Nile Kinnick correspondence, March-October 1943
1943-04-01: Back
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city, and act on his advice. Mainly I want a great sound investment - practically guaranteed - but if possible one that will show some advancement between now and the time I shall want to unload, probably shortly after the war. Always we want to keep the long range view of some farm land in mind. Acting on previous authorization I hope you will continue to get a decent percentage of my savings into productive investment. At this writing Int. Harvester stands at 68+ and Paramount Pictures at 24+. If your friend would charge more of a commission than Frank, get your information casually and deal through the latter - unless you consider that a violation of good conscience. Things go well here, although we haven't flown for a couple of days due to the weather. Love, Nile P.S. Mother, if Gus isn't home please send the Iowa City bank book to Mr. Williams at once.
city, and act on his advice. Mainly I want a great sound investment - practically guaranteed - but if possible one that will show some advancement between now and the time I shall want to unload, probably shortly after the war. Always we want to keep the long range view of some farm land in mind. Acting on previous authorization I hope you will continue to get a decent percentage of my savings into productive investment. At this writing Int. Harvester stands at 68+ and Paramount Pictures at 24+. If your friend would charge more of a commission than Frank, get your information casually and deal through the latter - unless you consider that a violation of good conscience. Things go well here, although we haven't flown for a couple of days due to the weather. Love, Nile P.S. Mother, if Gus isn't home please send the Iowa City bank book to Mr. Williams at once.
Nile Kinnick Collection