Nile Kinnick correspondence, March-October 1943
1943-04-11: Front
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Sunday night, April 11, 1943 Dear SB: First, let me say how pleased and happy I am that you are to have the F6F jobs before you go into action. That really should equip you well mechanically and I am pleased no end. Would like to be about when you make your first hop, and I have assured you before that in spirit I fly with you each time. Your description of the Newburgh assignment was splendid, and the neat accomplishment of it must have given you no little satisfaction. We have the impression that your training has been thorough and that you have absorbed it in like manner. Please give us more of those detailed narrations. You have no idea how close home it brings your activities. One item I couldn't understand; what is an oleo? Sounds like a shock absorber, but could find no confirmation. I agree with your comment on the Beechcraft bi-wing number. It is really a honey, just looking at it. In gl ancing over some of your recent letters I find a question or two about the piece in Time about John Vandevender. Yes, that was John of Dallas County, as everified by DC News, That was an excellent piece of descriptive writing, and accurate even to the weather vane. The riderless horse would constitute the vane and therefore would hang to the lee side. The accompanying picture is subject to criticism in my opinion. The sow was a Duroc instead of a Chester White, and that picture was surely taken in the corner of a small portable house instead of in a barn.. The floor was dirt and the construction of the walls was definitely small house style instead of barn. But that should not detract from the high merit of the article. Your letter of March 23d is devoted mostly to comments on the booklet Peace & War. Your conclusions are like those expressed in an editorial in the Register several weeks ago. Tho I haven't read this booklet I agree completely with your appraisal of the present administration. You have heard me say more than once that FDR doesn't draw a breath without considering the political implications of it. I am glad that you recognize so clearly that character in government is as important as character in person. Neither can be great or really successful without it. And that is where our government suffers most now. Enclosed is a recent clipping from the Register by Lippman. Probably you have seen it but just in case, I send it as an encouraging expression of a writer whom I admire concerning an able man who should be the next leader of this republic. You suggest that popular opinion may again override the wishes of the old line Republic ans, and I believe that may very well happen. It seems there is a strong tide running that way, and tho Bricker is getting quite a play, he will never make it if the isolationist tag can be pinned on him. I hate to see the party split but there should be no compromise on that issue. Rainy last Saturday, and cloudy to-day with prospects for more showers. The rain will do a world of good as the top soil was getting pretty dry in Nebraska. The river continues to rise. We (mother, grandma and I) took a little ride this aft and viewed the swollen stream from the Douglas bridge. East Omaha is largely under water and there is some danger to the airport. The crest is expected about Tuesday so the papers state, and I shall enclose some clippings. Things seem pretty good in the old homestead. Grandma seems quite contented and comfortable. Mother has had a very busy practice lately. George appears to be tying into the school work with some greater interest. My affairs are normal tho it seems there is a large demand on time, with church meetings and other affairs leaving me too little for reading. With the fiscal year now completed the trend may ease away now. Love Pop
Sunday night, April 11, 1943 Dear SB: First, let me say how pleased and happy I am that you are to have the F6F jobs before you go into action. That really should equip you well mechanically and I am pleased no end. Would like to be about when you make your first hop, and I have assured you before that in spirit I fly with you each time. Your description of the Newburgh assignment was splendid, and the neat accomplishment of it must have given you no little satisfaction. We have the impression that your training has been thorough and that you have absorbed it in like manner. Please give us more of those detailed narrations. You have no idea how close home it brings your activities. One item I couldn't understand; what is an oleo? Sounds like a shock absorber, but could find no confirmation. I agree with your comment on the Beechcraft bi-wing number. It is really a honey, just looking at it. In gl ancing over some of your recent letters I find a question or two about the piece in Time about John Vandevender. Yes, that was John of Dallas County, as everified by DC News, That was an excellent piece of descriptive writing, and accurate even to the weather vane. The riderless horse would constitute the vane and therefore would hang to the lee side. The accompanying picture is subject to criticism in my opinion. The sow was a Duroc instead of a Chester White, and that picture was surely taken in the corner of a small portable house instead of in a barn.. The floor was dirt and the construction of the walls was definitely small house style instead of barn. But that should not detract from the high merit of the article. Your letter of March 23d is devoted mostly to comments on the booklet Peace & War. Your conclusions are like those expressed in an editorial in the Register several weeks ago. Tho I haven't read this booklet I agree completely with your appraisal of the present administration. You have heard me say more than once that FDR doesn't draw a breath without considering the political implications of it. I am glad that you recognize so clearly that character in government is as important as character in person. Neither can be great or really successful without it. And that is where our government suffers most now. Enclosed is a recent clipping from the Register by Lippman. Probably you have seen it but just in case, I send it as an encouraging expression of a writer whom I admire concerning an able man who should be the next leader of this republic. You suggest that popular opinion may again override the wishes of the old line Republic ans, and I believe that may very well happen. It seems there is a strong tide running that way, and tho Bricker is getting quite a play, he will never make it if the isolationist tag can be pinned on him. I hate to see the party split but there should be no compromise on that issue. Rainy last Saturday, and cloudy to-day with prospects for more showers. The rain will do a world of good as the top soil was getting pretty dry in Nebraska. The river continues to rise. We (mother, grandma and I) took a little ride this aft and viewed the swollen stream from the Douglas bridge. East Omaha is largely under water and there is some danger to the airport. The crest is expected about Tuesday so the papers state, and I shall enclose some clippings. Things seem pretty good in the old homestead. Grandma seems quite contented and comfortable. Mother has had a very busy practice lately. George appears to be tying into the school work with some greater interest. My affairs are normal tho it seems there is a large demand on time, with church meetings and other affairs leaving me too little for reading. With the fiscal year now completed the trend may ease away now. Love Pop
Nile Kinnick Collection