Nile Kinnick correspondence, March-October 1943
1943-03-06: Front
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Saturday March 6, 1943 Dear Bob, I really haven't anything of interest to write, but do want to make some answer to your question concerning HTA training in "P" boats. Have no doubt that you could measure up alright despite your "advanced" age. However, the routine of cadet training fills every day from 5:30 to dark, and sometimes later; the restrictions are petty, annoying; the discipline is aggravating. In short and put coarsely- you have to take a lot of shit from tin horns you'd like to step on. Nonetheless, if viewed in the proper humor it isn't so bad. Therefore, ask yourself honestly how badly you want to fly. If you are impelled by a real urge I say go ahead. There is this drawback, Bob. Unless you can get orders for "P" boats before you go to Pensacola there is no assurance that you will get that kind of training. It used to be that a 4.0 in celestial navigation was required among other things. Since then I have heard that the boys are being divided arbitrarily without regard to grades or choice. Am not positive about this, however. I fear we aren't likely to get together
Saturday March 6, 1943 Dear Bob, I really haven't anything of interest to write, but do want to make some answer to your question concerning HTA training in "P" boats. Have no doubt that you could measure up alright despite your "advanced" age. However, the routine of cadet training fills every day from 5:30 to dark, and sometimes later; the restrictions are petty, annoying; the discipline is aggravating. In short and put coarsely- you have to take a lot of shit from tin horns you'd like to step on. Nonetheless, if viewed in the proper humor it isn't so bad. Therefore, ask yourself honestly how badly you want to fly. If you are impelled by a real urge I say go ahead. There is this drawback, Bob. Unless you can get orders for "P" boats before you go to Pensacola there is no assurance that you will get that kind of training. It used to be that a 4.0 in celestial navigation was required among other things. Since then I have heard that the boys are being divided arbitrarily without regard to grades or choice. Am not positive about this, however. I fear we aren't likely to get together
Nile Kinnick Collection