Nile Kinnick correspondence, December 1942-March 1943
1943-02-20: Page 06
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into any Merchant Marine. If the war continues to the point where he is apt to be drafted, let him try to get a deferred commission while going to school, or try for the Air Corps. My congratulations to him for being elected King of Sports. Feel like I should wax facetious, but am too sleepy right now. Want to acknowledge good letters from both mother & father and also the enclosures. The editorial on "Men in Uniform" - was wonderfully fine. Wish I could travel through Iowa, with you, Gus, I love those small towns - though I'm not familiar with Odebolt. Have a short note from Bob in which he was able to say virtually nothing. Think VF-3 is Butch O'Hare's outfit. Should be a bunch of hot rocks. A letter from Haugbak discloses he is now an AVS assigned to the Prince William, a converted tanker. Poor guy lost his flight orders which is tough to take. He is now stationed in Tacoma, Wash. My love to all. I think of you constantly. Yours, Nile
into any Merchant Marine. If the war continues to the point where he is apt to be drafted, let him try to get a deferred commission while going to school, or try for the Air Corps. My congratulations to him for being elected King of Sports. Feel like I should wax facetious, but am too sleepy right now. Want to acknowledge good letters from both mother & father and also the enclosures. The editorial on "Men in Uniform" - was wonderfully fine. Wish I could travel through Iowa, with you, Gus, I love those small towns - though I'm not familiar with Odebolt. Have a short note from Bob in which he was able to say virtually nothing. Think VF-3 is Butch O'Hare's outfit. Should be a bunch of hot rocks. A letter from Haugbak discloses he is now an AVS assigned to the Prince William, a converted tanker. Poor guy lost his flight orders which is tough to take. He is now stationed in Tacoma, Wash. My love to all. I think of you constantly. Yours, Nile
Nile Kinnick Collection