Daily Iowan, May 1, 1919
Page 5
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Thursday, May 1, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Five SOCIETY AND PERSONAL MUSSETTER-CUNNINGHAM Announcement of the marriage of Beulah Mussetter, a student here last year and a member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority, to Glenn Cunningham was received in Iowa City yesterday. The marriage took place at the home of the bride in Victor, Iowa, at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, April 29. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham will make their home at Spirit Lake. Fern Chittenden, Gamma Phi Beta visited at her home in Victor this week. Clarence Wierks, pharmacy '18, assistant of one of the Schlegel drug stores at Davenport, is visiting at the Phi Delta Chi house. The Rev. Rowland Philbrook of Glenrock, Wyoming, a former student in the University, is visiting the Rev. Paul B. James, rector of Trinity church. Newman club meeting has been postponed until next week. Miss Josephine Weiss, who has been acting as dispensing pharmacist at the Methodist hospital in Des Moines since her graduation last spring, is ill at her home in the city. Pi Beta Phi celebrated Founder's day Monday evening by a banquet at Hotel Jefferson The Eel club will hold a meeting night at the men's gymnasium. Phi Delta Chi will entertain at a dinner dance at the Country club Friday. Dean Teeters and Prof. and Mrs. R. A. Kuever will be the chaperons. Apollo club will entertain at a dancing party at the Burkley Saturday. Prof. and Mrs. H. F. Wickham will chaperon. Alpha Tau Beta announces the pledging of Dorothy Robinson of Estherville and Laurel Isaac of Des Moines. Myrta Harlow of Albia is visiting her sister Cliffie, a senior, for a few days this week. Phi Alpha Delta, law fraternity, entertained at a luncheon at the Hotel Jefferson yesterday. Twenty-five members attended. The fraternity will entertain at a dancing party at the Burkley Friday. Prof. and Mrs. H. C. Horack and Mr. and Mrs. John R. King will be the chaperons. Harlow Hawthorne of Ames will visit here this week end and will attend the Alpha Delta Pi party Friday evening. Gladys Swain of Osceola will visit at the Alpha Delta Pi house this week end and will attend the party Friday. Tri-Delt will entertain at a house party this week end. There will be fourteen out of town guests. A May morning breakfast at the house and a dinner dance at the Hotel Jefferson will be the entertainments for Saturday. A dinner party will also be held at the house Sunday noon. CHARLTON, COBB AND DIDDY SEEK OFFICE Candidates for trustees of The Daily Iowan are circulating their petitions among the students. Several new candidates have entered the field since the first list came out. Keith Diddy, a junior, Clyde Charlton and Rodney Cobb, sophomores are the new candidates for a position. Petitions must be signed by twenty-five paid subscribers of the Daily Iowan, who are members of the class of the candidate. Three of the places on the board are held by faculty members and four by undergraduates. Petitions must be given to Dr. C. H. Weller, chairman of the board by Thursday night. The election will be held on May 15. LUNCHEON AT BURKLEY Sigma Delta Chi will hold a luncheon at the Burkley Imperial this noon in honor of W. Earl Hall, former editor of The Daily Iowan and ex-president of the Iowa College Press association, who leaves tomorrow to take up a position on the Milwaukee Journal. [advertisement] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by E. V. PRICE & CO. Clothes that invite the question WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] When you buy a pipe bearing the W D C trade-mark, you have the satisfaction of knowing that your money could not have bought a better pipe. The W D C is strictly American made. You can choose among a multitude of styles, sizes and grades at the best shops---$6 down to 75 cents. [illustration of WDC triangle trade mark} WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [illustration of a W D C pipe] Look at the lines of this one. They flow, a delight to the eye, from the rich brown of the genuine French Briar bowl, through the sterling sheen of the ring, to the jet black lustre of the vulcanite bit. NOTICE The Mathematical club of the University of Iowa will meet on Thursday, May 1, at 4:10 p. m. in room 222, physics hall. Professor Reilly will speak on "Computing the mean and standard deviation of a Frequency Distribution." All interested are cordially invited to attend. H. YOUNKIN PUBLISHER OF LONE TREE PAPER The Lone Tree Reporter published by W. H. Younkin has been turned over to his son, Howard W. Younkin, who has already assumed the managership, it has been announced. The Reporter has been located at Lone Tree for more than 25 years and is one of the most successful country newspapers in this section of the state. Howard Younkin, the new publisher and editor, has had ample experience in editorial work. He recently completed a course in the department of journalism at the State University of Iowa, and during that time he acted as reporter and associate editor of the Daily Iowan. He received his honorable discharge from the U. S. Marine corps three months ago. [advertisement] GARDEN Thursday & Friday KATHLEEN CLIFFORD in "ANGEL CHILD" Also a big 2-reel comedy [advertisement] The Exclusive Features of Newberg's Photographs Make them Popular NEWBERG'S STUDIO [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE [advertisement] [illustration of two women in formal attire walking together] [illustration of woman's shoe] [illustration of woman and soldier walking] BRIGHTER AND SMARTER STYLES THAN EVER Women's "MAXINE" Summer Styles at Krueger's. Of course the better way would be for you to come right to our store and see for yourself how stylish the new Summer styles really are, but till you can do so we want to say that they are real beauties. Plenty of styles to choose from---both in fabric and leather. Prices range from $3.50 upwards. KRUEGER BROS. BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE 108 So. Clinton St. [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 Friday, May 2 Saturday, May 3
