Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-May 1942
1942-02-14: Page 03
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2 according to normal schedule our class was to stay at this pilots pool for about three weeks. However, for some reason or another, it was unexpectedly announced on Wednesday that we would be going on to Pensacola on Mon, Feb. 16. By the time you get this letter I shall be at the U.S. annapolis of the air where the best pilots in the world are turned out--or so it is claimed. Frankly, I shall be glad to leave this base. The only memories I shall have of this place are the watches, and the dirtiest silverware I have ever eaten with. Getting back to the watches--we stand duty with a sawed off shotgun--12 guage Winchester pump. We keep three shells in the magazine and none in the firing chamber--and five more in our pocket. It is a good thing they don't allow us to throw a shell into the chamber unless we actually need to fire. Some of these guys know nothing about firearms. I'm no Isaac Walton, but Uncle Charlie would have had a paroxysm had he been present to witness a few of the students handle their guns the first time or two. Standing, or walking, in one small area for 4 hours is pretty tiresome and lonesome
2 according to normal schedule our class was to stay at this pilots pool for about three weeks. However, for some reason or another, it was unexpectedly announced on Wednesday that we would be going on to Pensacola on Mon, Feb. 16. By the time you get this letter I shall be at the U.S. annapolis of the air where the best pilots in the world are turned out--or so it is claimed. Frankly, I shall be glad to leave this base. The only memories I shall have of this place are the watches, and the dirtiest silverware I have ever eaten with. Getting back to the watches--we stand duty with a sawed off shotgun--12 guage Winchester pump. We keep three shells in the magazine and none in the firing chamber--and five more in our pocket. It is a good thing they don't allow us to throw a shell into the chamber unless we actually need to fire. Some of these guys know nothing about firearms. I'm no Isaac Walton, but Uncle Charlie would have had a paroxysm had he been present to witness a few of the students handle their guns the first time or two. Standing, or walking, in one small area for 4 hours is pretty tiresome and lonesome
Nile Kinnick Collection