Daily Iowan, May 17, 1919
Page 6
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Saturday, May 17, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. tf WANTED--Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. WANTED--Experienced cook for outing club at Clear Lake, Iowa. Season opens June 20. Good salary. Verno L. Truman, Vinton, Iowa. LOST--Gold fountain pen without cap, with initials O. S. M. Finder please return to Daily Iowan office. tf LOST--Delta Gamma pin. Return to 605 E. Burlington. 101 LOST OR TAKEN BY MISTAKE--Note book with valuable medical notes. Please return notes at once to W. H. Watters. 101 LOST--A gold-chained rosary in N. S. building. Finder please return to Iowan office. 100 LOST--A Phi Psi pin. Finder please call 1147 103 LOST--Large Shaefer fountain pen with clip, May 8. Return to Iowan office. 103 LOST--Bunch of keys between medical building and down town. Call black 409. 103 LOST--Sigma Chi pin. Call 1146. Reward offered. LOST--Phi Delta Kappa pin. Finder phone 1498. reward. SOCIETY AND PERSONAL All senior women invited to lawn party 3:30 to 5:30 at Currier Hall Saturday. Delta Sigma Delta will dance at the Country club Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Blackman and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Coast will be the chaperons. Essie Atwood, Anna Hobbet, and Sadie Clapper, Chi Omegas, spent a few days at Des Moines this week. Margaret Brown, Tri-Delt, is spending the week end at her home in Sigourney. Frances Schlatter and PAuline Dodge are visiting at the Schlatter home in Bellevue. Catherine Moore of Currier hall is visiting Marie Rubelman, a sophomore here last year, at Lone Tree. Florence Van Meter, freshman, is spending the week end at her home in Tipton. Mary Pazdera and Marie Wicke are spending the week end at their homes in Cedar Rapids. Mildred Kelly is visiting at her home in Wapello. Myrle Sinn, junior, is visiting at her home in Williamsburg. Alta Santee is visiting at her home in Cedar Falls. Rodney F. Cobb and Willis D. Nutting are spending the week end in Davenport. The Research club dined at the Commercial club rooms Thursday evening. Virginia Harper of Davenport is visiting Mrs. Frederic Leopold at the Delta Gamma house. Reed Drummond of Davenport is a guest at the Sigma Nu house. G. C. Applebee, a former student here, is now an instructor in chemistry at La Grange college, La Grange Missouri. Frank L. Abbott of Afton, Iowa is visiting D. K. Maneely. Mr. Abbott has just returned from France. Sadie Clapper, Anne Hobbet and Essie Atwood, Chi Omegas, are visiting in Des Moines. Edyth Petesch and Mary Nicholson of Ames visited a few days at the Tri-Delt house. Sallie Hamilton, Delta Gamma, is entertaining her father, of Fort Madison, for a few days this week. Margaret Dow of Winterset visited Ruth and Marion Smith at the Tri-Delt house over the week end. Don Nasby has been entertaining his mother, of Bode, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dancer returned yesterday afternoon to their home in Lamoni. Mr. Dancer is considering entering the University next fall to take an advanced degree. He received his B. A. from Iowa in 1917. Mrs. Dancer will be remembered as Florence Messerli. Ruth Burnham, senior in the college of pharmacy, has accepted a position with Boysen's Drug company in Cedar Rapids. VALDES' DEGREE GRANTED The degree of bachelor of arts has been granted to Juan J. Valdez of Filipino, who died May 4. He would have received his degree at the next convocation, and lacked only a few credits of the required number when he died. It was his wish that the degree be granted and sent to his parents after his death. In response to his desire, the executive committee of the University has taken this action. Y. W. CABINET GIVES PARTY Annual House Party being Held at Linder's Cottage The Y. W. C. A. cabinet house party is being held this week end at Linder's cottage. It is for all girls who have ever been on the Y. W. C. A. cabinet. Miss Agnes M. Hall, student secretary of the North Central field came Friday to attend the house party, and will stay until the first of next week. On Saturday afternoon the plans for the next year's work will be made, and the committees will report. Saturday night will be stunt night and about thirty-five are expected to take part. The advisory board will be out for a picnic supper Saturday night. Sunday morning services will be held by the river. Miss Hall will talk, and music will be given by a quartet. About fifty cabinet members or former cabinet members are expected to be present at the house party. The most