Nile Kinnick's correspondence with his family, January-June 1939
1939-01-16: Page 12
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More and more every day I feel that I would like to take law at U of Washington in Seattle. Would you object to my writing Ted concerning possible employment this summer? It would lay the foundation for future employment and association if I decided to take law out there. Either D.M. or Seattle would be the place, this summer it seems to me. Thank you for your kind, inspiring letters, and love to all. Yours, Nile
More and more every day I feel that I would like to take law at U of Washington in Seattle. Would you object to my writing Ted concerning possible employment this summer? It would lay the foundation for future employment and association if I decided to take law out there. Either D.M. or Seattle would be the place, this summer it seems to me. Thank you for your kind, inspiring letters, and love to all. Yours, Nile
Nile Kinnick Collection