Nile Kinnick correspondence, December 1942-March 1943
1942-12-25: Page 01
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Friday Dec. 25, 1942 Dear Folks, This is Christmas day and I must have a talk with you even though we are half a continent apart. Sitting here all alone in my room my thought constantly turns to the holiday seasons we used to enjoy in Adel, particularly before Ben and I started high school. What happy, happy memories I have of those days. Remember how we used to go coasting morning and afternoon, and sometimes, even after supper? And Schwartz's pond, the first body of water to freeze solid enough for skating each winter - do you suppose there is anyone in Adel who hasn't skated on that pond at sometime or another? Now that I think back on it the Swartz family was awfully good to all us kids, asking us in to get warm, feeding us popcorn and fudge, showing every concern for our comfort and happiness. Well do I recall the first sled you folks gave me for Xmas, it was to replace the little "firefly" which I had outgrown. All eager for my pleasure you suggested that I look out the south window and what old Santa had brought. I hastily climbed up onto the davenport anxious to verify my hope. I remember the scene as if it were yesterday. Mother was on one side of me and father on the other, both smiling and all aglow with the spirit of giving. But alas little junior didn't appreciate the sled at all. He wanted to, and tried, but hell, it was only
Friday Dec. 25, 1942 Dear Folks, This is Christmas day and I must have a talk with you even though we are half a continent apart. Sitting here all alone in my room my thought constantly turns to the holiday seasons we used to enjoy in Adel, particularly before Ben and I started high school. What happy, happy memories I have of those days. Remember how we used to go coasting morning and afternoon, and sometimes, even after supper? And Schwartz's pond, the first body of water to freeze solid enough for skating each winter - do you suppose there is anyone in Adel who hasn't skated on that pond at sometime or another? Now that I think back on it the Swartz family was awfully good to all us kids, asking us in to get warm, feeding us popcorn and fudge, showing every concern for our comfort and happiness. Well do I recall the first sled you folks gave me for Xmas, it was to replace the little "firefly" which I had outgrown. All eager for my pleasure you suggested that I look out the south window and what old Santa had brought. I hastily climbed up onto the davenport anxious to verify my hope. I remember the scene as if it were yesterday. Mother was on one side of me and father on the other, both smiling and all aglow with the spirit of giving. But alas little junior didn't appreciate the sled at all. He wanted to, and tried, but hell, it was only
Nile Kinnick Collection