Daily Iowan, May 25, 1919
Page 3
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Sunday, May 25, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Prof. O. E. Klingaman will speak at the morning service of the Congregational church on "Brotherhood and Sunday School Work and Workers". In the evening Miss Myrtle Wood of the school of music will give a musical program. Theta Sigma Phi girls will give a picnic breakfast this morning at the city park. Dorothy Stewart and Barbara McBeth, students at Ames, are visiting at the Delta Gamma house this week end. Helen Moss, Delta Gamma, is visiting in Iowa City this week end. Dilla Whitmore, student at Northwestern, is visiting at the Delta Gamma house. Charlotte Whitehill of Boone, a student at Grinnell college, is visiting Iva Baker at the Alpha Xi Delta house. George Clapper of Spencer is visiting his sister Sadie at the Chi Omega house for a few days. Mr. Spencer recently returned from France with the Rainbow division. Marianne Ashford, Gamma Phi Beta, is spending the week end at her home in Cedar Rapids. Pearle Burr of Currier hall is visiting at her home in Lone Tree this week end. Rosalind Jenks, Pi Beta Phi, is spending the week end in Cedar Rapids. Marjorie Graham of Currier hall is visiting at West Liberty this week end. Irma Kern of Currier hall is visiting at the Pi Beta Phi house at Ames this week end. Alberta Metcalf, Alpha Xi Delta, is spending the week end at her home in Nichols. Florence Ingham of North Currier annex is spending the week end at Brooklyn. Helen McGillvray of Currier hall is spending the week end at Ames. Catherine Morton of Currier hall is spending Saturday and Sunday at Monroe. Lorraine Taft, Gamma Phi Beta, is visiting at her home in Des Moines. Etta Willimek, freshman, is spending the week end at Cedar Rapids. Cornelia McKee of Currier hall is spending the week end at East hall at Ames. Caroline Sampson, Iota Xi Epsilon, will be principal of the school at Ellsworth next year. Helen Nemier of Burlington is visiting Dorothy Turner at the Delta Gamma house. MORROW TEACHING AT BEAUNE Capt. Henry Morrow, for twelve years professor of dentistry here, has been made educational director of the college of dentistry of the American Expeditionary forces at Beaune university. Formerly, Beaune was the largest hospital center in France and it was here that Dr. Morrow did a great deal of reconstruction work on the face and jaw during the war. He was with the American army of occupation in Germany when he was appointed to the position of educational director. Besides being on the faculty of the University, Capt. Morrow also served one year as professor in the University of California. His wife is making her home in Los Angeles, Calif. HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS ENTERTAIN FACULTY The senior class of the University high school gave a reception for the faculty in the assembly room of the high school Friday night. Japanese lanterns, apple blossoms, and lilacs were used in the decorations, the Japanese idea being further carried out with the aid of lattice work and a small fountain. A program was given after which refreshments, consisting of tea and pink-frosted cakes were served. The committee in charge of affairs was composed of Ruth Davis, Genevieve Lathrop, and Rollin Barnes. Romola Latchem directed the play which composed the greater part of the program. NOTICE Meeting of Women's University Council Tuesday May 27, at 5:45. Sign your name in Y.W.C.A. room before Tuesday a. m. Election of officers. Violet Blakely, Pres. PHARMACISTS DECLARE THEMSELVES FOR FEE At a recent meeting of the students of the college of pharmacy held on Wednesday, May 21, the following motions were passed unanimously: Moved and seconded that the students of the college of pharmacy favor the plan charging each student a blanket fee to cover student health and all University entertainments and athletic contests. Carried. LEONARD W. MARCH, President Senior Class. IRENE KEMMERLE, President Junior Class. SCIENCE CLUB ELECTS The Science club elected officers Thursday night. Roletta Jolley is the new president, Lucille Sawyer vice-president, and Sarah Lewis treasurer. IRVING ELECTS OFFICERS Irving institute elected the following officers to serve next fall at its meeting Friday night: President, Edward Chamberlin; vice-president, Willis