Daily Iowan, July 24, 1919
Page 3
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Thursday, July 24, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page Three GRAFONOLA TO HELP MUSICAL EDUCATION Concert Given With Accompanying Stories for Children's Interpretation "Little Jack Horner," set to music and sung in an entrancing tenor and the story of Peer Gynt told with feeling, and musically exemplified in Grieg's wonderful dramatic harmonies held the attention of instructors and music supervisors who heard Miss Estelle L. Windhorst, of the Educational Department of the Columbia Graphophone company, speak in the liberal arts auditorium Wednesday at 4 o'clock. "The Grafonola in the Class Room" was the subject of Miss Windhorst's talk. She told of the value in artistic appreciation and understanding of early training in music, demonstrating how this development might be brought about in the child through the medium of the school. She illustrated with a Grafonola and a variety of records the methods now being adopted by many schools. "The training may be [begun?] in the first grade," said Miss Windhorst, "when the child's interest [will?] be secured and concentration [cultivated?] with musical Mother Goose Rhymes and descriptive pieces. Children are quicker than adults in the interpretation of musical description." A clever scheme for developing the child's imaginative power was suggested in connection with these descriptive records---permitting the child to "act what he hears" or to draw, model, or write original stories about it. Folk dances, negro "spirituals," records of the musical and primitive peoples, all provide opportunities for correlation with work in history and geography. Orchestral records pre- [Large section of this article is missing] Miss Windhorst told of Dr. Seashore's measures of musical talent now available in record form, by which a real musical ability can early be discovered. These tests measure the sense of pitch, intensity, time, consonance, and musical memory. TO BE CEDAR FALLS DENTIST Everett Jack, graduate of the college of dentistry '19, will go to Cedar Falls August 1 to take charge of the practice which he purchased recently from Dr. C. B. Miller, who received his degree in dentistry from the University in '92. A daughter, Margaret Ellen, was born to Dr. and Mrs. Norris A. Brisco Friday. Robert Larimar, student in medicine, has gone to Clarinda for the remainder of the summer. He will act as guard in the hospital for the insane. Russell W. Hendee, sophomore of the regular session, is a summer student at Columbia university. Carl Wackerbarth, a student in commerce, who is employed in Chicago witnessed the catastrophe following the blowing up of the blimp and its fall on the Citizens Saving and Trust building. Ira T. Hawk, chaplain of the state penitentiary at Fort Madison, spoke to the class in social problems, Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. [photograph of Iowa River with trees on the river bank] [Caption] Picnic Places Are Many [illustration of the Iowa River] [Caption] The Iowa River Valley [advertisement] Men's, Women's and Childrens Pumps and Oxfords at less than cost of material to make them today. GEO. H. DUKER 127 E. College St. Next Strand [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE [advertisement] Try The BON=TON CAFE For a Good Square Meal Tables For Ladies Newly Furnished Throughout [advertisement] [top of the page has illustration of a Fox Hunt with horses, riders and dogs] [the side borders of the page have illustrations of male athletes in various sports, plus one female tennis player] SPORTSMEN---- Athletes---Everybody! You will find BEVO The Beverage the all-year-round soft drink, both healthful and appetizing to train and gain on. Bevo is a splendid beverage to satisfy that extravagant thirst that strenuous exercise is bound to bring. Satisfies it without any of that after-feeling of fullness that often comes with water drinking. Bevo is Sold Everywhere Order by the case from your grocer, druggist or dealer. Manufactured and bottled exclusively by ANHEUSER-BUSCH St. Louis [left bottom of page has illustration of sailors unloading cases of Bevo onto a dock] [center bottom of page has illustration of a bottle of Bevo with caption "A Winner Everywhere"] [right bottom of page has illustration of soldiers loading cases of Bevo onto a covered wagon]
Thursday, July 24, 1919 The Daily Iowan, State University of Iowa Page Three GRAFONOLA TO HELP MUSICAL EDUCATION Concert Given With Accompanying Stories for Children's Interpretation "Little Jack Horner," set to music and sung in an entrancing tenor and the story of Peer Gynt told with feeling, and musically exemplified in Grieg's wonderful dramatic harmonies held the attention of instructors and music supervisors who heard Miss Estelle L. Windhorst, of the Educational Department of the Columbia Graphophone company, speak in the liberal arts auditorium Wednesday at 4 o'clock. "The Grafonola in the Class Room" was the subject of Miss Windhorst's talk. She told of the value in artistic appreciation and understanding of early training in music, demonstrating how this development might be brought about in the child through the medium of the school. She illustrated with a Grafonola and a variety of records the methods now being adopted by many schools. "The training may be [begun?] in the first grade," said Miss Windhorst, "when the child's interest [will?] be secured and concentration [cultivated?] with musical Mother Goose Rhymes and descriptive pieces. Children are quicker than adults in the interpretation of musical description." A clever scheme for developing the child's imaginative power was suggested in connection with these descriptive records---permitting the child to "act what he hears" or to draw, model, or write original stories about it. Folk dances, negro "spirituals," records of the musical and primitive peoples, all provide opportunities for correlation with work in history and geography. Orchestral records pre- [Large section of this article is missing] Miss Windhorst told of Dr. Seashore's measures of musical talent now available in record form, by which a real musical ability can early be discovered. These tests measure the sense of pitch, intensity, time, consonance, and musical memory. TO BE CEDAR FALLS DENTIST Everett Jack, graduate of the college of dentistry '19, will go to Cedar Falls August 1 to take charge of the practice which he purchased recently from Dr. C. B. Miller, who received his degree in dentistry from the University in '92. A daughter, Margaret Ellen, was born to Dr. and Mrs. Norris A. Brisco Friday. Robert Larimar, student in medicine, has gone to Clarinda for the remainder of the summer. He will act as guard in the hospital for the insane. Russell W. Hendee, sophomore of the regular session, is a summer student at Columbia university. Carl Wackerbarth, a student in commerce, who is employed in Chicago witnessed the catastrophe following the blowing up of the blimp and its fall on the Citizens Saving and Trust building. Ira T. Hawk, chaplain of the state penitentiary at Fort Madison, spoke to the class in social problems, Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. [photograph of Iowa River with trees on the river bank] [Caption] Picnic Places Are Many [illustration of the Iowa River] [Caption] The Iowa River Valley [advertisement] Men's, Women's and Childrens Pumps and Oxfords at less than cost of material to make them today. GEO. H. DUKER 127 E. College St. Next Strand [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE [advertisement] Try The BON=TON CAFE For a Good Square Meal Tables For Ladies Newly Furnished Throughout [advertisement] [top of the page has illustration of a Fox Hunt with horses, riders and dogs] [the side borders of the page have illustrations of male athletes in various sports, plus one female tennis player] SPORTSMEN---- Athletes---Everybody! You will find BEVO The Beverage the all-year-round soft drink, both healthful and appetizing to train and gain on. Bevo is a splendid beverage to satisfy that extravagant thirst that strenuous exercise is bound to bring. Satisfies it without any of that after-feeling of fullness that often comes with water drinking. Bevo is Sold Everywhere Order by the case from your grocer, druggist or dealer. Manufactured and bottled exclusively by ANHEUSER-BUSCH St. Louis [left bottom of page has illustration of sailors unloading cases of Bevo onto a dock] [center bottom of page has illustration of a bottle of Bevo with caption "A Winner Everywhere"] [right bottom of page has illustration of soldiers loading cases of Bevo onto a covered wagon]
Daily Iowan Newspapers