange of school workers even to the extent of being willing to assign a certain sum of money to establish scholarships for Russians sent to study in America. From my point of view the exchange should begin this coming summer of 1919.” Russian students and professors should begin to enter the American schools this summer, declares Professor Sapozhnikov, minister of education in Russia in the Golos Pri- [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE LAST TIME TODAY LILA LEE in “PUPPY LOVE” Tomorrow and Saturday TOM MOORE IN “A MAN AND HIS MONEY” Also SMILING BILL PARSONS in a two reel comedy morya, a Vladivostok newspaper. The Russian minister of education is pushing strongly in the Russian press the ideas advanced by Dean Russell. RECOMMENDATIONS ARE MADE FOR SCHOLARSHIPS Appointment of two senior fellows, thirteen junior fellows and fourteen scholars by the graduate council is awaiting confirmation by the board of education. “Additional appointments will be made June 1 for which there are now a number of candidates,” says C.E. Seashore, dean of the graduate college. At that time a number of appointments of research assistants and research associates in the graduate college will also be made. Research assistants are usually appointed on half time,” says Dean Seashore, “for the purpose of giving service to the older research men in the department and the conduct of some investigation.” Devoting themselves to investigation as a method of graduate study is the main purpose of those appointed. Their assistance to the department takes the form of apprenticeship which is often a most effective method of training in advanced work, according to Dr. Seashore. WATSON HELPS NOTRE DAME Evidences of Jack Watson’s ability as a trainer were again brought to light when he was recently offered the position as trainer for Mitchell’s Chicago Cubs. Club officials however, decided that they could not meet Watson’s demands. At the Drake relays, Coach Rockne of Notre Dame approached Trainer Watson, saying that he would have to withdraw Eddie Mehan, captain and star, because of an injured tendon. Watson worked with the man Friday night and Saturday to get him into shape and Saturday afternoon Mehan, wearing one of Jack’s bandages, appeared on the field ready to run in the relay race and he made the fastest time of his whole record. A new serenade feature was introduced at the University of Nebraska when a fraternity serenaded all sorority and fraternity houses accompanied by its piano in a truck. [advertisement] Garden Thursday and Friday CATHERINE CALVERT IN “MARRIAGE FOR CONVENIENCE” Also a POST Travel [advertisement] New Georgette Dresses of Beauty You wouldn’t believe that there were so many ways to make a dress “different” and charming if we couldn’t prove this by our splendid offerings— Represented our dress modes in his one and figured to suit every exacting taste and the reasonable prices will surprise you from— $25.00 to $50.00 NEW WHITE GEORGETTE AND ORGANDIE DRESSES SUITABLE FOR Graduation Time GIRL GRADUATES-- may find the most pleasing dresses for commencement here that they have ever idealized. We purchased especially, dressers in honor of this event of a “YOUNG WOMAN’S LIFETIME” The Girl Graduate should see them. They are modestly priced from— $10.00 to $50.00 Party Dresses Reduced Beautiful youthful dresses appropriate for dances and other dress occasions. Here are frocks each one ready to enhance the FLOWER-LIKE BEAUTY OF YOUNG WOMANHOOD We feel confident that you will concede the prices to be the most reasonable offered for a long time for high-grade apparel. Beautiful models at 25 Off Regular Prices Georgette Waists New Overblouse Or Apron Effects The new arrivals show decidedly different beauty in designing that lifts the styles out of the ordinary fashion and places them in a class by themselves. You’ll find an infinite variety of delightfully becoming models with all of the latest ideas in colors and designs. We will be pleased to talk with you about these blouses tomorrow. All are moderately priced from— $10.98 to $18.50 Yetter’s THE BIG STORE [advertisement] See Kroppach, Rosson, Hollingsworth, and Mullaney in the Minstrel Show in a Series of Songs and Specialties. The trial scene will keep you in convulsions. Law Jubilee TONIGHT ENGLERT THEATRE Tickets 75 cents including war tax Reservations Open Wednesday 9:30 a.m.
