Nile Kinnick's correspondence with his family, January-June 1939
1939-02-05: Page 03
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We are glad that you are so pleased with the steward job. I was talking to the two Phi Psis in the legal department, Ed Davis and Don Young (about 1929) and they told me that the steward serves as treasurer also. In fact, handles all of the house business. That looks like quite an assignment. It will take systematic attention and constant vigelance to see that things go properly. It is the kind of job that must be kept right up to date all of the time. To get behind means double the work and the older an account is the harder it is to collect. I do not know if you make any use of the Fraternity Service that Seiffert supervises but let me suggest that if you get into any deep problems, I hope you will not hesitate too long about consulting him on those problems. He has had a rather broad experience in ths sort of thing, and I regard his judgment as very sound. Sorry to hear that you got your first "C", in accounting and notice that the newspaper carried the event. Your letter of Monday, January 16th I believe, deserves some special comment, and I will scan it with such asides as occur to me. You spoke of Dr. Hutchins being quoted on the reason for coming to college, "to learn to think, straight and for yourself." Quite true, with emphaais on the "for yourself". How few of us really do that. An original thinker is something that really awes me; that is, a chap who goes out into uncharted fields where the spoken and printed word of other adventurers are left behind. I hope that you follow your present plan to take considerable history. With it of course, goes reading in literature and philosophy, as well as straight chronicles. Deeds alone do not tell all the story of a people. The very active, stiring times we now have make one wish that he knew history more intimitely in order to judge the future by the past. He is really a very smart man who can profit by tee experiences of others. Most of us have to go thru the sometimes bitter experience before we learn. I am glad to note your inclination to the practical side of education. Philosophies and theories and sciencies are fine background but when Gus says his roof leaks, he is not interested in policies or reasons for delayed action, he wants some shingles right away. If what we learn at college or anywhere else, doesn't better equip us for helping ourselves and others to greater comfort and happiness, I am afraid the taxpayers money is largely wasted. You speak of getting the underlying principles and essence of a course, rather than mastering the details. That probably is correct for many of the courses that one meets in a college curriculum, but just as soon as you have determined your field of endeavor or business, I am convinced that you should begin to master it in all details. The expert fellow is going to get the nod and not the chap with knowledge of generalities. It takes constant study to keep up, and I am sure that I could profit from more effort along that line. Speaking of reading Fortune, Time and RD mag for current information, we have concluded to drop Time and stick closer to the Monitor for current information. Most newspapers write from their own viewpoint, and it is being most conclusively proven these days that nothing is more prevelent and more effective than propoganda. Your sources must be carefully chosen. History is being made before our very eyes every day, and most of us little suspect the events until the curtain is rung down. Even at that, how much faster are our lines of communications that fifty years ago. There is much of supreme interest in the world, and I believe that you are keenly alive to it and will someday take your part in the act. Much love Pop
We are glad that you are so pleased with the steward job. I was talking to the two Phi Psis in the legal department, Ed Davis and Don Young (about 1929) and they told me that the steward serves as treasurer also. In fact, handles all of the house business. That looks like quite an assignment. It will take systematic attention and constant vigelance to see that things go properly. It is the kind of job that must be kept right up to date all of the time. To get behind means double the work and the older an account is the harder it is to collect. I do not know if you make any use of the Fraternity Service that Seiffert supervises but let me suggest that if you get into any deep problems, I hope you will not hesitate too long about consulting him on those problems. He has had a rather broad experience in ths sort of thing, and I regard his judgment as very sound. Sorry to hear that you got your first "C", in accounting and notice that the newspaper carried the event. Your letter of Monday, January 16th I believe, deserves some special comment, and I will scan it with such asides as occur to me. You spoke of Dr. Hutchins being quoted on the reason for coming to college, "to learn to think, straight and for yourself." Quite true, with emphaais on the "for yourself". How few of us really do that. An original thinker is something that really awes me; that is, a chap who goes out into uncharted fields where the spoken and printed word of other adventurers are left behind. I hope that you follow your present plan to take considerable history. With it of course, goes reading in literature and philosophy, as well as straight chronicles. Deeds alone do not tell all the story of a people. The very active, stiring times we now have make one wish that he knew history more intimitely in order to judge the future by the past. He is really a very smart man who can profit by tee experiences of others. Most of us have to go thru the sometimes bitter experience before we learn. I am glad to note your inclination to the practical side of education. Philosophies and theories and sciencies are fine background but when Gus says his roof leaks, he is not interested in policies or reasons for delayed action, he wants some shingles right away. If what we learn at college or anywhere else, doesn't better equip us for helping ourselves and others to greater comfort and happiness, I am afraid the taxpayers money is largely wasted. You speak of getting the underlying principles and essence of a course, rather than mastering the details. That probably is correct for many of the courses that one meets in a college curriculum, but just as soon as you have determined your field of endeavor or business, I am convinced that you should begin to master it in all details. The expert fellow is going to get the nod and not the chap with knowledge of generalities. It takes constant study to keep up, and I am sure that I could profit from more effort along that line. Speaking of reading Fortune, Time and RD mag for current information, we have concluded to drop Time and stick closer to the Monitor for current information. Most newspapers write from their own viewpoint, and it is being most conclusively proven these days that nothing is more prevelent and more effective than propoganda. Your sources must be carefully chosen. History is being made before our very eyes every day, and most of us little suspect the events until the curtain is rung down. Even at that, how much faster are our lines of communications that fifty years ago. There is much of supreme interest in the world, and I believe that you are keenly alive to it and will someday take your part in the act. Much love Pop
Nile Kinnick Collection