Nile Kinnick correspondence, December 1942-March 1943
1943-01-17: Page 03
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a wire from Bob saying that he had been ordered to San Francisco and "would see Forrest soon". That of course means Honolulu. Bert also said that Mrs. Hobbs had already left by train for San Francisco on Monday, expecting to visit some sisters there and would see Bob again, she hoped. Herintuition was rather acute I should say. Bob seemed his old own self and we were so glad to have that brief visit. I could imagine that his family were reluctant to see him go, and Mack phoned over for him just as he was leaving. No doubt they were reluctant to spare any of his time while he was here. What a grand surprise when you saw Tom and Jack. Mrs. Pansing had already heard from Tom and she had told us about it, saying that you had been to New York to pick up a plane. We did not know until you wrote that your trip had been to Norfolk. It gave me a thrill to note on the map the route of your flight. You may be sure that we had located Quonset long ago. Geography is a facinating study at any time but seems immensely important just now. When you were at Floyd Bennett Field you were only a mile or two from Sheepshead Bay where Dick Puetz is learning his ropes and knots. Dade Pansing will be going there soon, too, as he has been accepted for the merchant marine. I wonder why Bittner isn't in some branch of the service. Uncle Chas had written us some days ago that Elsie had received Bob's wings, which Chas announced as a "Flash. Also he itemized hams, tongues and other packing house products sent at Christmas by one Bell, and ended by saying that he always had liked that boy. "Very disgusting", mom said, but I should think that a link with a provisioner these days might have its advantages, Chas has a refreshing manner of expressing things. Enclosed is Ben's last letter, written to George. I assume that the Kingfisher in which he has been flying is the wheel mounted model, rather than the float model. Perhaps there are plenty of float ships there but this is the first time he has indicated a chance to fly anything that could be a water based plane. Ben, since this is a general letter I will send you the carbon, which by the way, is easier to read than the original. Guessthis machine (Nile's) needs a new ribbon. Enclosed is Nile's last letter, and please return it together with the copy of this one as it is the one for the file, if that is warranted. If I can get hold of another clipping, mentioned in the opening paragraph, I shall sent it to you. Did anyone tell you that Prep beat Benson last week, 25-20. George was intensely disgusted with Benson's performance. They play Central and South this week. Five games have been played in their fifteen game schedule. Mother and George were shopping last Saturday and when they returned there was a new top-coat in the closet and a new pair of the biggest officer's shoes on George's feet. It looks like an obstruction of the war effort to use so much leather for one pair of shoes. I mean biggest, period. This will be all for to-night, fellows. Keep 'em flying, and I envy you both. Love Pop Ben, your inquiry about the state of repair of my typewriter must have been answered in the next mail, as evidently you hadn't received my last epistle when you wrote. I know that they never come fast enough or thick enough, so will try harder to pass the ammunition. Monday night; Delayed this to include a clipping re. George and found on reaching the office this morning that I shall have to attend meeting in D.M. on Tues. So mother & I changed our plans & drove over to Adel this P.M. & will stay until Thursday P.M. Grandma is going back with us to stay until spring. Very cold & windy today. 14º below this A.M. & about 5º below now. Real winter up here. You are lucky to be in the south land. Love Pop.
a wire from Bob saying that he had been ordered to San Francisco and "would see Forrest soon". That of course means Honolulu. Bert also said that Mrs. Hobbs had already left by train for San Francisco on Monday, expecting to visit some sisters there and would see Bob again, she hoped. Herintuition was rather acute I should say. Bob seemed his old own self and we were so glad to have that brief visit. I could imagine that his family were reluctant to see him go, and Mack phoned over for him just as he was leaving. No doubt they were reluctant to spare any of his time while he was here. What a grand surprise when you saw Tom and Jack. Mrs. Pansing had already heard from Tom and she had told us about it, saying that you had been to New York to pick up a plane. We did not know until you wrote that your trip had been to Norfolk. It gave me a thrill to note on the map the route of your flight. You may be sure that we had located Quonset long ago. Geography is a facinating study at any time but seems immensely important just now. When you were at Floyd Bennett Field you were only a mile or two from Sheepshead Bay where Dick Puetz is learning his ropes and knots. Dade Pansing will be going there soon, too, as he has been accepted for the merchant marine. I wonder why Bittner isn't in some branch of the service. Uncle Chas had written us some days ago that Elsie had received Bob's wings, which Chas announced as a "Flash. Also he itemized hams, tongues and other packing house products sent at Christmas by one Bell, and ended by saying that he always had liked that boy. "Very disgusting", mom said, but I should think that a link with a provisioner these days might have its advantages, Chas has a refreshing manner of expressing things. Enclosed is Ben's last letter, written to George. I assume that the Kingfisher in which he has been flying is the wheel mounted model, rather than the float model. Perhaps there are plenty of float ships there but this is the first time he has indicated a chance to fly anything that could be a water based plane. Ben, since this is a general letter I will send you the carbon, which by the way, is easier to read than the original. Guessthis machine (Nile's) needs a new ribbon. Enclosed is Nile's last letter, and please return it together with the copy of this one as it is the one for the file, if that is warranted. If I can get hold of another clipping, mentioned in the opening paragraph, I shall sent it to you. Did anyone tell you that Prep beat Benson last week, 25-20. George was intensely disgusted with Benson's performance. They play Central and South this week. Five games have been played in their fifteen game schedule. Mother and George were shopping last Saturday and when they returned there was a new top-coat in the closet and a new pair of the biggest officer's shoes on George's feet. It looks like an obstruction of the war effort to use so much leather for one pair of shoes. I mean biggest, period. This will be all for to-night, fellows. Keep 'em flying, and I envy you both. Love Pop Ben, your inquiry about the state of repair of my typewriter must have been answered in the next mail, as evidently you hadn't received my last epistle when you wrote. I know that they never come fast enough or thick enough, so will try harder to pass the ammunition. Monday night; Delayed this to include a clipping re. George and found on reaching the office this morning that I shall have to attend meeting in D.M. on Tues. So mother & I changed our plans & drove over to Adel this P.M. & will stay until Thursday P.M. Grandma is going back with us to stay until spring. Very cold & windy today. 14º below this A.M. & about 5º below now. Real winter up here. You are lucky to be in the south land. Love Pop.
Nile Kinnick Collection