of them will return Sunday night or Monday morning. Nadine Cain, Tri-Delt, is visiting at her home in Colfax this week end. Theta Sigma Phi will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Grace Partridge Smith Thursday evening. [advertisement] On every outing-- KODAK And let us finish your films when you return. HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. COLLEGE [advertisement]Princess Candy Kitchen Home-Made Candy Ice Cream Lunches "The Cleanest Kitchen in Iowa City" according to the Government Inspector last fall. [advertisement] We Starch Your Garments by the use of the most modern machinery. Our collar starcher carries your collars of cuffs between endless felt aprons, through a series of wooden rollers running a bath of hot liquid starch. In preparing this starch we use a very high grade of starch manufactured especially for the laundry trade and not sold at retail. By this method we insure superiority of work over that done at home, by the washerwoman. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 [advertisement] AN UNUSUAL SILK DRESS EVENT TODAY Women who heretofore refrained from buying a silk dress this season are enabled, through this special SILK DRESS EVENT to gratify their taste for up-to-the-minute styles at prices that will surprise them because of wonderful values. Beautiful New Taffeta, Crepe-de-Chine and Satin Dresses, a splendid assortment of colors and sizes, dresses that sold form $20.00 to $30.00, Today choose at-- $15.00 Just think of it--This is but little more than the price of a dress made of gingham or percale. GEORGETTE DRESSES OF BEAUTY Today choose from an assortment of plain and figured Georgette Dresses at-- $25.00 Dresses that sold earlier up to $35.00. We are sure that you will concede that nothing you have seen this season compares with this offering for value giving. We'll expect you today. Yetter's THE BIG STORE [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA--THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [advertisement] T. Dell Kelley Tailoring, Cleaning Repairing and Pressing FINE WORK IN LADIES' GARMENTS PHONE 17 211 E. College St. [advertisement] OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also--n'everything.
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Saturday, May 17, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--Phi Delta Theta pin, Friday night. Return to Iowan office. tf WANTED--Several men for general work in brick and tile factory, Sheffield, Iowa. Good wages by the hour and lots of piece work. Steady work. WANTED--Experienced cook for outing club at Clear Lake, Iowa. Season opens June 20. Good salary. Verno L. Truman, Vinton, Iowa. LOST--Gold fountain pen without cap, with initials O. S. M. Finder please return to Daily Iowan office. tf LOST--Delta Gamma pin. Return to 605 E. Burlington. 101 LOST OR TAKEN BY MISTAKE--Note book with valuable medical notes. Please return notes at once to W. H. Watters. 101 LOST--A gold-chained rosary in N. S. building. Finder please return to Iowan office. 100 LOST--A Phi Psi pin. Finder please call 1147 103 LOST--Large Shaefer fountain pen with clip, May 8. Return to Iowan office. 103 LOST--Bunch of keys between medical building and down town. Call black 409. 103 LOST--Sigma Chi pin. Call 1146. Reward offered. LOST--Phi Delta Kappa pin. Finder phone 1498. reward. SOCIETY AND PERSONAL All senior women invited to lawn party 3:30 to 5:30 at Currier Hall Saturday. Delta Sigma Delta will dance at the Country club Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Blackman and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Coast will be the chaperons. Essie Atwood, Anna Hobbet, and Sadie Clapper, Chi Omegas, spent a few days at Des Moines this week. Margaret Brown, Tri-Delt, is spending the week end at her home in Sigourney. Frances Schlatter and PAuline Dodge are visiting at the Schlatter home in Bellevue. Catherine Moore of Currier hall is visiting Marie Rubelman, a sophomore here last year, at Lone Tree. Florence Van Meter, freshman, is spending the week end at her home in Tipton. Mary Pazdera and Marie Wicke are spending the week end at their homes in Cedar Rapids. Mildred Kelly is visiting at her home in Wapello. Myrle Sinn, junior, is visiting at her home in Williamsburg. Alta Santee is visiting at her home in Cedar Falls. Rodney F. Cobb and Willis D. Nutting are spending the week end in Davenport. The Research club dined at the Commercial club rooms Thursday evening. Virginia Harper of Davenport is visiting Mrs. Frederic Leopold at the Delta Gamma house. Reed Drummond of Davenport