Nile Kinnick's correspondence with his family, January-June 1939
1939-02-05: Back
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a lot of good experince but also a lot of headaches, perhaps. Everything that goes wrong in the house from no hot water to unsatisfactory dessert is blamed on the poor steward. But I am perfectly capable of taking it and minimizing the possible complaints to the best of my ability. It looks as if we are going to be in the market for a new house this spring or summer. This baby was built in 1917 and has just about seen its day. We are not planning to build new but to take over one of the housesoon the campus that is in poor financial condition. I have talked to our financial advisor who is Georgre Nagel and very nice fellow and a shrewd business men as far as I can tell. He has been to Davenport to talk to the investment house issuing the bonds on the houses we are interested in and finds that we possible can swing a deal for a reasonable for a house that we all think is plenty fine. I hope that we can culminate something that will be really satisfactory to all for we certainly need a different house. I would appreciate some help, mother, and suggestions as to how I might work along this particular line. It is of course necessary to keep this absolutely sub rosa. You will be glad to know that I have succeeded in fixing up the broken lock on my door which will assure me alittle pricacy when I so desire. Things are working out so I will be able to continue my study daily ok. For some reason or other I am beginning to think that perhaps after all it would be a good idea for me to go back to camp again. Certainly I know of no other job at whick I could earn a similar amount of money and still have a month at home before I had to start work and several weeks at home before I had to start school again in the fall. .Last night Iowa had a track meet with Chicago. After the meet Bob Kelley and I looked up Bob Merriam whoruns for Chicago and had a very nice visit with him. You will remember Merriam as the boy who visited me during Christmas vacation. I also saw and talked with the Chicago track coach Ned Merriam who wanted to be remembered to you father and expressed a very enthusiastic desire to see you. Thank you very much for the information about the speakers you get to hear at AD-Sell and the Joslyn. I wish very much that I might hear them with you. I think I mentioned that in my last letter that I hear John Mason Brown the dramatic critic from Hew York speak about current plays on Broadway. He was highly entertaining and interesting. I don't believe it will be worth your while to send me consistently any reading material except Sentinels as it is all I can do to get the daily paper read and I have decided to buy myself Time whenever I want to read it. I even more enthusiastic about going to Seattle to take law than I was two weeks ago. The more I think about it the more I like the idea. Both Anderson and Nevers know the coack at Washington U. quite well and after playing under the Notre Dame system for awhile next year it might be that I could hook up out there as an assistant coach of some kind to help defray expenses. It of course just and idea at the present time but worth thinking about I believe. Let me know what you folks think about the whole thing. Yours , Nile
a lot of good experince but also a lot of headaches, perhaps. Everything that goes wrong in the house from no hot water to unsatisfactory dessert is blamed on the poor steward. But I am perfectly capable of taking it and minimizing the possible complaints to the best of my ability. It looks as if we are going to be in the market for a new house this spring or summer. This baby was built in 1917 and has just about seen its day. We are not planning to build new but to take over one of the housesoon the campus that is in poor financial condition. I have talked to our financial advisor who is Georgre Nagel and very nice fellow and a shrewd business men as far as I can tell. He has been to Davenport to talk to the investment house issuing the bonds on the houses we are interested in and finds that we possible can swing a deal for a reasonable for a house that we all think is plenty fine. I hope that we can culminate something that will be really satisfactory to all for we certainly need a different house. I would appreciate some help, mother, and suggestions as to how I might work along this particular line. It is of course necessary to keep this absolutely sub rosa. You will be glad to know that I have succeeded in fixing up the broken lock on my door which will assure me alittle pricacy when I so desire. Things are working out so I will be able to continue my study daily ok. For some reason or other I am beginning to think that perhaps after all it would be a good idea for me to go back to camp again. Certainly I know of no other job at whick I could earn a similar amount of money and still have a month at home before I had to start work and several weeks at home before I had to start school again in the fall. .Last night Iowa had a track meet with Chicago. After the meet Bob Kelley and I looked up Bob Merriam whoruns for Chicago and had a very nice visit with him. You will remember Merriam as the boy who visited me during Christmas vacation. I also saw and talked with the Chicago track coach Ned Merriam who wanted to be remembered to you father and expressed a very enthusiastic desire to see you. Thank you very much for the information about the speakers you get to hear at AD-Sell and the Joslyn. I wish very much that I might hear them with you. I think I mentioned that in my last letter that I hear John Mason Brown the dramatic critic from Hew York speak about current plays on Broadway. He was highly entertaining and interesting. I don't believe it will be worth your while to send me consistently any reading material except Sentinels as it is all I can do to get the daily paper read and I have decided to buy myself Time whenever I want to read it. I even more enthusiastic about going to Seattle to take law than I was two weeks ago. The more I think about it the more I like the idea. Both Anderson and Nevers know the coack at Washington U. quite well and after playing under the Notre Dame system for awhile next year it might be that I could hook up out there as an assistant coach of some kind to help defray expenses. It of course just and idea at the present time but worth thinking about I believe. Let me know what you folks think about the whole thing. Yours , Nile
Nile Kinnick Collection