Daily Iowan, July 10, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, July 10, 1919 [Photo Caption] The Recreation Hour BASEBALL PASTIME OF CRIPPLED KIDS Youthful Ty Cobbs in Spite of Afflictions Play the Game Like Big Leaguers Wheel-chairs, crutches, and plaster-paris castes prove only a small handicap to the children of the Perkins hospital when it comes to baseball, flower gardens, or carpenter work. "Let 'er go", shouts Kenneth sitting up straight as anything in his wheel-chair, with his bat poised in mid-air. The pitcher "lets 'er fly" with his left arm since his right one is in a case, and the game begins. Kenneth is pretty good with the bat, so good in fact that the outfielder can't manipulate his crutches fast enough to stop Kenneth's wheel chair from rolling into second base safe. Clayton and Russell, ambitious little boys who have been in the hospital some time, have made two kittens the proud and comfortable possessors of a little square frame house. The gray baby kittens were found in a deserted barn close to the hospital one afternoon about a week ago and adopted the boys. With boards picked up in the backyard, and nails and implements bribed from Sam, a caretaker, they painstakingly built the shelter for their pets. "We're some carpenters" exulted Russell as he told about the house. Canna Lillies, sweet peas and old fashioned flowers standing in straight prim little rows, with scarcely a weed peeking through, testify that the girls are not less active than the boys. Their little garden is a favorite spot. The children think it great sport to take pictures of each other and their pets. Just now a robin who has conveniently made her nest between two boards near the girl's garden, is the centre of the picture game. Each day's development in the nest building is registered by the children's kodak. About 100 children are under the hospital's care at the present time, and many more are on the list waiting for admittance. [Photo Caption] Two wings of the Perkins Hospital TO TALK TO STUDENTS Prof. H.L. Rietz, head of the department of mathematics, will talk to the students' class of the Methodist Sunday school Sunday morning at 10:45. ACCEPTS OMAHA POSITION Luther Erickson has accepted a position in the commercial engineering department of the American Telegraph company of Omaha. He is a member of the class of 1919. Dr. Henry J. Prentiss, head of the department of anatomy is the college of medicine, is recovering from an operation for the removal of tonsils. Everett Raymond and Richard Drake autoed to Iowa City from Des Moines yesterday afternoon. They will spend the week end at Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. WANTED—House or part of house for summer months for the upkeep or reasonable rent. Responsible person. Address Z—care Daily Iowan. LOST—P.E.O. pin. Finder return to Fannie Gilmore, Currier Hall. WANTED—Mother's helper for three small children in home of University professor. Write details of experience and references to Mrs. B.T. Baldwin, 409 S. Third St., Clarksburg, W. Va. TO BE WITH GOODYEAR CO. J.W. Swift, who received his bachelor of science in commerce degree this June, left last night to take up work in the accounting department of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company of Akron, Ohio. Send the Iowan home. MAKING CHAUTAUQUA TOUR Prof. C. W. Wassam is in Kentucky on a two weeks' chautauqua tour. He has just completed a three weeks' tour of South Dakota, and expects to go from Kentucky to Illinois, Missouri and Kansas. Send The Iowan home. [Ad] Interesting Displays of Mid-Summer Vacation Apparel WASH DRESSES COOL AND NEW One can have a really good time without being afraid of soiling one's clothes—for these dresses tub splendidly. We think that they are exceptional for the money and we would like you to see them. Prices $3.98, $4.98, $5.98, $6.98, $7.98, $8.90, $9.98, $12.98, and $15.00 WASH SKIRTS Many different attractive styles $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.98, $6.98, $8.90, $9.98 and $12.98 WASH WAISTS Women will find their summer wants can be filled at Yetter's—and filled in the right way—reasonable prices and a great assortment to choose from—Prices $1.00, $1.50, $2.50, $2.98, $3.50, $3.98 and $5.00. MIDDY BLOUSES $1.98, $2.98, $3.48, $3.98 SMOCKS $2.98, $4.98, $5.98, $6.98, $7.98. NEW SPORT SWEATERS to complete your vacation wardrobe. Prices $3.98 to $25.00 YETTER'S BATHING SUITS Are essential for a real vacation. Yetter's THE BIG STORE [Ad] Two piece suits specially priced for balance of week $14.75 This special offer consists of about 100 palm beach and crash two-piece summer suits. Both men's and young men's models in stouts, longs, stubs and regulars. Sizes 33 to 50. Values up to $20. CHOICE $14.75 COAST'S
