Nile Kinnick correspondence, March-October 1943
1943-04-01: Front
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Thursday April 1, 1943 Dear Gus, You will read my mentioning a letter from Frank Williams in which he listed some stocks he believed to be good investments. Instead of acting on that information I replied with some observations on the market which I wanted confirmation on and also requested he indicate the best - in his judgement - among the four. Due to illness he was unable to answer for three weeks, during which time three of the stocks he listed have made substantial gains - anywhere from 4 to 9 points better. Tonight I wrote asking that he buy for me out of my Iowa City savings 6 shares International Harvester and 8 shares of Paramount Pictures. You will have to send him my bank book to consummate the deal, so please do that immediately. He is to send the certificates to you and address any necessary correspondence in your name. I think it would be wise to get four or five hundred dollars of my Omaha account into some good stocks. Therefore, at your immediate convenience I suggest that you confer with your investment friend in the
Thursday April 1, 1943 Dear Gus, You will read my mentioning a letter from Frank Williams in which he listed some stocks he believed to be good investments. Instead of acting on that information I replied with some observations on the market which I wanted confirmation on and also requested he indicate the best - in his judgement - among the four. Due to illness he was unable to answer for three weeks, during which time three of the stocks he listed have made substantial gains - anywhere from 4 to 9 points better. Tonight I wrote asking that he buy for me out of my Iowa City savings 6 shares International Harvester and 8 shares of Paramount Pictures. You will have to send him my bank book to consummate the deal, so please do that immediately. He is to send the certificates to you and address any necessary correspondence in your name. I think it would be wise to get four or five hundred dollars of my Omaha account into some good stocks. Therefore, at your immediate convenience I suggest that you confer with your investment friend in the
Nile Kinnick Collection