Thursday, May 1, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Five SOCIETY AND PERSONAL MUSSETTER-CUNNINGHAM Announcement of the marriage of Beulah Mussetter, a student here last year and a member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority, to Glenn Cunningham was received in Iowa City yesterday. The marriage took place at the home of the bride in Victor, Iowa, at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, April 29. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham will make their home at Spirit Lake. Fern Chittenden, Gamma Phi Beta visited at her home in Victor this week. Clarence Wierks, pharmacy '18, assistant of one of the Schlegel drug stores at Davenport, is visiting at the Phi Delta Chi house. The Rev. Rowland Philbrook of Glenrock, Wyoming, a former student in the University, is visiting the Rev. Paul B. James, rector of Trinity church. Newman club meeting has been postponed until next week. Miss Josephine Weiss, who has been acting as dispensing pharmacist at the Methodist hospital in Des Moines since her graduation last spring, is ill at her home in the city. Pi Beta Phi celebrated Founder's day Monday evening by a banquet at Hotel Jefferson The Eel club will hold a meeting night at the men's gymnasium. Phi Delta Chi will entertain at a dinner dance at the Country club Friday. Dean Teeters and Prof. and Mrs. R. A. Kuever will be the chaperons. Apollo club will entertain at a dancing party at the Burkley Saturday. Prof. and Mrs. H. F. Wickham will chaperon. Alpha Tau Beta announces the pledging of Dorothy Robinson of Estherville and Laurel Isaac of Des Moines. Myrta Harlow of Albia is visiting her sister Cliffie, a senior, for a few days this week. Phi Alpha Delta, law fraternity, entertained at a luncheon at the Hotel Jefferson yesterday. Twenty-five members attended. The fraternity will entertain at a dancing party at the Burkley Friday. Prof. and Mrs. H. C. Horack and Mr. and Mrs. John R. King will be the chaperons. Harlow Hawthorne of Ames will visit here this week end and will attend the Alpha Delta Pi party Friday evening. Gladys Swain of Osceola will visit at the Alpha Delta Pi house this week end and will attend the party Friday. Tri-Delt will entertain at a house party this week end. There will be fourteen out of town guests. A May morning breakfast at the house and a dinner dance at the Hotel Jefferson will be the entertainments for Saturday. A dinner party will also be held at the house Sunday noon. CHARLTON, COBB AND DIDDY SEEK OFFICE Candidates for trustees of The Daily Iowan are circulating their petitions among the students. Several new candidates have entered the field since the first list came out. Keith Diddy, a junior, Clyde Charlton and Rodney Cobb, sophomores are the new candidates for a position. Petitions must be signed by twenty-five paid subscribers of the Daily Iowan, who are members of the class of the candidate. Three of the places on the board are held by faculty members and four by undergraduates. Petitions must be given to Dr. C. H. Weller, chairman of the board by Thursday night. The election will be held on May 15. LUNCHEON AT BURKLEY Sigma Delta Chi will hold a luncheon at the Burkley Imperial this noon in honor of W. Earl Hall, former editor of The Daily Iowan and ex-president of the Iowa College Press association, who leaves tomorrow to take up a position on the Milwaukee Journal. [advertisement] COMMENCEMENT SUITS AND TOP COATS $30 and upward Made to your Individual Measure by E. V. PRICE & CO. Clothes that invite the question WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? J. R. KEMPSTON Opposite Englert Theatre [advertisement] When you buy a pipe bearing the W D C trade-mark, you have the satisfaction of knowing that your money could not have bought a better pipe. The W D C is strictly American made. You can choose among a multitude of styles, sizes and grades at the best shops---$6 down to 75 cents. [illustration of WDC triangle trade mark} WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [illustration of a W D C pipe] Look at the lines of this one. They flow, a delight to the eye, from the rich brown of the genuine French Briar bowl, through the sterling sheen of the ring, to the jet black lustre of the vulcanite bit. NOTICE The Mathematical club of the University of Iowa will meet on Thursday, May 1, at 4:10 p. m. in room 222, physics hall. Professor Reilly will speak on "Computing the mean and standard deviation of a Frequency Distribution." All interested are cordially invited to attend. H. YOUNKIN PUBLISHER OF LONE TREE PAPER The Lone Tree Reporter published by W. H. Younkin has been turned over to his son, Howard W. Younkin, who has already assumed the managership, it has been announced. The Reporter has been located at Lone Tree for more than 25 years and is one of the most successful country newspapers in this section of the state. Howard Younkin, the new publisher and editor, has had ample experience in editorial work. He recently completed a course in the department of journalism at the State University of Iowa, and during that time he acted as reporter and associate editor of the Daily Iowan. He received his honorable discharge from the U. S. Marine corps three months ago. [advertisement] GARDEN Thursday & Friday KATHLEEN CLIFFORD in "ANGEL CHILD" Also a big 2-reel comedy [advertisement] The Exclusive Features of Newberg's Photographs Make them Popular NEWBERG'S STUDIO [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE [advertisement] [illustration of two women in formal attire walking together] [illustration of woman's shoe] [illustration of woman and soldier walking] BRIGHTER AND SMARTER STYLES THAN EVER Women's "MAXINE" Summer Styles at Krueger's. Of course the better way would be for you to come right to our store and see for yourself how stylish the new Summer styles really are, but till you can do so we want to say that they are real beauties. Plenty of styles to choose from---both in fabric and leather. Prices range from $3.50 upwards. KRUEGER BROS. BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE 108 So. Clinton St. [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 Friday, May 2 Saturday, May 3
Daily Iowan Newspapers