Nile Kinnick correspondence, March-October 1943
1943-03-13: Page 04
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By the way is that Van Devender one of the Dallas County men we know? I am also sending a bit of poetical expression written by our colored mess boy at the squadron. The form and structure may be faulty, the spelling poor, but the theme and sentiment are good, very good. He trys his hand at poetry quite frequently, but this is far the best. He called me aside and asked me to read and comment on it. My criticism was favorable, yet he didn't seem to want it back so I kept it. now I am wondering if it is really original with him. I believe it could be, but I am not too sure. Keep me posted on how B.H. S. makes out at Lincoln. Am pulling for them all the way. George I'm proud of the way you are leading your team, the unselfish way in which you speak of the first team all-city recognition given to Mulvaney and Rose. Good boy! Shall answer your last letter as soon as I can. Ditto grandma's. Much love, Nile. P.S. Without foreboding but as a matter of common sense I want to make a specific request concerning my will. Should its exercise ever be necessary I desire that mother have the lady's wristwatch and father the New York Sun pocket watch. This is more than a request; it amounts to a codicil to my first testament. All other of my possessions and assets I want used for the general benefit and happiness of the Kinnick family as mother and father may see fit, George's college education being of prime importance.
By the way is that Van Devender one of the Dallas County men we know? I am also sending a bit of poetical expression written by our colored mess boy at the squadron. The form and structure may be faulty, the spelling poor, but the theme and sentiment are good, very good. He trys his hand at poetry quite frequently, but this is far the best. He called me aside and asked me to read and comment on it. My criticism was favorable, yet he didn't seem to want it back so I kept it. now I am wondering if it is really original with him. I believe it could be, but I am not too sure. Keep me posted on how B.H. S. makes out at Lincoln. Am pulling for them all the way. George I'm proud of the way you are leading your team, the unselfish way in which you speak of the first team all-city recognition given to Mulvaney and Rose. Good boy! Shall answer your last letter as soon as I can. Ditto grandma's. Much love, Nile. P.S. Without foreboding but as a matter of common sense I want to make a specific request concerning my will. Should its exercise ever be necessary I desire that mother have the lady's wristwatch and father the New York Sun pocket watch. This is more than a request; it amounts to a codicil to my first testament. All other of my possessions and assets I want used for the general benefit and happiness of the Kinnick family as mother and father may see fit, George's college education being of prime importance.
Nile Kinnick Collection