Nile Kinnick correspondence, June-August 1942
1942-06-07: Page 01
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Sunday evening, June 7, 1942 Dear SB: Judging from the size of the bulge of the envelope, mother must have written all of the late news, but perhaps the items which occur to each of us will have sufficient diversity to be of some interest. Suffice it to say that we surely did enjoy the three letters received from you this past week, bringing us pretty well up to date on your activities. While on that subject I want to cover several points. First, please put me down as one of your first students after this present business has been completed. It would be an ambition realized if I could learn to pilot a plane from your instruction. Yes, and I too should even enjoy getting stuck fast in the mud if it afforded only an opportunity to talk about it. Keep it in mind. About the instrument flying, we couldn't make out the middle word of the three making the sequence you spoke of as "one, two, three of instrument flying". They were, "needle, (ball
Sunday evening, June 7, 1942 Dear SB: Judging from the size of the bulge of the envelope, mother must have written all of the late news, but perhaps the items which occur to each of us will have sufficient diversity to be of some interest. Suffice it to say that we surely did enjoy the three letters received from you this past week, bringing us pretty well up to date on your activities. While on that subject I want to cover several points. First, please put me down as one of your first students after this present business has been completed. It would be an ambition realized if I could learn to pilot a plane from your instruction. Yes, and I too should even enjoy getting stuck fast in the mud if it afforded only an opportunity to talk about it. Keep it in mind. About the instrument flying, we couldn't make out the middle word of the three making the sequence you spoke of as "one, two, three of instrument flying". They were, "needle, (ball
Nile Kinnick Collection