Daily Iowan, May 15, 1919
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII-NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1919 NUMBER 100 HAWKEYES TO MEET CORNELL NINE ON IOWA FIELD TODAY Iowa Squad Shows Good Form in Final Practice Yesterday Afternoon HAMILTON ON MOUND DUTY Jones is Preparing Team for Big Conference Games with Notre Dame and Michigan Stiff competition from Cornell is promised for the Hawkeye baseball team when the nine crosses bats with the Methodists at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon on Iowa field. After a final practice yesterday on a fast diamond in which the squad showed snappy work from first to last, Coach Jone's athletes are ready to step in and take the measure of the Mt. Vernonites. Coach Jones has not announced his choice for slab city for today, nt (?) Hamilton is generally conceded to be the lad who will do the Hawkeye hurling. The big pitcher's record for the year assures the Cornellians of some stiff slants, especially as he is in rare form after a week of warm weather. It is believed that Coach Jones plans today's game to keep Hamilton going at top speed, after which he will gave a rest until the Michigan encounter. Belding and McIlree will be held for use against Notre Dame on Saturday. Except for Goodwin at second base the Iowa lineup which will face Cornell is expected to be the same as went up against Illinois Saturday. After the Cornell game this afternoon the Hawkeyes will center all their efforts upon defeating Notre Dame and Michigan, two strong teams which invade Iowa field on Saturday and Monday. In order to have a strong claim to the state title it will be necessary to defeat the Cornellians, but the Iowa standing in the conference and middle west will be greatly elevated by victories over the Catholics and the Wolverines.. The Illini team defeated Purdue 9(?) to 0 on Tuesday and are now second to Michigan in conference standing, Iowa having dropped to third place. More Big Ten victories are needed to put the Hawkeyes back in the lead, and Captain Brown and his crew are thirsting for another chance to improve their standing in the big circuit. IOWA LEGION IN MEETING "Bob" Shaw Former Iowa Student Makes Address The Iowa Legion met in natural science auditorium at seven o'clock last night for the election of officers and the consideration of by-laws. "Bob" Shaw, former Iowa student, at present commandant of the R. O. T. C. at Coe college spoke on the national meeting of the legion in St. Louis last week and the actions taken at that meeting. DODGE TO WASHINGTON Prof. H. L. Dodge has gone to Washington, D. C. where he expects to remain about eight weeks collecting material in physics for the committee on education and special training. This material will be used in the work of instruction in physics in the R. O. T. C. RADIO STATION NOW IN WORKING ORDER The radio station in the physics building has again been connected up and is now receiving messages as it did previous to the United States' entrance into the war. Shortly after war was declared, the University radio station was dismantled, according to orders issued from Washington, and has not been in use since. On April 15, notice was received to the effect that, although as yet no sending stations could be put up, receiving stations could be re-established. Last week the receiving station was set up, and it will soon be connected permanently and fixed so that different types of receiving apparatus can be used. SIGMA DELTA CHI HOST AT BANQUET Journalistic Fraternity Entertains Theta Sigma Pi at Jefferson Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraternity, entertained the members of the Theta Sigma Pi, the professional journalistic sorority, at a banquet at the Hotel Jefferson Tuesday night. Previous to the banquet Cyril Upham, Warren Bassett, and S. E. Carroll, editor of the Daily Press, were initiated into Sigma Delto Chi at the A. T. O. house. W. Keith Hamill, senior in the law college, was toast master. The program of toasts was as follows: "Welcome Theta Sigma Phi," by Prof. Frank Thayer, acting head of the journalism department; "Thank U, Sigma Delta Chi," by Marian Dyer; "An Editor with a 'tress'," by Mildred Whitcomb, editor of the Daily Iowan; "A Neophyte with a Ph. D." by Cyril Upham. Harold Chamberlin, former business manager of the Iowan, and recently returned from France concluded the toast program with "Scoops from France." Special mention was made of Homer Roland, former editor of The Daily Iowan, and a member of Sigma Delta Chi, who died in France several months ago. HELEN BENNETT TO SPEAK She Will Interview Women Attending Summer Conference Women attending the summer conference beginning the morning after graduation day will be given an opportunity to hear and talk with Helen Bennett, director of the Collegiate Bureau of Occupations for Women at Chicago. From her experience in placing many college women in positions suited to their ability and inclination, Miss