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, July 10, 1919 [Photo Caption] The Recreation Hour BASEBALL PASTIME OF CRIPPLED KIDS Youthful Ty Cobbs in Spite of Afflictions Play the Game Like Big Leaguers Wheel-chairs, crutches, and plaster-paris castes prove only a small handicap to the children of the Perkins hospital when it comes to baseball, flower gardens, or carpenter work. "Let 'er go", shouts Kenneth sitting up straight as anything in his wheel-chair, with his bat poised in mid-air. The pitcher "lets 'er fly" with his left arm since his right one is in a case, and the game begins. Kenneth is pretty good with the bat, so good in fact that the outfielder can't manipulate his crutches fast enough to stop Kenneth's wheel chair from rolling into second base safe. Clayton and Russell, ambitious little boys who have been in the hospital some time, have made two kittens the proud and comfortable possessors of a little square frame house. The gray baby kittens were found in a deserted barn close to the hospital one afternoon about a week ago and adopted the boys. With boards picked up in the backyard, and nails and implements bribed from Sam, a caretaker, they painstakingly built the shelter for their pets. "We're some carpenters" exulted Russell as he told about the house. Canna Lillies, sweet peas and old fashioned flowers standing in straight prim little rows, with scarcely a weed peeking through, testify that the girls are not less active than the boys. Their little garden is a favorite spot. The children think it great sport to take pictures of each other and their pets. Just now a robin who has conveniently made her nest between two boards near the girl's garden, is the centre of the picture game. Each day's development in the nest building is registered by the children's kodak. About 100 children are under the hospital's care at the present time, and many more are on the list waiting for admittance. [Photo Caption] Two wings of the Perkins Hospital TO TALK TO STUDENTS Prof. H.L. Rietz, head of the department of mathematics, will talk to the students' class of the Methodist Sunday school Sunday morning at 10:45. ACCEPTS OMAHA POSITION Luther Erickson has accepted a position in the commercial engineering department of the American Telegraph company of Omaha. He is a member of the class of 1919. Dr. Henry J. Prentiss, head of the department of anatomy is the college of medicine, is recovering from an operation for the removal of tonsils. Everett Raymond and Richard Drake autoed to Iowa City from Des Moines yesterday afternoon. They will spend the week end at Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. WANTED—House or part of house for summer months for the upkeep or reasonable rent. Responsible person. Address Z—care Daily Iowan. LOST—P.E.O. pin. Finder return to Fannie Gilmore, Currier Hall. WANTED—Mother's helper for three small children in home of University professor. Write details of experience and references to Mrs. B.T. Baldwin, 409 S. Third St., Clarksburg, W. Va. TO BE WITH GOODYEAR CO. J.W. Swift, who received his bachelor of science in commerce degree this June, left last night to take up work in the accounting department of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company of Akron, Ohio. Send the Iowan home. MAKING CHAUTAUQUA TOUR Prof. C. W. Wassam is in Kentucky on a two weeks' chautauqua tour. He has just completed a three weeks' tour of South Dakota, and expects to go from Kentucky to Illinois, Missouri and Kansas. Send The Iowan home. [Ad] Interesting Displays of Mid-Summer Vacation Apparel WASH DRESSES COOL AND NEW One can have a really good time without being afraid of soiling one's clothes—for these dresses tub splendidly. We think that they are exceptional for the money and we would like you to see them. Prices $3.98, $4.98, $5.98, $6.98, $7.98, $8.90, $9.98, $12.98, and $15.00 WASH SKIRTS Many different attractive styles $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.98, $6.98, $8.90, $9.98 and $12.98 WASH WAISTS Women will find their summer wants can be filled at Yetter's—and filled in the right way—reasonable prices and a great assortment to choose from—Prices $1.00, $1.50, $2.50, $2.98, $3.50, $3.98 and $5.00. MIDDY BLOUSES $1.98, $2.98, $3.48, $3.98 SMOCKS $2.98, $4.98, $5.98, $6.98, $7.98. NEW SPORT SWEATERS to complete your vacation wardrobe. Prices $3.98 to $25.00 YETTER'S BATHING SUITS Are essential for a real vacation. Yetter's THE BIG STORE [Ad] Two piece suits specially priced for balance of week $14.75 This special offer consists of about 100 palm beach and crash two-piece summer suits. Both men's and young men's models in stouts, longs, stubs and regulars. Sizes 33 to 50. Values up to $20. CHOICE $14.75 COAST'S
Daily Iowan Newspapers