Lt. Shelton Diary, 1864
1864-07-10 Page 02
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we of course had to set up our tents make bunks so we have put in a Sabbath of work - Every time we have any thing to do - or to make a move it comes on Sabbath - We have not had a chance for worship today - This is the 47th. Day of our service - the time passes rapidly and will soon all be gone - We do not know at what hour we may be attact - yet we always try to be ready - Our capt is officer of the day today - I am sorry that he and the seccond Lieut- are so much given
we of course had to set up our tents make bunks so we have put in a Sabbath of work - Every time we have any thing to do - or to make a move it comes on Sabbath - We have not had a chance for worship today - This is the 47th. Day of our service - the time passes rapidly and will soon all be gone - We do not know at what hour we may be attact - yet we always try to be ready - Our capt is officer of the day today - I am sorry that he and the seccond Lieut- are so much given
Civil War Diaries and Letters