Nile Kinnick's correspondence with his family, January-June 1939
1939-06-12: Page 03
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Clarke and Mary and Mike and Elizabeth stayed all night last night and 'till about ten o'clock this morning. Then everybody went out to Wilbur's for dinner, save myself. I felt I should stay at home and rest a bit Mike slept in the North bedroom by himself straight thru the night 'till six AM. Had a nice time playing with him this morning. I want to tell you all again how much pleasure the trip and visit to Omaha gave me. I enjoyed the ride both going and coming so much and am quite sure you and Nile Jr. are both master drivers. Wishing you a happy and restful summer and with love to all I am as always Your fond grandmother Arletta G. Clarke
Clarke and Mary and Mike and Elizabeth stayed all night last night and 'till about ten o'clock this morning. Then everybody went out to Wilbur's for dinner, save myself. I felt I should stay at home and rest a bit Mike slept in the North bedroom by himself straight thru the night 'till six AM. Had a nice time playing with him this morning. I want to tell you all again how much pleasure the trip and visit to Omaha gave me. I enjoyed the ride both going and coming so much and am quite sure you and Nile Jr. are both master drivers. Wishing you a happy and restful summer and with love to all I am as always Your fond grandmother Arletta G. Clarke
Nile Kinnick Collection