Daily Iowan, May 11, 1919
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war four times a week--Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday--by the Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Member Iowa College Press Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E.M. McEwen, E.S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office Hours--8.12; 1-6 daily. Room 1, L. A. Building Rowena Wellman-Managing Editor Associate Editor Ralph E. Overholser News Editor Eileen Galvin Exchange Editor Nancy Lamb Humorous editor M. Elizabeth Hendee Sports Editor Leon H. Brigham BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM--Business manager Edward Chamberlain--Advertising mgr. Telephone 935: Office Hours-3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came"--Lincoln. Night Editors Marian Dyer Ruth Rogers LIBRARY OR SCRIPTORIUM? Should a stranger enter our library he would be illusioned by the average student's seriousness of thought and study. He would find the student taking copious notes from stacks of volumes with machine-like precision. These notes, the copyist would tell the stranger, judged by quality and neatness, will get a grade. Surely it is folly to copy book after book and volume after volume to be thrown in the waste basket via the professor's desk. Not alone is it a waste of precious time and energy, but eventually it becomes mechanical and defeats the issue for which it was devised. Students become such apt copyists that they can easily carry on a conversation and weild a vigorous pen at the same instant. Many students can remark with sincerity "Rather lose my head than my notebook." Undue emphasis has been placed on notes and far too little on the student's knowledge. Professors are prone to base a student's intelligence on his ability to copy rather than his power to absorb. Fewer notes and more convolutions will be of greater value out in thte world of business. Bits of knowledge are worth notes on the whole library. Fair judgement on the part of faculty members can change our place of study from a scriptorium to a genuine library. MEDAL TO BE AWARDED A medal will be awarded by the Intercollegiate Conference athletic association at the next University convocation, to the student who is chosen by the University as having the most creditable record in scholarship and athletics. In a recent letter to President W. A. Jessup from Warren D. Howe, secretary of the association, the statement was made that the order for the conference medal for the University had been placed. Y. W. TO HAVE HOUSE PARTY The annual Y. W. C. A. house party will be held next week end, from May 16 to 18, at Linder's cottage. All old members of the cabinet, those who have been members and all of the new members will attend at least part of the time. The purpose of the house party is for cabinet training for the new cabinet members. Miss Agnes Hall, of the North Central field staff, will be a member of the house party. ---------------------------------- The Rev. H. S. Longley of Des Moines, bishop coadjutor of the diocese of Iowa, will visit Trinity Episcopal church tomorrow. He will preach and administer the sacrament of confirmation at 10:45 o'clock. SOCIETY AND PERSONAL JONES_BROWN Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Verl Brown of Centerville, Iowa, to Clyde E. Jones of Agency, Iowa. The marriage was solemnized in Chicago last March but has been kept secret by the bride and groom up to this time. Mr. Jones is a senior in the law college. He is a member of the Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity and also a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will make their home in Ottumwa where Mr. Jones will open up a law office about July 1. Mrs. Jones will stay at the home of her parents in Centerville until that time. Sigma Chi gave a dance at its chapter house last night. Dean and Mrs. D. O. McGovney were the chaperons. The Acacia fraternity will give its annual fouders' day banquet at the Jefferson Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Tisdale of West Union are visiting at the Delta Zeta house with Ruth Tisdale. Mary Anderson, the former Y. W. C. A. secretary here will reach New York May 15. She will come to Iowa City as soon as possible after her arrival in New York. Josephine Crawford, Chi Omega at Coe college, Cedar Rapids, is visiting at the Chi Omega house here. The cabinet examination for the new officers of the Y. W. C. A. will be held Monday afternoon at 4:30 in room 116 of the liberal arts building. Marie Cone, freshman, is ill at her home in Clinton. Sarah Hamilton, Delta Gamma, will entertain her father here this weekend. Prof. B. Shimek who has just returned from an Americanization convention at Des Moines, will speak on "The Immigration as an Asset in American Life" at Christian Endeavor at the Congregational church Sunday evening. Marcia de Bey, Kappa Kappa Gamma, is visiting at Bowman Hall in Mount Vernon. Helen Von Lockum, Tri-Delt, is spending the week end at her home in Fort Madison. Myrle Sinn, junior, is visiting with her brother at Atkins. Helen Von Lackum, Tri-Delt, is visiting at her home in Dysart. Emelia Zopf and Mildred Halverson are spending a few days at Morengo. _________________________ Two Things Essential to Good Soda Water ARE THE- "KNOW HOW" AND- BEST QUALITY MATERIALS THE COMBINATION OF THESE TWO THINGS IS WHAT MAKES OUR SODA WATER TASTE SO MUCH BETTER- Whetstones DRUG CO. ________________________ Verda Walter is spending the week end at her home in Tipton. Ensign Quintan Wood, who is attached to the naval air station at Pensacola, Florida, is spending the week end with his sisters, Ann and Beth Wood in this city. Ida Paule of Currier hall is visiting at Burlington this week end. Agnes knight, freshman, is spending the week at Estherville. Lillian Dethoff of Currier Hall will spend the week end at