Nile Kinnick's correspondence with his family, January-June 1939
1939-01-08: Page 04
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fifteen years, I have been preparing for this last year of football. The season just past has removed much of the tension that might have attended this last effort. I feel confident and free from the pressure of "absolutely necessary success" and falsely accepted responsibility. I anticipate becoming the roughest, toughest, all-around back yet to hit this conference. That is a little strong, of course, but nevertheless I am not planning to be robbed of my consummation. That "ye shall know them by their fruits" is not an empty and obsolete phrase. It is only just and right that right thinking shall be provocative of just rewards. Truth and Love are efficacious; reliance thereon is practical. The law of "Divine Principle is as powerful in the material world as in the spirtual." Victory shall undeniably be ours.
fifteen years, I have been preparing for this last year of football. The season just past has removed much of the tension that might have attended this last effort. I feel confident and free from the pressure of "absolutely necessary success" and falsely accepted responsibility. I anticipate becoming the roughest, toughest, all-around back yet to hit this conference. That is a little strong, of course, but nevertheless I am not planning to be robbed of my consummation. That "ye shall know them by their fruits" is not an empty and obsolete phrase. It is only just and right that right thinking shall be provocative of just rewards. Truth and Love are efficacious; reliance thereon is practical. The law of "Divine Principle is as powerful in the material world as in the spirtual." Victory shall undeniably be ours.
Nile Kinnick Collection