Nile Kinnick's correspondence with his family, January-June 1939
1939-03-12: Page 01
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March 12, 1939 Dear SB: Your letter of last "Thursday" was much appreciated, together with the one to George on "Monday. May I again suggest that it would not take longer and would be more helpful to carry a date, such as 3-6-39 or 3-9-39. Your method does very well for the moment, but 1 have reason to believe that a store positive identification will be appreciated by some later reader. It was a very nice letter that you wrote to George, and I hope that you will have the time to do so again. He needs just the suggestion and encouragement that you have given. George has a bright mind and a lot of promise, but we deplore the somewhat nervous. jitterbug inclination to be on the move; funnies, radio, movies; too little interest in sound reading or In improving his standing in the basic courses at school. I doubt that he is getting the careful home supervision and help that you boys received, as I find ay interest is in catching up on the days news or in my home correspondence rather than in encouraging George unless there is a specific request for help with arithmetic. Mother perhaps is not as remiss as I but we agree that George is not getting quite the same attention. I have been inclined to place some of the blame on the large city, with his companions coming largely from homes where regular duties and requirements are at a minimum, leaving maximum opportunity for the diversions I spoke of above. Small towns are best for raising kids, I an sure. There, the artificial diversions are fewer and the opportunities for the wholesome activities more abundant. We are think seriously of giving George another year in the eighth grade, if it can be arranged with no social repercussions. He is too young to be thrown with highschool boys and girls, and while his grades will be alright, he would not be harmed by another year of scholastic preparation. It would have pleased you to see him perform when we had Rex Moore out to dinner last Thursday. First, Rex is one of our Iowa fieldmen who assists in servicing farms; lives at Ames now, graduated from the college about 1920, and has been helping in the office lately. George exhibited all of the good training that has been poured on him and not only took his part in the conversation but cheerfully helped put on the dinner, changed the courses and assisted with the dishes with all of the promptness and good natured alacrity that could be wished for. I have long been confident that George has the stuff of a fine young man, but at times it is submerged by the froth of city living. He would profit immensely by the example and encouragement of his older brothers during these very important years. Speaking of letters, I received one from Royce Kinnick about a month ago, in response to one that I wrote him. I told him that I had left his letter to you with Ruth Bice, and that ho doubt she would write him also, giving additional information on the Kinnicks in Iowa from her records. Ruth intends to see Allie Harpel in Des Moines first, as she has a great deal of material on the Kinnick genealogy. Ruth intends to collect the facts and will send them to me for typing. I intend to make some extra copies, as no doubt others in the family will be glad to have the record. When phoning a friend in Coon Rapids
March 12, 1939 Dear SB: Your letter of last "Thursday" was much appreciated, together with the one to George on "Monday. May I again suggest that it would not take longer and would be more helpful to carry a date, such as 3-6-39 or 3-9-39. Your method does very well for the moment, but 1 have reason to believe that a store positive identification will be appreciated by some later reader. It was a very nice letter that you wrote to George, and I hope that you will have the time to do so again. He needs just the suggestion and encouragement that you have given. George has a bright mind and a lot of promise, but we deplore the somewhat nervous. jitterbug inclination to be on the move; funnies, radio, movies; too little interest in sound reading or In improving his standing in the basic courses at school. I doubt that he is getting the careful home supervision and help that you boys received, as I find ay interest is in catching up on the days news or in my home correspondence rather than in encouraging George unless there is a specific request for help with arithmetic. Mother perhaps is not as remiss as I but we agree that George is not getting quite the same attention. I have been inclined to place some of the blame on the large city, with his companions coming largely from homes where regular duties and requirements are at a minimum, leaving maximum opportunity for the diversions I spoke of above. Small towns are best for raising kids, I an sure. There, the artificial diversions are fewer and the opportunities for the wholesome activities more abundant. We are think seriously of giving George another year in the eighth grade, if it can be arranged with no social repercussions. He is too young to be thrown with highschool boys and girls, and while his grades will be alright, he would not be harmed by another year of scholastic preparation. It would have pleased you to see him perform when we had Rex Moore out to dinner last Thursday. First, Rex is one of our Iowa fieldmen who assists in servicing farms; lives at Ames now, graduated from the college about 1920, and has been helping in the office lately. George exhibited all of the good training that has been poured on him and not only took his part in the conversation but cheerfully helped put on the dinner, changed the courses and assisted with the dishes with all of the promptness and good natured alacrity that could be wished for. I have long been confident that George has the stuff of a fine young man, but at times it is submerged by the froth of city living. He would profit immensely by the example and encouragement of his older brothers during these very important years. Speaking of letters, I received one from Royce Kinnick about a month ago, in response to one that I wrote him. I told him that I had left his letter to you with Ruth Bice, and that ho doubt she would write him also, giving additional information on the Kinnicks in Iowa from her records. Ruth intends to see Allie Harpel in Des Moines first, as she has a great deal of material on the Kinnick genealogy. Ruth intends to collect the facts and will send them to me for typing. I intend to make some extra copies, as no doubt others in the family will be glad to have the record. When phoning a friend in Coon Rapids
Nile Kinnick Collection