Nile Kinnick correspondence, March-October 1943
1943-03-16: Page 01
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Omaha, Nebraska March 16, 1943 Dear Nile: Truely it has been too long since I last wrote you. How time gets away when you fail to seize it firmly for those things that ought to be done. This letter will bring us up to date on quite a number of items. Under separate cover I have mailed you several clippings, mostly about the recent basketball games. A careful perusal, if you have the time, will give you the picture better than I can describe it. George performed very well, I believe, and carried his end of the load with credit. Now, I hope that he will gather up the somewhat frayed ends of his scholastic strings and whip them into a sort of life-line that will afford him an anchor more durable than the ephemeral plaudits of the bleachers. Also enclosed are some other items that I thought might be of interest to you. The cartoon from the Tribune (Chicago) seemed pat, and I gathered it on my jaunt into Iowa. In no other manner do I represent that the Tribune reflects my views. By and large, it is one of the sinister influences in this land. We have discussed means by which you might indicate to us your ports of call, without giving information to those who should not have it. You may pass judgment on the suggestion that I enclose - which is a list of 31 places over the globe where you might be, sooner or later, I have kept an identical list, and if you use a number in any manner either in the first paragraph or the last paragraph of your letter, we will understand that you will be, are or shall be, at the point corresponding to that name, or reasonably near to it. A comment like, "I wrote you on the 11th", would mean that you have been at Cuba, possibly the Navy Base there. Past tense could mean that you have been there; present tense that you are there now, and future tense that you are headed in that direction. If you think the plan has merit, and is permissable at all under censorship rules, I know that we would appreciate such information as you can give us. Your last money orders were deposited and I at the same time withdrew $86.78 for the following purposes: income tax $36.25 books: Glimpses of world History $4.00 uniforms 22.00 Destiny of West. World 3.00 bond 18.75 Story of Confederacy 1.39 Story of Reconstruction 1.39 We shall follow your instructions about depositing your remittances coming direct from the pay-roll allotment, for bonds, church, etc. There are three more payments due on your uniforms, two for $22 and one for a smaller amount. I have been in touch with Matthews Book Store in regard to the volumes that you want. Enclosed is a list of the Churchill books prepared by Miss O'Leary with whom I have been dealing there, and the ones that I find on our shelves have been checked with pencil. We also have "Roving Commission" but it is marked for George, If you want me to order each of the others, please indicate. The World Crisis volumes cover three periods and come In four volumes, or may be had in one volume. A letter from the publisher, Scribner's, states that the one volume edition "does not contain all the material in the four volume set, but it does contain all of the essential facts." Perhaps you should say which you prefer. How about the "Marlborough-6 vols."? You have two volumes of Lincoln's biography, "The Prairie Years". I understand that you want me to buy the other Sandburg volumes of that biography. Also I believe there is a single volume containing all of the known writings by Lincoln, but I do not have the author's name at hand. We will keep working on this delegation and will execute it to the best of our ability. I bought and presented a couple of books this past week. A current edition of Webster's Collegiate Dictionary to the Kovarik boys, Joe and Jack, with an
Omaha, Nebraska March 16, 1943 Dear Nile: Truely it has been too long since I last wrote you. How time gets away when you fail to seize it firmly for those things that ought to be done. This letter will bring us up to date on quite a number of items. Under separate cover I have mailed you several clippings, mostly about the recent basketball games. A careful perusal, if you have the time, will give you the picture better than I can describe it. George performed very well, I believe, and carried his end of the load with credit. Now, I hope that he will gather up the somewhat frayed ends of his scholastic strings and whip them into a sort of life-line that will afford him an anchor more durable than the ephemeral plaudits of the bleachers. Also enclosed are some other items that I thought might be of interest to you. The cartoon from the Tribune (Chicago) seemed pat, and I gathered it on my jaunt into Iowa. In no other manner do I represent that the Tribune reflects my views. By and large, it is one of the sinister influences in this land. We have discussed means by which you might indicate to us your ports of call, without giving information to those who should not have it. You may pass judgment on the suggestion that I enclose - which is a list of 31 places over the globe where you might be, sooner or later, I have kept an identical list, and if you use a number in any manner either in the first paragraph or the last paragraph of your letter, we will understand that you will be, are or shall be, at the point corresponding to that name, or reasonably near to it. A comment like, "I wrote you on the 11th", would mean that you have been at Cuba, possibly the Navy Base there. Past tense could mean that you have been there; present tense that you are there now, and future tense that you are headed in that direction. If you think the plan has merit, and is permissable at all under censorship rules, I know that we would appreciate such information as you can give us. Your last money orders were deposited and I at the same time withdrew $86.78 for the following purposes: income tax $36.25 books: Glimpses of world History $4.00 uniforms 22.00 Destiny of West. World 3.00 bond 18.75 Story of Confederacy 1.39 Story of Reconstruction 1.39 We shall follow your instructions about depositing your remittances coming direct from the pay-roll allotment, for bonds, church, etc. There are three more payments due on your uniforms, two for $22 and one for a smaller amount. I have been in touch with Matthews Book Store in regard to the volumes that you want. Enclosed is a list of the Churchill books prepared by Miss O'Leary with whom I have been dealing there, and the ones that I find on our shelves have been checked with pencil. We also have "Roving Commission" but it is marked for George, If you want me to order each of the others, please indicate. The World Crisis volumes cover three periods and come In four volumes, or may be had in one volume. A letter from the publisher, Scribner's, states that the one volume edition "does not contain all the material in the four volume set, but it does contain all of the essential facts." Perhaps you should say which you prefer. How about the "Marlborough-6 vols."? You have two volumes of Lincoln's biography, "The Prairie Years". I understand that you want me to buy the other Sandburg volumes of that biography. Also I believe there is a single volume containing all of the known writings by Lincoln, but I do not have the author's name at hand. We will keep working on this delegation and will execute it to the best of our ability. I bought and presented a couple of books this past week. A current edition of Webster's Collegiate Dictionary to the Kovarik boys, Joe and Jack, with an
Nile Kinnick Collection