Nile Kinnick correspondence, December 1942-March 1943
1942-12-27: Page 01
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Sunday Dec. 27, 1942 Dear Folks , How wonderfully good it is to get such fine letters from all of you. I await the squadron mail delivery each day with visible eagerness - and seldom am I disappointed. If there isn't a letter from one of the family or relatives there is usually something from other of my correspondents. First of all, Gus, I want to acknowledge and comment on your lengthy discussion of my possible land investment. You were very correct in assuming that I would prefer owning a farm somewhere in the Grundy - Cedar County area. Someday I would like to settle in that part of the state. However, I doubt if it would be wise for me to try to get started there with the small amount of capital I have available right now. It seems to me that any attempt to increase my original "forty" or "eighty" by purchase of contiguous acreage would be pretty tough going in that territory. The surrounding land owners could drive too hard a bargain. It might be a different story if I could start with 160 or 200 acres of improved land, but that is out of the question for the present. Roughly, my thought in the matter is to buy 80 acres or less anywhere in the state if it indicates prospect of a good investment, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of management and operation that you mentioned in your letter. It would be my plan to trade, or to sell and re-buy, until I ultimately got situated in that part of the state I preferred. Perhaps, my final hope could not be accomplished short of the "grandaddy" years, but then again it might not take as long as now appears. To avoid loss of everything would require shrewd bargaining
Sunday Dec. 27, 1942 Dear Folks , How wonderfully good it is to get such fine letters from all of you. I await the squadron mail delivery each day with visible eagerness - and seldom am I disappointed. If there isn't a letter from one of the family or relatives there is usually something from other of my correspondents. First of all, Gus, I want to acknowledge and comment on your lengthy discussion of my possible land investment. You were very correct in assuming that I would prefer owning a farm somewhere in the Grundy - Cedar County area. Someday I would like to settle in that part of the state. However, I doubt if it would be wise for me to try to get started there with the small amount of capital I have available right now. It seems to me that any attempt to increase my original "forty" or "eighty" by purchase of contiguous acreage would be pretty tough going in that territory. The surrounding land owners could drive too hard a bargain. It might be a different story if I could start with 160 or 200 acres of improved land, but that is out of the question for the present. Roughly, my thought in the matter is to buy 80 acres or less anywhere in the state if it indicates prospect of a good investment, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of management and operation that you mentioned in your letter. It would be my plan to trade, or to sell and re-buy, until I ultimately got situated in that part of the state I preferred. Perhaps, my final hope could not be accomplished short of the "grandaddy" years, but then again it might not take as long as now appears. To avoid loss of everything would require shrewd bargaining
Nile Kinnick Collection