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, April 24, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST—A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. FOUND—Fountain pen in natural science auditorium Monday. Call Iowan Office. FOUND—Pocket book containing watch. Call Red 1714. LOST—Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. Tf CANOE for sale. Phone 1889. 88 FOR RENT—Suite of modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. 604 S. Clinton. 87 LOST—Silver wrist watch on No. Clinton. Finder please call 962 91 $22,000 IS TOTAL [SUBSCIBED] TO DATE Liberal Arts College Subscribes One Half—All Cards Are Not in Yet Twenty-two thousand dollars is the grand total of the amount subscribed by the University students for the fifth Liberty Loan up to last night. Of this amount, $10,000 or one half was subscribed by the liberal arts college alone under the management of the presidents of the various classes. This total does not really represent the entire number of bonds taken by members of the University, since in many cases students made the statement that their parents had taken out for them at home. Not all the solicitors have turned in their cards and for this reason the sum will undoubtedly be increased by the end of the week. Any student may leave his subscription at Professor Weller’s office, room 11. A helmet will be given as a reward to each of the following: to the man and to the woman getting the most subscriptions, and to the fraternity and sorority investing the most in bonds. Winners of these helmets will be announced Saturday. [advertisement] TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY’S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON RUSSELL SUGGESTS STUDENT EXCHANGE Ideas of Iowa Professor For Russian Educators are Being Adopted While in Russia Dean W.F. Russell urged upon the educators of that country to exchange students and professors with America declaring that both American and Russian students have much to gain from the exchange. American education is practical and technical according to Dean Russell and that is the main defect of the Russian school system. On the other hand, American students may learn much of painting, music, literature, and all the arts from the Russians. The criticisms of the Russian school system made by the University dean are being taken up by Professor Sapozhnikoy. The suggestion that the Russian students take work in the American schools seems to have produced immediate reactions. “The Americans have great experience in the development of their natural riches,” writes the minister of education in the Vladivostok paper. “Russia, troubled and exhausted by war and political conditions, is incapable of getting along in her industrial life without a helping friendly hand. A rich country like the United States can play an important role in this respect. But it must be understood that after Russia has regained her strength and become richer in skilled workers and good technical schools, her industry must be concentrated mainly in the hands of Russians. The government of the United States is interested in the exchange of school workers even to the extent of being willing to assign a certain sum of money to establish scholarships for Russians sent to study in America. From my point of view the exchange should begin this coming summer of 1919.” Russian students and professors should begin to enter the American schools this summer, declares Professor Sapozhnikov, minister of education in Russia in the Golos Pri- [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE LAST TIME TODAY LILA LEE in “PUPPY LOVE” Tomorrow and Saturday TOM MOORE IN “A MAN AND HIS MONEY” Also SMILING BILL PARSONS in a two reel comedy morya, a Vladivostok newspaper. The Russian minister of education is pushing strongly in the Russian press the ideas advanced by Dean Russell. RECOMMENDATIONS ARE MADE FOR SCHOLARSHIPS Appointment of two senior fellows, thirteen junior fellows and fourteen scholars by the graduate council is awaiting confirmation by the board of education. “Additional appointments will be made June 1 for which there are now a number of candidates,” says C.E. Seashore, dean of the graduate college. At that time a number of appointments of research assistants and research associates in the graduate college will also be made. Research assistants are usually appointed on half time,” says Dean Seashore, “for the purpose of giving service to the older research men in the department and the conduct of some investigation.” Devoting themselves to investigation as a method of graduate study is the main purpose of those appointed. Their assistance to the department takes the form of apprenticeship which is often a most effective method of training in advanced work, according to Dr. Seashore. WATSON HELPS NOTRE DAME Evidences of Jack Watson’s ability as a trainer were again brought to light when he was recently offered the position as trainer for Mitchell’s Chicago Cubs. Club officials however, decided that they could not meet Watson’s demands. At the Drake relays, Coach Rockne of Notre Dame approached Trainer Watson, saying that he would have to withdraw Eddie Mehan, captain and star, because of an injured tendon. Watson worked with the man Friday night and Saturday to get him into shape and Saturday afternoon Mehan, wearing one of Jack’s bandages, appeared on the field ready to run in the relay race and he made the fastest time of his whole record. A new serenade feature was introduced at the University of Nebraska when a fraternity serenaded all sorority and fraternity houses accompanied by its piano in a truck. [advertisement] Garden Thursday and Friday CATHERINE CALVERT IN “MARRIAGE FOR CONVENIENCE” Also a POST Travel [advertisement] New Georgette Dresses of Beauty You wouldn’t believe that there were so many ways to make a dress “different” and charming if we couldn’t prove this by our splendid offerings— Represented our dress modes in his one and figured to suit every exacting taste and the reasonable prices will surprise you from— $25.00 to $50.00 NEW WHITE GEORGETTE AND ORGANDIE DRESSES SUITABLE FOR Graduation Time GIRL GRADUATES-- may find the most pleasing dresses for commencement here that they have ever idealized. We purchased especially, dressers in honor of this event of a “YOUNG WOMAN’S LIFETIME” The Girl Graduate should see them. They are modestly priced from— $10.00 to $50.00 Party Dresses Reduced Beautiful youthful dresses appropriate for dances and other dress occasions. Here are frocks each one ready to enhance the FLOWER-LIKE BEAUTY OF YOUNG WOMANHOOD We feel confident that you will concede the prices to be the most reasonable offered for a long time for high-grade apparel. Beautiful models at 25 Off Regular Prices Georgette Waists New Overblouse Or Apron Effects The new arrivals show decidedly different beauty in designing that lifts the styles out of the ordinary fashion and places them in a class by themselves. You’ll find an infinite variety of delightfully becoming models with all of the latest ideas in colors and designs. We will be pleased to talk with you about these blouses tomorrow. All are moderately priced from— $10.98 to $18.50 Yetter’s THE BIG STORE [advertisement] See Kroppach, Rosson, Hollingsworth, and Mullaney in the Minstrel Show in a Series of Songs and Specialties. The trial scene will keep you in convulsions. Law Jubilee TONIGHT ENGLERT THEATRE Tickets 75 cents including war tax Reservations Open Wednesday 9:30 a.m.
Daily Iowan Newspapers