Bennett will speak of the necessity for college women to find where they "fit in." Her visit will especially benefit women who feel they are "square pegs in round holes." University women, unable to choose a vocation, may be able to crystallize their ambitions after a discussion of openings for college women with Miss Bennett who is an authority on the topic. Dr. Henry Morrow has been elected to the chair of dental surgery at the American university at Beaune, where 20,000 American men are receiving instruction. A F. I. ELECTS MEN FROM JUNIOR CLASS FOR COMING YEAR Honorary Senior Society for Men Chooses Twelve Members from Juniors EMBODIES SPIRIT OF IOWA Organization Seeks Representative Men Who Work for Interest of School Twelve representative Iowa men were elected into A. F. I. at the meeting of that organization last night. A. F. I. is composed of seniors in the University who are especially active in different forms of endeavor, such as athletics, dramatics, and all forms of University activities. The juniors elected who will serve next year are: Robert Aurner of Iowa City Leon Brigham of Iowa City Lawrence Block of Davenport Roy D. Burns of Larchwood Edward Chamberlin of Iowa City Dwight Ensign of Iowa City Frederick Lohman of Fort Madison Don Nasby of Bode Leo G. Nicolaus of Wilton Junction Ralph E. Overholser of Sibley Arthur G. Pyles of Marshalltown Hugh Rosson of Des Moines. Election to A. F. I. is one of the highest honors conferred on senior men in the University. The society was founded in 1915. It has been active in promoting student government, mass meetings, and all things making for the general advancement of Iowa spirit. It is self perpetuating. The seniors of this year who are members of A. F. I are: Homer Brown, Albert Wilcox, Ronald Reed, Harold Rigler, Harry Ehred, Ray Stewart, Glenn Greenwood, Clifford Berrien, Marc Mullaney, Stewart Holmes, J. Mel Hickerson, D. Richard Young. EVERY BODY OUT Everybody out. The biggest mass meeting of the year will be held east of the liberal arts building Friday evening at 7:15 o'clock. The occasion is on the eve of the track meet with Ames and the baseball game with Notre Dame. Both events will be played on Iowa field Saturday afternoon. Professor Lauer will preside. The University band will play. The meeting is under the auspices of A. F. I. Hit the stride, everybody out. CONGREGATIONAL MEN GIVE STUDENT DINNER ,Congregational young men of the University are invited to the Conference house tomorrow evening from 6 to 8 o'clock to enjoy a few hours of fellowship and dinner with the men of the Congregational church. A similar meeting for the women and girls of the church was held last Friday. The toast program will be in charge of Prof. G. W. T. Patrick and Prof. C. H. Weller, H. H. Stewart, William Bockhoven, and Albert Wilcox will give toasts. The Hawkeye board will meet this afternoon at 5 o'clock in room 11 L. A. SENIOR MIXER HELD SATURDAY EVENING Every senior in every college in the University will have an opportunity to meet his fellow classmen at the senior mixer in the Women's gymnasium, at 7:30 Saturday night, May 17. Marcus Mullany, chairman of the organizations committee is busy with arrangements for the evening's events. Program numbers include a talk by President Jessup, a vocal solo by Florence Pascoe, a speech by the class president of the law school, Clyde Jones, on "Our Work as Alumni," and music by a male quartette composed of Harold Rigler, N. E. Simpson, Roy Mayne, and Marcus Mullany. Light refreshments will be served and there will be general dancing. DATE FOR HAWKEYES DELIVERY DELAYED May 24 is Date Set By Printers for the Shipment of Book. Other Annuals Late Hawkeyes will be out May 24. They would have been out May 15, but due to cuts which were lost between the Engraver's and the Printer's and were later found, the delivery date is delayed until May 24. The date of delivery is later than usual, but on account of conditions this past-year is unavoidable. The Editor-in-chief and business manager who were elected in June went into service, and the places were not filled until December. Work on the Hawkeye was not started on account of this until two months later than usual. The annuals of the other colleges of Iowa are later than usual, also. The Ames and Grinnell annuals which are printed here at the Economy Printing company will not be out until the first of June. PROTESTS TO MINNESOTA Iowa Athletic Director Demands Points for Mile Relay Formal protest to Minnesota athletic officials over failure to include the mile relay in the contested events at the Minnesota-Iowa dual meet at Minneapolis last Saturday has been made by Athletic Director Howard H. Jones. Director Jones alleges that inasmuch as the mile relay was an announced and scheduled event for the meet it should have been run off and that Iowa is entitled to five points on a forfeit of the race by Minnesota. The Hawkeyes took a mile relay team to Minneapolis and were ready to run