Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-May 1942
1942-04-08: Page 03
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2 early hour. There is just not a thing to do in Pensacola, as I have so often remarked before This morning I slept quite late - an incomparable pleasure - then went over to the driving range and hit a couple of bucket of balls with Bob, the weather prophet having missed on his prediction, it being a quite passable day after all. How I would like to drive up to Perry for an all day session on their fine little golf course! I now have a fuller appreciation of such simple, leisurely pleasure than ever before. Night before last we all had a very rude, and unappreciated, experience. Shortly after retiring, or at least so it always seems, the reveille bell rang with unusual clamor and persistence. As I struggled out of bed I
2 early hour. There is just not a thing to do in Pensacola, as I have so often remarked before This morning I slept quite late - an incomparable pleasure - then went over to the driving range and hit a couple of bucket of balls with Bob, the weather prophet having missed on his prediction, it being a quite passable day after all. How I would like to drive up to Perry for an all day session on their fine little golf course! I now have a fuller appreciation of such simple, leisurely pleasure than ever before. Night before last we all had a very rude, and unappreciated, experience. Shortly after retiring, or at least so it always seems, the reveille bell rang with unusual clamor and persistence. As I struggled out of bed I
Nile Kinnick Collection