Muscatine. Minnie Ehlert, senior, is visiting at her home in Big Rock this week end. Venita Koch, Alpha Xi Delta, is visiting Lorene Byrnes this week end. Xi Psi Phi announces the pledging of W. J. Brucher of Le Mars. Beatrice Beam and Mary Rice are visiting in the Tri-cities this week end. JUNIOR PLAY PASSED UP Because of the unusual conditions this year the junior class will not present a play this year, but will put on an entertainment to take the place of the play. Ruth Haefner, home demonstrator for Johnson County, will speak at the Y. W. C. A. meeting in the liberal arts drawing room Wednesday at 4:30. There will be special music. Tea will be served at 4 in the Y. W. room BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Founded, 1859 JOHN H. WIGMORE, Dean ANNOUNCES That new students may enter at the beginning of the fourth term, June 19, 1919. Increase in requirement for Admission and Graduation Admission: After September 1, 1919, students entering for the first time will be required to submit proof of the satisfactory completion of three years college study. Graduation: Four years (or 36 months) of residence study is required, EXCEPT that students entering the Law School with a bachelor's degree representing a four-year course in an approved college, may complete the course in three years (or 27 months). For detailed information address the Secretary of the Law School Northwestern University Bldg., Lake and Dearborn Sts., Chicago, Ill. CHARACTER Our first-time customers repeat their performance. Keep coming back! We don't merely sell cigars--we strive to please your individual taste. Racine's Cigar Store and Billiard Parlor Prof. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson gave a reception Wednesday evening at their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Wilson who are visiting here. The University Players will hold meeting in the public speaking rooms in natural science Monday at 4:30 o'clock. Pastime Theatre TODAY TOMORROW See the picture that is turning away the crowds in every theater it is playing-- "The Turn in the Road" WITH AN ALL STAR CAST The critics say : --"This is one of the most beautiful and artistic screen production out this sprin." Why miss it? Also HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY--PATHE NEWS a great show--don't miss it Admission 10-20c OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also-- n' everything. We Starch Your Garments by the use of the most modern machinery. Our collar starcher carries your collars or cuffs between endless felt aprons, through a series of wooden rollers running a bath of hot liquid starch. In preparing this starch we use a very high grade of starch manufactured especially for the laundry trade and not sold at retail. By this method we insure superiority of work over that done at home, by the washerwoman. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294
PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war four times a week--Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday--by the Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Member Iowa College Press Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E.M. McEwen, E.S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office Hours--8.12; 1-6 daily. Room 1, L. A. Building Rowena Wellman-Managing Editor Associate Editor Ralph E. Overholser News Editor Eileen Galvin Exchange Editor Nancy Lamb Humorous editor M. Elizabeth Hendee Sports Editor Leon H. Brigham BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM--Business manager Edward Chamberlain--Advertising mgr. Telephone 935: Office Hours-3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came"--Lincoln. Night Editors Marian Dyer Ruth Rogers LIBRARY OR SCRIPTORIUM? Should a stranger enter our library he would be illusioned by the average student's seriousness of thought and study. He would find the student taking copious notes from stacks of volumes with machine-like precision. These notes, the copyist would tell the stranger, judged by quality and neatness, will get a grade. Surely it is folly to copy book after book and volume after volume to be thrown in the waste basket via the professor's desk. Not alone is it a waste of precious time and energy, but eventually it becomes mechanical and defeats the issue for which it was devised. Students become such apt copyists that they can easily carry on a conversation and weild a vigorous pen at the same instant. Many students can remark with sincerity "Rather lose my head than my notebook." Undue emphasis has been placed on notes and far too little on the student's knowledge. Professors are prone to base a student's intelligence on his ability to copy rather than his power to absorb. Fewer notes and more convolutions will be of greater value out in thte world of business. Bits of knowledge are worth notes on the whole library. Fair judgement on the part of faculty members can change our place of study from a scriptorium to a genuine library. MEDAL TO BE AWARDED A medal will be awarded by the Intercollegiate Conference athletic association at the next University convocation, to the student who is chosen by the University as having the most creditable record in scholarship and athletics. In a recent letter to President W. A. Jessup from Warren D. Howe, secretary of the association, the statement was made that the order for the conference medal for the University had been placed. Y. W. TO HAVE HOUSE PARTY The annual Y. W. C. A. house party will be held next week end, from May 16 to 18, at Linder's cottage. All old members of the cabinet, those who have been members and all of the new members will attend at least part of the time. The purpose of the house party is for cabinet training for the new cabinet members. Miss Agnes Hall, of the North Central field staff, will be a member of the house party. ---------------------------------- The