off the event but the Gophers refused to run or to allow the score to Iowa by virtue of their failure to compete, even though the contract for the meet called for inclusion of the relay. Although Iowa students and track followers generally are greatly dissatisfied with decisions at the meet as made by the officials in charge, no protest is being made over the loss of the hundred and 220 yard dashes. Chaperons for Varsity at Co. A hall Friday evening will be Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson. Saturday evening the chaperones will be Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Van Doren and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hands. VOTE FOR TRUSTEES OF IOWAN TODAY BY CLIPPING BALLOTS All Ballots Must Be in Boxes at 11 L. A. or at Whetstones Before 6 p.m. Today SUBSCRIBERS MAY VOTE Six Sophomores and Three Juniors are Seeking Office on Iowan Board Six sophomores and three juniors are candidates for the office of Iowan trustee next year. Each subscriber to the Iowan will have the power to vote. Organizations, such as fraternities or sororities, which take more than one paper, are entitled to as many votes as they have paid up subscriptions. Each voter will vote for one senior trustee and for two junior trustees. The voter must sign his or her name to each ballot as these names will be checked up with the mailing list. The ballot will be found on the first page of this issue of the Iowan. All ballots must be deposited in the boxes in the room 11 L. A. or at Whetstones before 6:00 p. m. today. OFFICIAL BALLOT For Trustees of The Daily Iowan May 15, 1919 Vote for one senior trustee: MARIAN DYER EILEEN H. GALVIN RUTH HUNTINGTON Vote for two junior trustees: CLYDE B. CHARLTON RODNEY F. COBB NANCY LAMB DOROTHY LINGHAM KENNETH C. NOBLE EARL W. WELLS Name of Voter..................... (Organizations taking several sub scriptions are entitled to as many votes as they have subscriptions. Sign to each ballot name of organization or of president.) Deposit ballot in ballot boxes at 11 L. A. or at Whetstone's before 6:00 p. m. today. MATHEMATICAL CLUB TO MEET The mathematical club will meet this afternoon at 4:10 in room 222 Physics building. R. B. McClenon, professor of mathematics at Grinnell college, will speak on "Some Applications of Differential Equations." All interested are cordially invited. Chaperons at the dance at the Reichardt pavilion Friday evening will be Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Whinnery.
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII-NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1919 NUMBER 100 HAWKEYES TO MEET CORNELL NINE ON IOWA FIELD TODAY Iowa Squad Shows Good Form in Final Practice Yesterday Afternoon HAMILTON ON MOUND DUTY Jones is Preparing Team for Big Conference Games with Notre Dame and Michigan Stiff competition from Cornell is promised for the Hawkeye baseball team when the nine crosses bats with the Methodists at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon on Iowa field. After a final practice yesterday on a fast diamond in which the squad showed snappy work from first to last, Coach Jone's athletes are ready to step in and take the measure of the Mt. Vernonites. Coach Jones has not announced his choice for slab city for today, nt (?) Hamilton is generally conceded to be the lad who will do the Hawkeye hurling. The big pitcher's record for the year assures the Cornellians of some stiff slants, especially as he is in rare form after a week of warm weather. It is believed that Coach Jones plans today's game to keep Hamilton going at top speed, after which he will gave a rest until the Michigan encounter. Belding and McIlree will be held for use against Notre Dame on Saturday. Except for Goodwin at second base the Iowa lineup which will face Cornell is expected to be the same as went up against Illinois Saturday. After the Cornell game this afternoon the Hawkeyes will center all their efforts upon defeating Notre Dame and Michigan, two strong teams which invade Iowa field on Saturday and Monday. In order to have a strong claim to the state title it will be necessary to defeat the Cornellians, but the Iowa standing in the conference and middle west will be greatly elevated by victories over the Catholics and the Wolverines.. The Illini team defeated Purdue 9(?) to 0 on Tuesday and are now second to Michigan in conference standing, Iowa having dropped to third place. More Big Ten victories are needed to put the Hawkeyes back in the lead, and Captain Brown and his crew are thirsting for another chance to improve their standing in the big circuit. IOWA LEGION IN MEETING "Bob" Shaw Former Iowa Student Makes Address The Iowa Legion met in natural science auditorium at seven o'clock last night for the election of officers and the consideration of by-laws. "Bob" Shaw, former Iowa student, at present commandant of the R. O. T. C. at Coe college spoke on the national meeting of the legion in St. Louis last week