Nile Kinnick correspondence, March-October 1943
1943: Front
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Tau Sigma Alumni Company (Incorporated 1912) of Beta Theta Pi Ames, Iowa My Parents From early childhood I have been taught to observe God as the true father-mother. Therefore, when I refer to my father, or my mother it is only because at the present the material conception classes them as my progenitors. In extolling their virtues and accomplishments I do not mean to convey the idea that they are the results of material self and self effort, but only as their reflections of Divine Mind manifested in a form that we can comprehend. My mother is a healthy, robust woman, capable and efficient. That she has raised three boys, kept house and maintained her social connections is sufficient evidence to corroborate my first statement. Truly, we do take these attributes too matter-of-factly, yet her tenderness and loving care we realize and we are grateful for daily. We boys three, no four, father is one of us, enjoy rare good fortune to have one so stable and sturdy in times of physical and mental stress. No whimpering sympathizer, but and adamant rebuker of error and constant advocate and radiater of Love and Faith. My father is shorter than most men, but he is a typical example of quality rather than quantity. He seemed stern in childhood and a rigid disciplinarian, no doubt he was but now we see him as jovial, smiling,
Tau Sigma Alumni Company (Incorporated 1912) of Beta Theta Pi Ames, Iowa My Parents From early childhood I have been taught to observe God as the true father-mother. Therefore, when I refer to my father, or my mother it is only because at the present the material conception classes them as my progenitors. In extolling their virtues and accomplishments I do not mean to convey the idea that they are the results of material self and self effort, but only as their reflections of Divine Mind manifested in a form that we can comprehend. My mother is a healthy, robust woman, capable and efficient. That she has raised three boys, kept house and maintained her social connections is sufficient evidence to corroborate my first statement. Truly, we do take these attributes too matter-of-factly, yet her tenderness and loving care we realize and we are grateful for daily. We boys three, no four, father is one of us, enjoy rare good fortune to have one so stable and sturdy in times of physical and mental stress. No whimpering sympathizer, but and adamant rebuker of error and constant advocate and radiater of Love and Faith. My father is shorter than most men, but he is a typical example of quality rather than quantity. He seemed stern in childhood and a rigid disciplinarian, no doubt he was but now we see him as jovial, smiling,
Nile Kinnick Collection