Daily Iowan, June 24, 1919
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, June 24, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published during the six weeks summer session on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Under direction of department of journalism, Room 14, liberal arts building MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, in charge MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS Subscription Rate....50 cents the summer BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman. E.M. McEwen. Mary Anderson, Marian Dyer EDITORIAL STAFF BETH WELLMAN Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office hours 1-5 Daily. Room 14, L.A. building Marian Dyer Managing Editor (Rest of staff to be announced later) BUSINESS STAFF REMOLA LATCHEM, Business Manager Telephone, 935; Office hours, Daily 9-12 103 Iowa Avenue Entered as second class matter, at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa A KHAKI UNIVERSITY The project of making the American army a great educational institution, a university for vocational training will appeal to national sentiment. To train soldiers for after-careers in peace while they are in military service for the country's defense should rob militarism of any possible terrors it may possess. Army life under such conditions will be to all intents student life, lived in barracks and on parade grounds instead of dormitories and on a college campus. Putting army service to this use of vocational training should make it appeal with special force to the ambition of youth. Certainly paying a young man to be a soldier and educating him besides for a vocation in after life is an inducement to enter the army such as the soldiers of no other country or other time have had, To graduate from the "khaki university" with an education fitting the recruit for a calling of his own choosing and with the further benefit of a physical training such as few universities give their students may seem to be a more profitable thing than going to college.-- New York World. VOCATIONAL TRAINING In reference to the above editorial from the New York World concerning a khaki university, it is not clear why vocational training should be linked to military training. For the government to provide vocational training for men at the expense of the government is a step toward democracy in education, but why should it be connected with the army? The S.A.T.C. has proved that army and college life do not combine with eminent success. A vocational training, to be more successful, should be received in a college, not in the army, where the student's attention would be divided between military duties and class work. Vocational guidance and training for soldiers is but a guise to make army life more attractive, in order to bring into it men who might otherwise not favor military training or a standing army. As to the physical training, that is a thing which is coming to be installed more and more into universities and colleges, the authorities of which are beginning to realize the necessity of adequate physical training in conjunction with mental training. WE NEED TEN TIMES THE NUMBER Iowa State University graduated 350 seniors. The Iowa State College at Ames graduated 245 four year students. The number is altogether too small. Five hundred and forty-five graduates from our two leading schools are not enough in Iowa. At Ames of the 245 receiving degrees 106 were in home economics, thirty-three were in animal husbandry. The 106 graduates in home economics are practically all of them fitting themselves for teaching that branch. Most of the animal husbandry men are looking toward positions on salary. Iowa livestock and Iowa farms are preeminent. It is a livestock and agricultural state. The main business in Iowa is farming and livestock. Why do not more young men avail themselves of the opportunity to know their future business from start to finish. The thirty-three graduates will be offered several positions each by men who know that scientific knowledge pays to buy. They will be selected to look after the rich man's herds precisely as he selects the herds themselves, for their breeding and value. If a man is worth a salary to another man in the same business as himself he's worth it to himself and on his own farm. The thirty three graduates in animal husbandry at Ames, should be 3,333 to approximate the actual needs of the state for scientific farmers and livestock breeders and feeders. That $400 an acre land calls for them. The $400 an acre land will get them. The choice is between practical and scientific management and a lower price for land. The land will not go down. The farmer who doesn't know as much as the other man will move off and the other man will move on to the farm. When land rises to $400 an acre which entails an overhead of not less than $20 an acre competition does the rest. The man best fitted by mind and training sooner or later runs the farm. Usually it is sooner. The watchword of Iowa must be education. Education with technical training. We have every natural resource, fertility of soil and the fertile brains to match the soil. The showing from our colleges is not sufficient. Of course the war has had its effect upon the graduation but at best Iowa is not graduating the number of trained men and women her need demands. Young man start from the grades with the one idea: That you are going to have an education and a special training. The winner nowadays is he who fits himself with the arms and ammunition and then fights toward a definite objective. Our competitive system is war. --Marshalltown Times-Republican. CHURCH SOCIAL TONIGHT Students of the summer session of the University are invited to attend the ice cream social to be given by the young people of the Congregational church on the church lawn tonight at 7:30. A Service Message TO THE NEW COMER We extend a real business fellowship welcome--visit us and test it. No matter where you come from, or what your nationality, etc; the fact is, you are welcome here and we have a service for all of the people of this community. We have every convenience for you, checking, saving, loan, safety deposit vault, investment, a warm welcome and information, if you desire it. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA Member Federal Reserve System B.I.F.F. THE PRICE OF CHEWING REMAINS THE SAME, THE IOWAN'S EXPERT IN ECONOMICS DISCOVERS. Diamond rings are said to be one of the best of investments. This is true from more than one angle, as they increase in price regularly. A case is on record of an Iowa student who three years ago bought a diamond, has had it out on interested three times (and collected some interest, you tell 'em) and now has sold it to a frat brother who was desperately in need for more than it cost at first. In that connection The Iowan reporter was astounded last week, while having one of the educated barbers of the college of dentistry extract what felt large enough to be one of the roots of the war, to learn that, despite the fact that practically everything in the catalogue had advanced in price during the last few years, the dental school pays the same price for gold that they paid when the school was just starting. A dollar's worth of gold will fill just as many maesals of acclusals or distals, or make just as many Wheatstone's bridges, as it would twenty years ago. What is gold, anyway? And what is a dollar? Surely if anything reaches the heaven of varnished roller at the top of the chart prices, that yellow alloy which all the 1919 graduates are going out to collect ought to be that economic good. Finance must have gone Bolshevik, or the Priority Board of the Federal Treasury got its price schedule mixed. The bareheaded reporter rushed over to the office of the director of the school of commerce for the matter to be cleared up. Even Doc Brisco would not believe it. Finally he got out Taussig and discovered that the second law of economics states that "That consideration known as the reward for waiting shall have for unity three-sixteenths of an ounce of ninety per cent pure gold." Ah, that makes it clear, guffawed the professor. How ineficient of the dental college not to have known offhand that gold must always be the same price because the supply is determined by the demand for gold wedding rings, and people continue to get married. The food you eat may cost more, but the price of chewing remains the same that it was in the good old days when granny's cat was a kitten. D.P.B. D. Richard Young left the University hospital last Wednesday after a month's illness. MILITARY ANNOUNCEMENT All students registered in military instruction report to the office of the commandant at once for assignment to classes. Lt. R.C. Gore KEEP COOL While you study. One of our small size electric fans is just the thing. Come in and see our complete assortment. $8.35 and up. Carl J Stach Across from the Englert Summer School Text Books and Supplies Book and Craft Shop 124 E. Washington Street SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS Will find Reichardt's a delightful place to eat. Refreshing sundaes and cooling drinks will help you forget the summer's heat. Light lunches also served. REICHARDT'S Pullman Cafe 21 S. Dubuque St.
PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, June 24, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published during the six weeks summer session on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Under direction of department of journalism, Room 14, liberal arts building MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, in charge MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS Subscription Rate....50 cents the summer BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman. E.M. McEwen. Mary Anderson, Marian Dyer EDITORIAL STAFF BETH WELLMAN Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office hours 1-5 Daily. Room 14, L.A. building Marian Dyer Managing Editor (Rest of staff to be announced later) BUSINESS STAFF REMOLA LATCHEM, Business Manager Telephone, 935; Office hours, Daily 9-12 103 Iowa Avenue Entered as second class matter, at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa A KHAKI UNIVERSITY The project of making the American army a great educational institution, a university for vocational training will appeal to national sentiment. To train soldiers for after-careers in peace while they are in military service for the country's defense should rob militarism of any possible terrors it may possess. Army life under such conditions will be to all intents student life, lived in barracks and on parade grounds instead of dormitories and on a college campus. Putting army service to this use of vocational training should make it appeal with special force to the ambition of youth. Certainly paying a young man to be a soldier and educating him besides for a vocation in after life is an inducement to enter the army such as the soldiers of no other country or other time have had, To graduate from the "khaki university" with an education fitting the recruit for a calling of his own choosing and with the further benefit of a physical training such as few universities give their students may seem to be a more profitable thing than going to college.-- New York World. VOCATIONAL TRAINING In reference to the above editorial from the New York World concerning a khaki university, it is not clear why vocational training should be linked to military training. For the government to provide vocational training for men at the expense of the government is a step toward democracy in education, but why should it be connected with the army? The S.A.T.C. has proved that army and college life do not combine with eminent success. A vocational training, to be more successful, should be received in a college, not in the army, where the student's attention would be divided between military duties and class work. Vocational guidance and training for soldiers is but a guise to make army life more attractive, in order to bring into it men who might otherwise not favor military training or a standing army. As to the physical training, that is a thing which is coming to be installed more and more into universities and colleges, the authorities of which are beginning to realize the necessity of adequate physical training in conjunction