Nile Kinnick correspondence, March-October 1943
1943-03-19: Page 01
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Friday March 19, 1943 Dear Folks, I would not have supposed it possible for me to get so enthused about a basketball tournament at this distance. But I must confess that I have watched the mailbox with particular eagerness all this week waiting for word of how good old B.H.S. made out at Lincoln. Strange as it sounds my fingers actually trembled a bit with excitement as I read in order the clippings which father sent. One of the pre-game writeups of the two finalists mentioned that Lincoln had been beaten by Tech during the season. At that point I thought it quite likely that Benson had won the title, but the black face lead of the next article shattered that hope. It is too bad that the boys couldn't have gained first place, and I suppose that even now they are re-playing the game and speaking of ways in which they should have turned the trick. Close games always turn all little things and shots that dribble around the rim and then roll off are among the most maddening. Wild as it may seem you have to resolve against such luck just as you guard against inalertness. However, it has been a grand season, and the overall achievement should soon dissipate the immediate disappointment. How happy they all must be. The press notices of George's play make me very proud. A good guard is a "hustler forcing the pace." That writer paid him a fine single line tribute. A backcourt man with drive, spirit, and finesse in his passing makes a fair team good, and a good team better. From here it appears as if George can take much satisfaction
Friday March 19, 1943 Dear Folks, I would not have supposed it possible for me to get so enthused about a basketball tournament at this distance. But I must confess that I have watched the mailbox with particular eagerness all this week waiting for word of how good old B.H.S. made out at Lincoln. Strange as it sounds my fingers actually trembled a bit with excitement as I read in order the clippings which father sent. One of the pre-game writeups of the two finalists mentioned that Lincoln had been beaten by Tech during the season. At that point I thought it quite likely that Benson had won the title, but the black face lead of the next article shattered that hope. It is too bad that the boys couldn't have gained first place, and I suppose that even now they are re-playing the game and speaking of ways in which they should have turned the trick. Close games always turn all little things and shots that dribble around the rim and then roll off are among the most maddening. Wild as it may seem you have to resolve against such luck just as you guard against inalertness. However, it has been a grand season, and the overall achievement should soon dissipate the immediate disappointment. How happy they all must be. The press notices of George's play make me very proud. A good guard is a "hustler forcing the pace." That writer paid him a fine single line tribute. A backcourt man with drive, spirit, and finesse in his passing makes a fair team good, and a good team better. From here it appears as if George can take much satisfaction
Nile Kinnick Collection