Nile Kinnick's correspondence with his family, January-June 1939
1939-02-05: Page 01
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February 5th, 1939 Dear SB: The weeks fly by, don't they. One month of 1939 already gone forever, and a week of the second month right on its heels. Time is illimitable, yet to most of us it is pretty real, and inexorable as, well, as time itself. To the busy person time passes quickly: sometimes too quickly. I have never known it to pass too slowly. One wag has said that to make the winter seem short, sign a note in the fall to fall due in the spring. Quite true. Best plan is not to sign the note. As I have stated before, we have greatly apreciated your fine letters this year. You say that your letters home have provided you with almost the only opportunity for expressing your sentiments. If there is no one close at hand with whom you feel like discussing your more intimate cerebrations, feel certain that you have a sympathetic audience at home, always glad to know what is going on in your mind and eager to listen and to assist. Ehat else are families for? In that regard, I have to-day written a note to Royce Kinnick who sent you the information on the Kinnick tree, acknowldging his kindness in writing at such length, and promising that he would hear from sister Ruth with such information as our family Bible affords. I shall also send that data to Bill in sunny Cal, who will be interested. Did you have a letter from Butler at Christmas time. We had one, and Ben spoke of hearing from hime. You sent the small picture of Louise and her spouse, did you not? We have, a larger one, different pose, that is considerably better. We have no information of his antecedents, present situation or future prospects. I hope that they are well mated and equipped for a long term of double harness. This marriage business is a long tern contract and shouldn't be undertaken without due and careful consideration. It is one of those things that you want to have right from the very beginning. I wonder if you were in Cedar Rapids this week end. If so, there is one of the shining examples of what marriage ought to be.Ben said in a card this past week that he hoped to catch a ride to Cedar Rapids or to Omaha. He didn't show here, so we hope he made it to CR. We also had a nice long letter from Clarke in which he hoped you and Ben could make it up there at the same time. Mother was home In Adel from Thursday morning to Saturday afternoon and had a good visit with the folks. Grandma seems to be pretty well and strong again, for which we are grateful. My trip to North English has been cancelled for this week and I shall not see you. I do go to Story City, about 12 miles north of Ames, and expect to see Ben Tuesday evening. On Wednesday I go down to Clarinda, and back to Grinnell for a meeting on Thursday and will return to Omaha Friday morning, Monday, tomorrow, I am stopping in Atlantic for dinner at the Bices, where I will leave the long letter anent the tribe Kinnick. Perhaps I shall again be in the sovereign state next week. It is my plan to go over to Ames for a day or so during Farm and Home week, and perhaps shall make some Bank meetings too. This is the season of the year when the National Farm Loan Associations have their annual meetings, and usually some one from the Bank attends to carry greetings and to answer questions about the Bank set-up.
February 5th, 1939 Dear SB: The weeks fly by, don't they. One month of 1939 already gone forever, and a week of the second month right on its heels. Time is illimitable, yet to most of us it is pretty real, and inexorable as, well, as time itself. To the busy person time passes quickly: sometimes too quickly. I have never known it to pass too slowly. One wag has said that to make the winter seem short, sign a note in the fall to fall due in the spring. Quite true. Best plan is not to sign the note. As I have stated before, we have greatly apreciated your fine letters this year. You say that your letters home have provided you with almost the only opportunity for expressing your sentiments. If there is no one close at hand with whom you feel like discussing your more intimate cerebrations, feel certain that you have a sympathetic audience at home, always glad to know what is going on in your mind and eager to listen and to assist. Ehat else are families for? In that regard, I have to-day written a note to Royce Kinnick who sent you the information on the Kinnick tree, acknowldging his kindness in writing at such length, and promising that he would hear from sister Ruth with such information as our family Bible affords. I shall also send that data to Bill in sunny Cal, who will be interested. Did you have a letter from Butler at Christmas time. We had one, and Ben spoke of hearing from hime. You sent the small picture of Louise and her spouse, did you not? We have, a larger one, different pose, that is considerably better. We have no information of his antecedents, present situation or future prospects. I hope that they are well mated and equipped for a long term of double harness. This marriage business is a long tern contract and shouldn't be undertaken without due and careful consideration. It is one of those things that you want to have right from the very beginning. I wonder if you were in Cedar Rapids this week end. If so, there is one of the shining examples of what marriage ought to be.Ben said in a card this past week that he hoped to catch a ride to Cedar Rapids or to Omaha. He didn't show here, so we hope he made it to CR. We also had a nice long letter from Clarke in which he hoped you and Ben could make it up there at the same time. Mother was home In Adel from Thursday morning to Saturday afternoon and had a good visit with the folks. Grandma seems to be pretty well and strong again, for which we are grateful. My trip to North English has been cancelled for this week and I shall not see you. I do go to Story City, about 12 miles north of Ames, and expect to see Ben Tuesday evening. On Wednesday I go down to Clarinda, and back to Grinnell for a meeting on Thursday and will return to Omaha Friday morning, Monday, tomorrow, I am stopping in Atlantic for dinner at the Bices, where I will leave the long letter anent the tribe Kinnick. Perhaps I shall again be in the sovereign state next week. It is my plan to go over to Ames for a day or so during Farm and Home week, and perhaps shall make some Bank meetings too. This is the season of the year when the National Farm Loan Associations have their annual meetings, and usually some one from the Bank attends to carry greetings and to answer questions about the Bank set-up.
Nile Kinnick Collection