Rev. H. S. Longley of Des Moines, bishop coadjutor of the diocese of Iowa, will visit Trinity Episcopal church tomorrow. He will preach and administer the sacrament of confirmation at 10:45 o'clock. SOCIETY AND PERSONAL JONES_BROWN Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Verl Brown of Centerville, Iowa, to Clyde E. Jones of Agency, Iowa. The marriage was solemnized in Chicago last March but has been kept secret by the bride and groom up to this time. Mr. Jones is a senior in the law college. He is a member of the Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity and also a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will make their home in Ottumwa where Mr. Jones will open up a law office about July 1. Mrs. Jones will stay at the home of her parents in Centerville until that time. Sigma Chi gave a dance at its chapter house last night. Dean and Mrs. D. O. McGovney were the chaperons. The Acacia fraternity will give its annual fouders' day banquet at the Jefferson Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Tisdale of West Union are visiting at the Delta Zeta house with Ruth Tisdale. Mary Anderson, the former Y. W. C. A. secretary here will reach New York May 15. She will come to Iowa City as soon as possible after her arrival in New York. Josephine Crawford, Chi Omega at Coe college, Cedar Rapids, is visiting at the Chi Omega house here. The cabinet examination for the new officers of the Y. W. C. A. will be held Monday afternoon at 4:30 in room 116 of the liberal arts building. Marie Cone, freshman, is ill at her home in Clinton. Sarah Hamilton, Delta Gamma, will entertain her father here this weekend. Prof. B. Shimek who has just returned from an Americanization convention at Des Moines, will speak on "The Immigration as an Asset in American Life" at Christian Endeavor at the Congregational church Sunday evening. Marcia de Bey, Kappa Kappa Gamma, is visiting at Bowman Hall in Mount Vernon. Helen Von Lockum, Tri-Delt, is spending the week end at her home in Fort Madison. Myrle Sinn, junior, is visiting with her brother at Atkins. Helen Von Lackum, Tri-Delt, is visiting at her home in Dysart. Emelia Zopf and Mildred Halverson are spending a few days at Morengo. _________________________ Two Things Essential to Good Soda Water ARE THE- "KNOW HOW" AND- BEST QUALITY MATERIALS THE COMBINATION OF THESE TWO THINGS IS WHAT MAKES OUR SODA WATER TASTE SO MUCH BETTER- Whetstones DRUG CO. ________________________ Verda Walter is spending the week end at her home in Tipton. Ensign Quintan Wood, who is attached to the naval air station at Pensacola, Florida, is spending the week end with his sisters, Ann and Beth Wood in this city. Ida Paule of Currier hall is visiting at Burlington this week end. Agnes knight, freshman, is spending the week at Estherville. Lillian Dethoff of Currier Hall will spend the week end at Muscatine. Minnie Ehlert, senior, is visiting at her home in Big Rock this week end. Venita Koch, Alpha Xi Delta, is visiting Lorene Byrnes this week end. Xi Psi Phi announces the pledging of W. J. Brucher of Le Mars. Beatrice Beam and Mary Rice are visiting in the Tri-cities this week end. JUNIOR PLAY PASSED UP Because of the unusual conditions this year the junior class will not present a play this year, but will put on an entertainment to take the place of the play. Ruth Haefner, home demonstrator for Johnson County, will speak at the Y. W. C. A. meeting in the liberal arts drawing room Wednesday at 4:30. There will be special music. Tea will be served at 4 in the Y. W. room BANNER DAIRY LUNCH Offers you Wholesome Meals at Reasonable Prices 11 South Dubuque Street NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Founded, 1859 JOHN H. WIGMORE, Dean ANNOUNCES That new students may enter at the beginning of the fourth term, June 19, 1919. Increase in requirement for Admission and Graduation Admission: After September 1, 1919, students entering for the first time will be required to submit proof of the satisfactory completion of three years college study. Graduation: Four years (or 36 months) of residence study is required, EXCEPT that students entering the Law School with a bachelor's degree representing a four-year course in an approved college, may complete the course in three years (or 27 months). For detailed information address the Secretary of the Law School Northwestern University Bldg., Lake and Dearborn Sts., Chicago, Ill. CHARACTER Our first-time customers repeat their performance. Keep coming back! We don't merely sell cigars--we strive to please your individual taste. Racine's Cigar Store and Billiard Parlor Prof. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson gave a reception Wednesday evening at their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Wilson who are visiting here. The University Players will hold meeting in the public speaking rooms in natural science Monday at 4:30 o'clock. Pastime Theatre TODAY TOMORROW See the picture that is turning away the crowds in every theater it is playing-- "The Turn in the Road" WITH AN ALL STAR CAST The critics say : --"This is one of the most beautiful and artistic screen production out this sprin." Why miss it? Also HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY--PATHE NEWS a great show--don't miss it Admission 10-20c OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also-- n' everything. We Starch Your Garments by the use of the most modern machinery. Our collar starcher carries your collars or cuffs between endless felt aprons, through a series of wooden rollers running a bath of hot liquid starch. In preparing this starch we use a very high grade of starch manufactured especially for the laundry trade and not sold at retail. By this method we insure superiority of work over that done at home, by the washerwoman. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294
Daily Iowan Newspapers