Correspondence concerning the commemoration of Nile Kinnick, 1941-1997
1996-07-22: Page 07
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4 the money, and (b) if they do, that they are unsuccessful in their search. I don't deify Nile, but I feel quite strongly that this would be an act of desecration. Nile and I were friendly with each other, and we had a few serious talks together. He told me that although football had given him a lot, it had also caused him to miss a lot of life because of the intense discipline that he subjected himself to. My interests lay in womanizing, drinking and gambling; so we didn't spend our every eighth day off together. You have an author in your area whose work I have enjoyed. His name is Ivan Doig, and I recommend his House of Sky, English Creek, and Dancing at the Rascal Fair to you. I called him to express my appreciation, and had a very satisfying con-
4 the money, and (b) if they do, that they are unsuccessful in their search. I don't deify Nile, but I feel quite strongly that this would be an act of desecration. Nile and I were friendly with each other, and we had a few serious talks together. He told me that although football had given him a lot, it had also caused him to miss a lot of life because of the intense discipline that he subjected himself to. My interests lay in womanizing, drinking and gambling; so we didn't spend our every eighth day off together. You have an author in your area whose work I have enjoyed. His name is Ivan Doig, and I recommend his House of Sky, English Creek, and Dancing at the Rascal Fair to you. I called him to express my appreciation, and had a very satisfying con-
Nile Kinnick Collection