and the actions taken at that meeting. DODGE TO WASHINGTON Prof. H. L. Dodge has gone to Washington, D. C. where he expects to remain about eight weeks collecting material in physics for the committee on education and special training. This material will be used in the work of instruction in physics in the R. O. T. C. RADIO STATION NOW IN WORKING ORDER The radio station in the physics building has again been connected up and is now receiving messages as it did previous to the United States' entrance into the war. Shortly after war was declared, the University radio station was dismantled, according to orders issued from Washington, and has not been in use since. On April 15, notice was received to the effect that, although as yet no sending stations could be put up, receiving stations could be re-established. Last week the receiving station was set up, and it will soon be connected permanently and fixed so that different types of receiving apparatus can be used. SIGMA DELTA CHI HOST AT BANQUET Journalistic Fraternity Entertains Theta Sigma Pi at Jefferson Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraternity, entertained the members of the Theta Sigma Pi, the professional journalistic sorority, at a banquet at the Hotel Jefferson Tuesday night. Previous to the banquet Cyril Upham, Warren Bassett, and S. E. Carroll, editor of the Daily Press, were initiated into Sigma Delto Chi at the A. T. O. house. W. Keith Hamill, senior in the law college, was toast master. The program of toasts was as follows: "Welcome Theta Sigma Phi," by Prof. Frank Thayer, acting head of the journalism department; "Thank U, Sigma Delta Chi," by Marian Dyer; "An Editor with a 'tress'," by Mildred Whitcomb, editor of the Daily Iowan; "A Neophyte with a Ph. D." by Cyril Upham. Harold Chamberlin, former business manager of the Iowan, and recently returned from France concluded the toast program with "Scoops from France." Special mention was made of Homer Roland, former editor of The Daily Iowan, and a member of Sigma Delta Chi, who died in France several months ago. HELEN BENNETT TO SPEAK She Will Interview Women Attending Summer Conference Women attending the summer conference beginning the morning after graduation day will be given an opportunity to hear and talk with Helen Bennett, director of the Collegiate Bureau of Occupations for Women at Chicago. From her experience in placing many college women in positions suited to their ability and inclination, Miss Bennett will speak of the necessity for college women to find where they "fit in." Her visit will especially benefit women who feel they are "square pegs in round holes." University women, unable to choose a vocation, may be able to crystallize their ambitions after a discussion of openings for college women with Miss Bennett who is an authority on the topic. Dr. Henry Morrow has been elected to the chair of dental surgery at the American university at Beaune, where 20,000 American men are receiving instruction. A F. I. ELECTS MEN FROM JUNIOR CLASS FOR COMING YEAR Honorary Senior Society for Men Chooses Twelve Members from Juniors EMBODIES SPIRIT OF IOWA Organization Seeks Representative Men Who Work for Interest of School Twelve representative Iowa men were elected into A. F. I. at the meeting of that organization last night. A. F. I. is composed of seniors in the University who are especially active in different forms of endeavor, such as athletics, dramatics, and all forms of University activities. The juniors elected who will serve next year are: Robert Aurner of Iowa City Leon Brigham of Iowa City Lawrence Block of Davenport Roy D. Burns of Larchwood Edward Chamberlin of Iowa City Dwight Ensign of Iowa City Frederick Lohman of Fort Madison Don Nasby of Bode Leo G. Nicolaus of Wilton Junction Ralph E. Overholser of Sibley Arthur G. Pyles of Marshalltown Hugh Rosson of Des Moines. Election to A. F. I. is one of the highest honors conferred on senior men in the University. The society was founded in 1915. It has been active in promoting student government, mass meetings, and all things making for the general advancement of Iowa spirit. It is self perpetuating. The seniors of this year who are members of A. F. I are: Homer Brown, Albert Wilcox, Ronald Reed, Harold Rigler, Harry Ehred, Ray Stewart, Glenn Greenwood, Clifford Berrien, Marc Mullaney, Stewart Holmes, J. Mel Hickerson, D. Richard Young. EVERY BODY OUT Everybody out. The biggest mass meeting of the year will be held east of the liberal arts building Friday evening at 7:15 o'clock. The occasion is on the eve of the track meet with Ames and the baseball game with Notre Dame. Both events will be played on Iowa field Saturday afternoon. Professor Lauer will preside. The University band will play. The meeting is under the auspices of A. F. I. Hit the stride, everybody out. CONGREGATIONAL MEN GIVE STUDENT DINNER ,Congregational young men of the University are invited to the Conference house tomorrow evening from 6 to 8 o'clock