D. Nutting; recording secretary, Rodney F. Cobb; corresponding secretary, Robert Hayes; treasurer, L. K. Shumaker; auditor, William K. Carr; finance committee, Frank K. Shuttleworth. INVITATIONS TO BE HERE SOON Senior invitations will be here the first of this week, according to Romola Latchem, chairman of the invitation committee. Notification as to where they may be obtained will be made as soon as possible through The Daily Iowan. [advertisement] To those young men who are not intending to return to college this coming year, we wish to suggest that there are at this time most unusual openings in our Chicago house. These positions will carry good starting salaries; the work will be congenial and instructive and will lead the right men to very exceptional futures. If you are interested, please write Mr. R. L. CRANDALL, today. BUTLER BROTHERS Wholesale General Merchandise Randolph Street Bridge Chicago, Ills. New York Minneapolis Dallas St. Louis Chicago [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE [advertisement] DELICATE GARMENTS Daintily Laundered Do you know that we use greater care in washing delicate shirt waists and lingerie than a washwoman? It's a fact! We wash each of these garments separately. Then they are carefully and expertly ironed by hand. If a garment is washable, no matter how sheer it may be, you can send it to us with perfect confidence.. There is no need of mailing it home. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 [advertisement] GOOD THINGS TO EAT All Home Made Pies, Cakes, Salads Pastry of all Kinds Delicious "Eats" For Picnics 109 Iowa Ave. DELICATESSEN [advertisement] MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D'Hote Dinner 12 to 2 6 to 8 $1.25 per cover Bisque of Tomato or Consommé en Tasse Radishes Salted Almonds Olives Choice of--- Roast Young Turkey, Stuffed, Jelly Prime Ribs of Beef au jus Fresh Lobster a l'Imperial Mashed Potatoes or New Potatoes in Cream Green Peas or Small Lima Beans Spring Salad a la Jefferson French Dressing Wafers Choice of--- Fresh Strawberry Meringue Pie Apple Pie New York Ice Cream and Cake Tea Coffee Milk [advertisement] THE TOWNSEND STUDIO Make it a part of your shopping list
Sunday, May 25, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Prof. O. E. Klingaman will speak at the morning service of the Congregational church on "Brotherhood and Sunday School Work and Workers". In the evening Miss Myrtle Wood of the school of music will give a musical program. Theta Sigma Phi girls will give a picnic breakfast this morning at the city park. Dorothy Stewart and Barbara McBeth, students at Ames, are visiting at the Delta Gamma house this week end. Helen Moss, Delta Gamma, is visiting in Iowa City this week end. Dilla Whitmore, student at Northwestern, is visiting at the Delta Gamma house. Charlotte Whitehill of Boone, a student at Grinnell college, is visiting Iva Baker at the Alpha Xi Delta house. George Clapper of Spencer is visiting his sister Sadie at the Chi Omega house for a few days. Mr. Spencer recently returned from France with the Rainbow division. Marianne Ashford, Gamma Phi Beta, is spending the week end at her home in Cedar Rapids. Pearle Burr of Currier hall is visiting at her home in Lone Tree this week end. Rosalind Jenks, Pi Beta Phi, is spending the week end in Cedar Rapids. Marjorie Graham of Currier hall is visiting at West Liberty this week end. Irma Kern of Currier hall is visiting at the Pi Beta Phi house at Ames this week end. Alberta Metcalf, Alpha Xi Delta, is spending the week end at her home in Nichols. Florence Ingham of North Currier annex is spending the week end at Brooklyn. Helen McGillvray of Currier hall is spending the week end at Ames. Catherine Morton of Currier hall is spending Saturday and Sunday at Monroe. Lorraine Taft, Gamma Phi Beta, is visiting at her home in Des Moines. Etta Willimek, freshman, is spending the week end at Cedar Rapids. Cornelia McKee of Currier hall is spending the week end at East hall at Ames. Caroline Sampson, Iota Xi Epsilon, will be principal of the school at Ellsworth next year. Helen Nemier of Burlington is visiting Dorothy Turner at the Delta Gamma house. MORROW TEACHING AT BEAUNE Capt. Henry Morrow, for twelve years professor of dentistry here, has been made educational director of the college of dentistry of the American Expeditionary