Nile Kinnick's correspondence with his family, January-June 1939
1939-03-12: Page 03
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the other day, I learned that the name of the Kinnick living there is Paul H. Kinnick, that he has lived there all his life and has a brother Robert who is a farmer in the vacinity. Sometime I shall write to or call on him there. Once when in CR I storied in the bank to see him and found that he had gene to a fire out in the country. Possibly a member of the volunteer firemen. Your uncle Butler used to be a member of the Adel volunteers. Mother sent Louise a gift some time ago and received a good letter from Louise, which I enclose. Please show it to Ben and then return it. Your comments on the initiation were interesting, and when you are home next time, we shall go into a little discussion on the fraternity question, to see where our ideas differ, if any. In connection with the stewardship, why don't you start a system like the student manager system. That is, take on a likely apprentice who can do considerable of your detail work. Sort of work out some of their stamps, if you get the allusion there. A week ago last Saturday, after I left the office, I met Bert Hobbs on the street and we had a good chat about our lowa City delegates. He tells me, not yet for publication, that Bob plans to start his MD studies here in Omaha next fall. That, of course, you know, but it would be nicer if you could continue your association thruout the rest ofWSe rejoice that you are finding spring practice so interesting. That is fine, and I hope that next fall will bear the fruits that have so far been denied your teams down there. It is entirely possible that the whole picture down therecan be changed in one season. It would seen that Anderson and his assistants are capable of leading that very kind of a reversal. You have spoken more than once of showing this spring what a good footballer looks like. You of course appreciate the good judgment of working toward a climax so that your work shows constant improvement, rather than trying to achieve top form at the very start. Always keep some reserve for the time when you really have to have it. Clyde Williams always said that when you find a weak place in the opposing line, remember it when you really need it most, rather than pound it all the time. We shall be interested in your progressing impressions of spring rehearsal and of the men who are guiding the destinies of Iowa football. A swell game when kept within the bounds of reasonable emphasis. We'll be down next fall. You mentioned a football booklet as a possible means of summer employment and financial gain. I believe that proposition should be studied rather carefully before you undertake any part in it. What has been the previous experience? Does the booklet have real merit, or would your advertisers feel that it is merely to help you, personally? Who could furnish the financial support, etc? Mother and Mr. Stilling practiced this afternoon, and showed considerable promise, supporting the general belief that they should be alright. You and Ben should have a grand time next week end. Mother and G. are going back to Adel next Saturday, to stay over until about Wednesday to visit with Ben there, who will not come to Omaha. Love Pop
the other day, I learned that the name of the Kinnick living there is Paul H. Kinnick, that he has lived there all his life and has a brother Robert who is a farmer in the vacinity. Sometime I shall write to or call on him there. Once when in CR I storied in the bank to see him and found that he had gene to a fire out in the country. Possibly a member of the volunteer firemen. Your uncle Butler used to be a member of the Adel volunteers. Mother sent Louise a gift some time ago and received a good letter from Louise, which I enclose. Please show it to Ben and then return it. Your comments on the initiation were interesting, and when you are home next time, we shall go into a little discussion on the fraternity question, to see where our ideas differ, if any. In connection with the stewardship, why don't you start a system like the student manager system. That is, take on a likely apprentice who can do considerable of your detail work. Sort of work out some of their stamps, if you get the allusion there. A week ago last Saturday, after I left the office, I met Bert Hobbs on the street and we had a good chat about our lowa City delegates. He tells me, not yet for publication, that Bob plans to start his MD studies here in Omaha next fall. That, of course, you know, but it would be nicer if you could continue your association thruout the rest ofWSe rejoice that you are finding spring practice so interesting. That is fine, and I hope that next fall will bear the fruits that have so far been denied your teams down there. It is entirely possible that the whole picture down therecan be changed in one season. It would seen that Anderson and his assistants are capable of leading that very kind of a reversal. You have spoken more than once of showing this spring what a good footballer looks like. You of course appreciate the good judgment of working toward a climax so that your work shows constant improvement, rather than trying to achieve top form at the very start. Always keep some reserve for the time when you really have to have it. Clyde Williams always said that when you find a weak place in the opposing line, remember it when you really need it most, rather than pound it all the time. We shall be interested in your progressing impressions of spring rehearsal and of the men who are guiding the destinies of Iowa football. A swell game when kept within the bounds of reasonable emphasis. We'll be down next fall. You mentioned a football booklet as a possible means of summer employment and financial gain. I believe that proposition should be studied rather carefully before you undertake any part in it. What has been the previous experience? Does the booklet have real merit, or would your advertisers feel that it is merely to help you, personally? Who could furnish the financial support, etc? Mother and Mr. Stilling practiced this afternoon, and showed considerable promise, supporting the general belief that they should be alright. You and Ben should have a grand time next week end. Mother and G. are going back to Adel next Saturday, to stay over until about Wednesday to visit with Ben there, who will not come to Omaha. Love Pop
Nile Kinnick Collection