Nile Kinnick correspondence, December 1942-March 1943
1943-02-23: Front
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Tuesday Feb. 23, 1943 Dear Folks, This will be brief, but there are a few things I want to say while they are fresh in my thought. First, concerning my gunnery, it is improved. I am getting a few more hits each time and gaining the confidence necessary for good shooting. Am still a long way from top notch, but if there is one thing that I have learned in the past year, it is too be grateful for little things, for minor progress. I suspect human experience would show that lesson not so easy. As the time for departure nears I find myself becoming more eager for the fray. It is comforting to realize that my competitive urge stands girded and ready for the call of contest. Sunday night I saw a fine, very fine, show at the station theatre. Don't miss "The Young Mr. Pitt" starring Robert Donat if it should come to Omaha. You will recall that he was the son of the Earl of Chatham and became prime minister at 24! It was he who said at the conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars that "England
Tuesday Feb. 23, 1943 Dear Folks, This will be brief, but there are a few things I want to say while they are fresh in my thought. First, concerning my gunnery, it is improved. I am getting a few more hits each time and gaining the confidence necessary for good shooting. Am still a long way from top notch, but if there is one thing that I have learned in the past year, it is too be grateful for little things, for minor progress. I suspect human experience would show that lesson not so easy. As the time for departure nears I find myself becoming more eager for the fray. It is comforting to realize that my competitive urge stands girded and ready for the call of contest. Sunday night I saw a fine, very fine, show at the station theatre. Don't miss "The Young Mr. Pitt" starring Robert Donat if it should come to Omaha. You will recall that he was the son of the Earl of Chatham and became prime minister at 24! It was he who said at the conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars that "England
Nile Kinnick Collection