Nile Kinnick correspondence, March-October 1943
1943-04-05: Page 06
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Washington? Whoever they are they are just as bad as John L. Lewis. It really pains me to see the farm interests making every effort to crack the existing price structure, for farmers mean Iowa to me and I want always to be proud of her and what she stands for. Let me know what decision is taken at the business meeting of the church members concerning the full payment of the mortgage. Must sign now - things go well. Yours, Nile P:S: The part of this letter dealing with checking and ferrying of aircraft may be of interest to Ben. Why don't you send it along to him plus the additional counsel: Always take off in full low pitch and have your prop in full low when landing, so if you have to take a wave off you can get full power. This is imperative! If you are using a Curtiss Electric prop make sure the generator is giving full voltage before taking off - also check the increase, decrease controls and the vernier.
Washington? Whoever they are they are just as bad as John L. Lewis. It really pains me to see the farm interests making every effort to crack the existing price structure, for farmers mean Iowa to me and I want always to be proud of her and what she stands for. Let me know what decision is taken at the business meeting of the church members concerning the full payment of the mortgage. Must sign now - things go well. Yours, Nile P:S: The part of this letter dealing with checking and ferrying of aircraft may be of interest to Ben. Why don't you send it along to him plus the additional counsel: Always take off in full low pitch and have your prop in full low when landing, so if you have to take a wave off you can get full power. This is imperative! If you are using a Curtiss Electric prop make sure the generator is giving full voltage before taking off - also check the increase, decrease controls and the vernier.
Nile Kinnick Collection