Nile Kinnick correspondence, December 1942-March 1943
1942-12-20: Page 03
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suggest that if you didn't already know. It hasn't disturbed my thought any, and I trust it hasn't alarmed any of you. It seems very unkind for a news agency or radio to circulate such a report without verifying it, as they did in Jacksonville. Naturally, I am wondering a little about Ben. Let me know in your next letter. George, I searched in vain for a Xmas gift that I thought you would like. As a poor substitute I am enclosing a five dollar bill which I hope you can put to good use. A small portion of everyone's possession and income should go into war bonds or the church these days. Use your own judgement. I am anxious to hear how your basketball is coming along. Now that you are captain take stock that positions of leadership should bring a sense of responsibility rather than a personal privilege. I hope that you pour in your share of the buckets, but I hope even more that you can inspire a spirit of cooperation and team play, and that when the going gets tough the boys will look to you to rally them. It would be my casual judgement that with Mal on the team your job may not be too easy. However, don't be petty-and I have found that an ever present sense of humor will lend perspective and smother all meaness. Last but not least, how
suggest that if you didn't already know. It hasn't disturbed my thought any, and I trust it hasn't alarmed any of you. It seems very unkind for a news agency or radio to circulate such a report without verifying it, as they did in Jacksonville. Naturally, I am wondering a little about Ben. Let me know in your next letter. George, I searched in vain for a Xmas gift that I thought you would like. As a poor substitute I am enclosing a five dollar bill which I hope you can put to good use. A small portion of everyone's possession and income should go into war bonds or the church these days. Use your own judgement. I am anxious to hear how your basketball is coming along. Now that you are captain take stock that positions of leadership should bring a sense of responsibility rather than a personal privilege. I hope that you pour in your share of the buckets, but I hope even more that you can inspire a spirit of cooperation and team play, and that when the going gets tough the boys will look to you to rally them. It would be my casual judgement that with Mal on the team your job may not be too easy. However, don't be petty-and I have found that an ever present sense of humor will lend perspective and smother all meaness. Last but not least, how
Nile Kinnick Collection