is a guest at the Sigma Nu house. G. C. Applebee, a former student here, is now an instructor in chemistry at La Grange college, La Grange Missouri. Frank L. Abbott of Afton, Iowa is visiting D. K. Maneely. Mr. Abbott has just returned from France. Sadie Clapper, Anne Hobbet and Essie Atwood, Chi Omegas, are visiting in Des Moines. Edyth Petesch and Mary Nicholson of Ames visited a few days at the Tri-Delt house. Sallie Hamilton, Delta Gamma, is entertaining her father, of Fort Madison, for a few days this week. Margaret Dow of Winterset visited Ruth and Marion Smith at the Tri-Delt house over the week end. Don Nasby has been entertaining his mother, of Bode, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dancer returned yesterday afternoon to their home in Lamoni. Mr. Dancer is considering entering the University next fall to take an advanced degree. He received his B. A. from Iowa in 1917. Mrs. Dancer will be remembered as Florence Messerli. Ruth Burnham, senior in the college of pharmacy, has accepted a position with Boysen's Drug company in Cedar Rapids. VALDES' DEGREE GRANTED The degree of bachelor of arts has been granted to Juan J. Valdez of Filipino, who died May 4. He would have received his degree at the next convocation, and lacked only a few credits of the required number when he died. It was his wish that the degree be granted and sent to his parents after his death. In response to his desire, the executive committee of the University has taken this action. Y. W. CABINET GIVES PARTY Annual House Party being Held at Linder's Cottage The Y. W. C. A. cabinet house party is being held this week end at Linder's cottage. It is for all girls who have ever been on the Y. W. C. A. cabinet. Miss Agnes M. Hall, student secretary of the North Central field came Friday to attend the house party, and will stay until the first of next week. On Saturday afternoon the plans for the next year's work will be made, and the committees will report. Saturday night will be stunt night and about thirty-five are expected to take part. The advisory board will be out for a picnic supper Saturday night. Sunday morning services will be held by the river. Miss Hall will talk, and music will be given by a quartet. About fifty cabinet members or former cabinet members are expected to be present at the house party. The most of them will return Sunday night or Monday morning. Nadine Cain, Tri-Delt, is visiting at her home in Colfax this week end. Theta Sigma Phi will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Grace Partridge Smith Thursday evening. [advertisement] On every outing-- KODAK And let us finish your films when you return. HENRY LOUIS The Rexall Store 124 E. COLLEGE [advertisement]Princess Candy Kitchen Home-Made Candy Ice Cream Lunches "The Cleanest Kitchen in Iowa City" according to the Government Inspector last fall. [advertisement] We Starch Your Garments by the use of the most modern machinery. Our collar starcher carries your collars of cuffs between endless felt aprons, through a series of wooden rollers running a bath of hot liquid starch. In preparing this starch we use a very high grade of starch manufactured especially for the laundry trade and not sold at retail. By this method we insure superiority of work over that done at home, by the washerwoman. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 [advertisement] AN UNUSUAL SILK DRESS EVENT TODAY Women who heretofore refrained from buying a silk dress this season are enabled, through this special SILK DRESS EVENT to gratify their taste for up-to-the-minute styles at prices that will surprise them because of wonderful values. Beautiful New Taffeta, Crepe-de-Chine and Satin Dresses, a splendid assortment of colors and sizes, dresses that sold form $20.00 to $30.00, Today choose at-- $15.00 Just think of it--This is but little more than the price of a dress made of gingham or percale. GEORGETTE DRESSES OF BEAUTY Today choose from an assortment of plain and figured Georgette Dresses at-- $25.00 Dresses that sold earlier up to $35.00. We are sure that you will concede that nothing you have seen this season compares with this offering for value giving. We'll expect you today. Yetter's THE BIG STORE [advertisement] NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA--THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular BOISE IDAHO [advertisement] T. Dell Kelley Tailoring, Cleaning Repairing and Pressing FINE WORK IN LADIES' GARMENTS PHONE 17 211 E. College St. [advertisement] OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also--n'everything.
Daily Iowan Newspapers