forces at Beaune university. Formerly, Beaune was the largest hospital center in France and it was here that Dr. Morrow did a great deal of reconstruction work on the face and jaw during the war. He was with the American army of occupation in Germany when he was appointed to the position of educational director. Besides being on the faculty of the University, Capt. Morrow also served one year as professor in the University of California. His wife is making her home in Los Angeles, Calif. HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS ENTERTAIN FACULTY The senior class of the University high school gave a reception for the faculty in the assembly room of the high school Friday night. Japanese lanterns, apple blossoms, and lilacs were used in the decorations, the Japanese idea being further carried out with the aid of lattice work and a small fountain. A program was given after which refreshments, consisting of tea and pink-frosted cakes were served. The committee in charge of affairs was composed of Ruth Davis, Genevieve Lathrop, and Rollin Barnes. Romola Latchem directed the play which composed the greater part of the program. NOTICE Meeting of Women's University Council Tuesday May 27, at 5:45. Sign your name in Y.W.C.A. room before Tuesday a. m. Election of officers. Violet Blakely, Pres. PHARMACISTS DECLARE THEMSELVES FOR FEE At a recent meeting of the students of the college of pharmacy held on Wednesday, May 21, the following motions were passed unanimously: Moved and seconded that the students of the college of pharmacy favor the plan charging each student a blanket fee to cover student health and all University entertainments and athletic contests. Carried. LEONARD W. MARCH, President Senior Class. IRENE KEMMERLE, President Junior Class. SCIENCE CLUB ELECTS The Science club elected officers Thursday night. Roletta Jolley is the new president, Lucille Sawyer vice-president, and Sarah Lewis treasurer. IRVING ELECTS OFFICERS Irving institute elected the following officers to serve next fall at its meeting Friday night: President, Edward Chamberlin; vice-president, Willis D. Nutting; recording secretary, Rodney F. Cobb; corresponding secretary, Robert Hayes; treasurer, L. K. Shumaker; auditor, William K. Carr; finance committee, Frank K. Shuttleworth. INVITATIONS TO BE HERE SOON Senior invitations will be here the first of this week, according to Romola Latchem, chairman of the invitation committee. Notification as to where they may be obtained will be made as soon as possible through The Daily Iowan. [advertisement] To those young men who are not intending to return to college this coming year, we wish to suggest that there are at this time most unusual openings in our Chicago house. These positions will carry good starting salaries; the work will be congenial and instructive and will lead the right men to very exceptional futures. If you are interested, please write Mr. R. L. CRANDALL, today. BUTLER BROTHERS Wholesale General Merchandise Randolph Street Bridge Chicago, Ills. New York Minneapolis Dallas St. Louis Chicago [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE [advertisement] DELICATE GARMENTS Daintily Laundered Do you know that we use greater care in washing delicate shirt waists and lingerie than a washwoman? It's a fact! We wash each of these garments separately. Then they are carefully and expertly ironed by hand. If a garment is washable, no matter how sheer it may be, you can send it to us with perfect confidence.. There is no need of mailing it home. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 [advertisement] GOOD THINGS TO EAT All Home Made Pies, Cakes, Salads Pastry of all Kinds Delicious "Eats" For Picnics 109 Iowa Ave. DELICATESSEN [advertisement] MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D'Hote Dinner 12 to 2 6 to 8 $1.25 per cover Bisque of Tomato or Consommé en Tasse Radishes Salted Almonds Olives Choice of--- Roast Young Turkey, Stuffed, Jelly Prime Ribs of Beef au jus Fresh Lobster a l'Imperial Mashed Potatoes or New Potatoes in Cream Green Peas or Small Lima Beans Spring Salad a la Jefferson French Dressing Wafers Choice of--- Fresh Strawberry Meringue Pie Apple Pie New York Ice Cream and Cake Tea Coffee Milk [advertisement] THE TOWNSEND STUDIO Make it a part of your shopping list
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