Nile Kinnick correspondence, 1935-1938
1938-07-18: Page 14
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THE DINGLEBAT Published during the camping season at Camp Highlands for Boys on Plum lake, Saynar, Wis. The paper is written, typed, and mimeographed by the boys. Editor-in-chief Carney Denvir Managing editor Bob Carney News Editor Perry O'Neil Reporters--Charles Luberger, Tom Goodman, Dennis Kelly, Bob Reid, Henry Malcolm, Roger Conant. Adviser Fred Vance MONDAY, JULY 19, 1937 EDITORIAL Every person at Camp Highlands who saw Wally Anderson's Indian ceremony Saturday night was more than pleased with the performance. The many hours spent by the boys in preparation for the show were well spent because every act went off smoothly and without any interruptions which so frequently go along with an unorganized performance. One of the highlights of the performance was the fact that the players paid no attention to the audience and went on with their acts without that smile on their faces which is the result of seeing a friend in the front row. Without a doubt the audience appreciated Wally's and the boys' work in preparing the show; and will be waiting for another performance in about two weeks. NICKNACKS about NICKNAMES Give contributions to Bob Carney BYRON KARZAS CARCASS WEBB LEHMANN LEMON JIM DeYARMANN FATS GEORGE ADAMS SQUEAKER DICK RILEY LEGS TOM ROSENOW ROSEY JOHN KELLEY SLOPPY JOHN PERRY O'NEIL POTS ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION NAME THE TWO SAILBOATS AND WIN A TWO-POUND BOX OF CANDY. NO GUM WRAPPERS OR BOX TOPS TO SEND IN. JUST A PIECE OF PAPER WITH YOUR ENTRIES ON IT. REMEMBER--ENTER ONE NAME ONLY FOR EACH BOAT--THE RED AND THE WHITE. Hand in your selections, along with your name, to Carney Denvir, editor of The Dinglebat. THE CONTEST ENDSNEXT WEDNESDAY, DAY AFTER TOMORROW, JULY 21, 1937. REALITES-- Bill Dubs actually can be moved--by electricity. Pies are the fashion in the dining room; pied beds are the fashion in the bay and Cabin 3. WANTED A KILLER--to be used against a bear! EARN THOSE AWARDS NOW--TODAY NEWS ABOUT THE LODGE... The Parents Lodge is enjoying a prosperous and happy year. A great many parents and friends of the camp and campers and a few former campers are or were staying there. Among those who are present or have visisted are Mrs. Day, Mr. and Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Sweney, mother of Jack Sweney, former counselor, and her daughter, Marian, Hoxie Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Pieters, Mr. Grame Stewart and Bruce Pieters. Mr. and Mrs. Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. Rosenow, Mr. and Mrs. Platt, Mr. and Mrs. Sheriffs, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Vance and daughter Harriet, Mr. and Mrs. with, Mr. and Mrs. Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson, Mrs. Heart, Marian Masters, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mr. Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Chace and daughter, Mrs. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. P. Clark.
THE DINGLEBAT Published during the camping season at Camp Highlands for Boys on Plum lake, Saynar, Wis. The paper is written, typed, and mimeographed by the boys. Editor-in-chief Carney Denvir Managing editor Bob Carney News Editor Perry O'Neil Reporters--Charles Luberger, Tom Goodman, Dennis Kelly, Bob Reid, Henry Malcolm, Roger Conant. Adviser Fred Vance MONDAY, JULY 19, 1937 EDITORIAL Every person at Camp Highlands who saw Wally Anderson's Indian ceremony Saturday night was more than pleased with the performance. The many hours spent by the boys in preparation for the show were well spent because every act went off smoothly and without any interruptions which so frequently go along with an unorganized performance. One of the highlights of the performance was the fact that the players paid no attention to the audience and went on with their acts without that smile on their faces which is the result of seeing a friend in the front row. Without a doubt the audience appreciated Wally's and the boys' work in preparing the show; and will be waiting for another performance in about two weeks. NICKNACKS about NICKNAMES Give contributions to Bob Carney BYRON KARZAS CARCASS WEBB LEHMANN LEMON JIM DeYARMANN FATS GEORGE ADAMS SQUEAKER DICK RILEY LEGS TOM ROSENOW ROSEY JOHN KELLEY SLOPPY JOHN PERRY O'NEIL POTS ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION NAME THE TWO SAILBOATS AND WIN A TWO-POUND BOX OF CANDY. NO GUM WRAPPERS OR BOX TOPS TO SEND IN. JUST A PIECE OF PAPER WITH YOUR ENTRIES ON IT. REMEMBER--ENTER ONE NAME ONLY FOR EACH BOAT--THE RED AND THE WHITE. Hand in your selections, along with your name, to Carney Denvir, editor of The Dinglebat. THE CONTEST ENDSNEXT WEDNESDAY, DAY AFTER TOMORROW, JULY 21, 1937. REALITES-- Bill Dubs actually can be moved--by electricity. Pies are the fashion in the dining room; pied beds are the fashion in the bay and Cabin 3. WANTED A KILLER--to be used against a bear! EARN THOSE AWARDS NOW--TODAY NEWS ABOUT THE LODGE... The Parents Lodge is enjoying a prosperous and happy year. A great many parents and friends of the camp and campers and a few former campers are or were staying there. Among those who are present or have visisted are Mrs. Day, Mr. and Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Sweney, mother of Jack Sweney, former counselor, and her daughter, Marian, Hoxie Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Pieters, Mr. Grame Stewart and Bruce Pieters. Mr. and Mrs. Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. Rosenow, Mr. and Mrs. Platt, Mr. and Mrs. Sheriffs, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Vance and daughter Harriet, Mr. and Mrs. with, Mr. and Mrs. Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson, Mrs. Heart, Marian Masters, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mr. Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Chace and daughter, Mrs. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. P. Clark.
Nile Kinnick Collection