Nile Kinnick correspondence, December 1942-March 1943
1943-02-16: Page 03
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On Dec. 5th I wrote Hogan a letter recalling the Heisman award and all that went with it in the months to follow. Enclosed is a portion of the reply he wrote. Thought it would be of interest to you. No wonder the Russians are shoving the Germans back. Look at the faces of these generals! Meant to acknowledge sometime ago through grandma a Xmas card I received from Mrs. Merryfield. Don't know for sure just who she is, but maybe grandma will have a chance to thank her when she returns to Adel. The brownies, etc arrived yesterday mother. Thanks so much - they are wonderful. You will be pleased to know that those friends whom I permit to share such a treat unanimously declare them the best brownies they have ever eaten. And frankly I don't see how they could think otherwise. That part of the lecture you sent me which deals with leader-
On Dec. 5th I wrote Hogan a letter recalling the Heisman award and all that went with it in the months to follow. Enclosed is a portion of the reply he wrote. Thought it would be of interest to you. No wonder the Russians are shoving the Germans back. Look at the faces of these generals! Meant to acknowledge sometime ago through grandma a Xmas card I received from Mrs. Merryfield. Don't know for sure just who she is, but maybe grandma will have a chance to thank her when she returns to Adel. The brownies, etc arrived yesterday mother. Thanks so much - they are wonderful. You will be pleased to know that those friends whom I permit to share such a treat unanimously declare them the best brownies they have ever eaten. And frankly I don't see how they could think otherwise. That part of the lecture you sent me which deals with leader-
Nile Kinnick Collection