Correspondence concerning the commemoration of Nile Kinnick, 1941-1997
1996-07-22: Page 01
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From Lou Ledbetter 7/22/96 6:00 a.m. Dear Bob: [Hobbs] it was thoughtful of you to send me Tomlinson's obituary and your recommended reading list. I mailed four copies of the former, and will sample some of the latter this winter. I have been perched in my Montana cabin since 6/27, and hope to remain here until 10/1. This is our 23rd summer in this area, and we have more friends here than in Scottsbluff. Our Montana friends are 15 to 20 years younger than our vintage of 1918, while my Scottsbluff friends have succumbed to the actuarial tables. As I write this the temp is 38 - 8 warmer than yesterday. It's a different world at 7600 ft. I attended a squadron reunion at Minneapolis 6/6 to 6/9. There
From Lou Ledbetter 7/22/96 6:00 a.m. Dear Bob: [Hobbs] it was thoughtful of you to send me Tomlinson's obituary and your recommended reading list. I mailed four copies of the former, and will sample some of the latter this winter. I have been perched in my Montana cabin since 6/27, and hope to remain here until 10/1. This is our 23rd summer in this area, and we have more friends here than in Scottsbluff. Our Montana friends are 15 to 20 years younger than our vintage of 1918, while my Scottsbluff friends have succumbed to the actuarial tables. As I write this the temp is 38 - 8 warmer than yesterday. It's a different world at 7600 ft. I attended a squadron reunion at Minneapolis 6/6 to 6/9. There
Nile Kinnick Collection