to enjoy a few hours of fellowship and dinner with the men of the Congregational church. A similar meeting for the women and girls of the church was held last Friday. The toast program will be in charge of Prof. G. W. T. Patrick and Prof. C. H. Weller, H. H. Stewart, William Bockhoven, and Albert Wilcox will give toasts. The Hawkeye board will meet this afternoon at 5 o'clock in room 11 L. A. SENIOR MIXER HELD SATURDAY EVENING Every senior in every college in the University will have an opportunity to meet his fellow classmen at the senior mixer in the Women's gymnasium, at 7:30 Saturday night, May 17. Marcus Mullany, chairman of the organizations committee is busy with arrangements for the evening's events. Program numbers include a talk by President Jessup, a vocal solo by Florence Pascoe, a speech by the class president of the law school, Clyde Jones, on "Our Work as Alumni," and music by a male quartette composed of Harold Rigler, N. E. Simpson, Roy Mayne, and Marcus Mullany. Light refreshments will be served and there will be general dancing. DATE FOR HAWKEYES DELIVERY DELAYED May 24 is Date Set By Printers for the Shipment of Book. Other Annuals Late Hawkeyes will be out May 24. They would have been out May 15, but due to cuts which were lost between the Engraver's and the Printer's and were later found, the delivery date is delayed until May 24. The date of delivery is later than usual, but on account of conditions this past-year is unavoidable. The Editor-in-chief and business manager who were elected in June went into service, and the places were not filled until December. Work on the Hawkeye was not started on account of this until two months later than usual. The annuals of the other colleges of Iowa are later than usual, also. The Ames and Grinnell annuals which are printed here at the Economy Printing company will not be out until the first of June. PROTESTS TO MINNESOTA Iowa Athletic Director Demands Points for Mile Relay Formal protest to Minnesota athletic officials over failure to include the mile relay in the contested events at the Minnesota-Iowa dual meet at Minneapolis last Saturday has been made by Athletic Director Howard H. Jones. Director Jones alleges that inasmuch as the mile relay was an announced and scheduled event for the meet it should have been run off and that Iowa is entitled to five points on a forfeit of the race by Minnesota. The Hawkeyes took a mile relay team to Minneapolis and were ready to run off the event but the Gophers refused to run or to allow the score to Iowa by virtue of their failure to compete, even though the contract for the meet called for inclusion of the relay. Although Iowa students and track followers generally are greatly dissatisfied with decisions at the meet as made by the officials in charge, no protest is being made over the loss of the hundred and 220 yard dashes. Chaperons for Varsity at Co. A hall Friday evening will be Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson. Saturday evening the chaperones will be Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Van Doren and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hands. VOTE FOR TRUSTEES OF IOWAN TODAY BY CLIPPING BALLOTS All Ballots Must Be in Boxes at 11 L. A. or at Whetstones Before 6 p.m. Today SUBSCRIBERS MAY VOTE Six Sophomores and Three Juniors are Seeking Office on Iowan Board Six sophomores and three juniors are candidates for the office of Iowan trustee next year. Each subscriber to the Iowan will have the power to vote. Organizations, such as fraternities or sororities, which take more than one paper, are entitled to as many votes as they have paid up subscriptions. Each voter will vote for one senior trustee and for two junior trustees. The voter must sign his or her name to each ballot as these names will be checked up with the mailing list. The ballot will be found on the first page of this issue of the Iowan. All ballots must be deposited in the boxes in the room 11 L. A. or at Whetstones before 6:00 p. m. today. OFFICIAL BALLOT For Trustees of The Daily Iowan May 15, 1919 Vote for one senior trustee: MARIAN DYER EILEEN H. GALVIN RUTH HUNTINGTON Vote for two junior trustees: CLYDE B. CHARLTON RODNEY F. COBB NANCY LAMB DOROTHY LINGHAM KENNETH C. NOBLE EARL W. WELLS Name of Voter..................... (Organizations taking several sub scriptions are entitled to as many votes as they have subscriptions. Sign to each ballot name of organization or of president.) Deposit ballot in ballot boxes at 11 L. A. or at Whetstone's before 6:00 p. m. today. MATHEMATICAL CLUB TO MEET The mathematical club will meet this afternoon at 4:10 in room 222 Physics building. R. B. McClenon, professor of mathematics at Grinnell college, will speak on "Some Applications of Differential Equations." All interested are cordially invited. Chaperons at the dance at the Reichardt pavilion Friday evening will be Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Whinnery.
Daily Iowan Newspapers