with mental training. WE NEED TEN TIMES THE NUMBER Iowa State University graduated 350 seniors. The Iowa State College at Ames graduated 245 four year students. The number is altogether too small. Five hundred and forty-five graduates from our two leading schools are not enough in Iowa. At Ames of the 245 receiving degrees 106 were in home economics, thirty-three were in animal husbandry. The 106 graduates in home economics are practically all of them fitting themselves for teaching that branch. Most of the animal husbandry men are looking toward positions on salary. Iowa livestock and Iowa farms are preeminent. It is a livestock and agricultural state. The main business in Iowa is farming and livestock. Why do not more young men avail themselves of the opportunity to know their future business from start to finish. The thirty-three graduates will be offered several positions each by men who know that scientific knowledge pays to buy. They will be selected to look after the rich man's herds precisely as he selects the herds themselves, for their breeding and value. If a man is worth a salary to another man in the same business as himself he's worth it to himself and on his own farm. The thirty three graduates in animal husbandry at Ames, should be 3,333 to approximate the actual needs of the state for scientific farmers and livestock breeders and feeders. That $400 an acre land calls for them. The $400 an acre land will get them. The choice is between practical and scientific management and a lower price for land. The land will not go down. The farmer who doesn't know as much as the other man will move off and the other man will move on to the farm. When land rises to $400 an acre which entails an overhead of not less than $20 an acre competition does the rest. The man best fitted by mind and training sooner or later runs the farm. Usually it is sooner. The watchword of Iowa must be education. Education with technical training. We have every natural resource, fertility of soil and the fertile brains to match the soil. The showing from our colleges is not sufficient. Of course the war has had its effect upon the graduation but at best Iowa is not graduating the number of trained men and women her need demands. Young man start from the grades with the one idea: That you are going to have an education and a special training. The winner nowadays is he who fits himself with the arms and ammunition and then fights toward a definite objective. Our competitive system is war. --Marshalltown Times-Republican. CHURCH SOCIAL TONIGHT Students of the summer session of the University are invited to attend the ice cream social to be given by the young people of the Congregational church on the church lawn tonight at 7:30. A Service Message TO THE NEW COMER We extend a real business fellowship welcome--visit us and test it. No matter where you come from, or what your nationality, etc; the fact is, you are welcome here and we have a service for all of the people of this community. We have every convenience for you, checking, saving, loan, safety deposit vault, investment, a warm welcome and information, if you desire it. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA Member Federal Reserve System B.I.F.F. THE PRICE OF CHEWING REMAINS THE SAME, THE IOWAN'S EXPERT IN ECONOMICS DISCOVERS. Diamond rings are said to be one of the best of investments. This is true from more than one angle, as they increase in price regularly. A case is on record of an Iowa student who three years ago bought a diamond, has had it out on interested three times (and collected some interest, you tell 'em) and now has sold it to a frat brother who was desperately in need for more than it cost at first. In that connection The Iowan reporter was astounded last week, while having one of the educated barbers of the college of dentistry extract what felt large enough to be one of the roots of the war, to learn that, despite the fact that practically everything in the catalogue had advanced in price during the last few years, the dental school pays the same price for gold that they paid when the school was just starting. A dollar's worth of gold will fill just as many maesals of acclusals or distals, or make just as many Wheatstone's bridges, as it would twenty years ago. What is gold, anyway? And what is a dollar? Surely if anything reaches the heaven of varnished roller at the top of the chart prices, that yellow alloy which all the 1919 graduates are going out to collect ought to be that economic good. Finance must have gone Bolshevik, or the Priority Board of the Federal Treasury got its price schedule mixed. The bareheaded reporter rushed over to the office of the director of the school of commerce for the matter to be cleared up. Even Doc Brisco would not believe it. Finally he got out Taussig and discovered that the second law of economics states that "That consideration known as the reward for waiting shall have for unity three-sixteenths of an ounce of ninety per cent pure gold." Ah, that makes it clear, guffawed the professor. How ineficient of the dental college not to have known offhand that gold must always be the same price because the supply is determined by the demand for gold wedding rings, and people continue to get married. The food you eat may cost more, but the price of chewing remains the same that it was in the good old days when granny's cat was a kitten. D.P.B. D. Richard Young left the University hospital last Wednesday after a month's illness. MILITARY ANNOUNCEMENT All students registered in military instruction report to the office of the commandant at once for assignment to classes. Lt. R.C. Gore KEEP COOL While you study. One of our small size electric fans is just the thing. Come in and see our complete assortment. $8.35 and up. Carl J Stach Across from the Englert Summer School Text Books and Supplies Book and Craft Shop 124 E. Washington Street SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS Will find Reichardt's a delightful place to eat. Refreshing sundaes and cooling drinks will help you forget the summer's heat. Light lunches also served. REICHARDT'S Pullman Cafe 21 S. Dubuque St.
Daily Iowan Newspapers