Nile Kinnick correspondence, January-May 1942
1942-04-29: Page 03
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2 U.S. NAVAL AIR STATION PENSACOLA, FLORIDA Successfully passed my 33 hour check this morning. Among the requirements were pylon 8s, small field procedure, wingovers, loops, immelmanns, split s (s), falling leafs, and a great many cut guns. Didn't feel that I gave my check pilot a real good ride, but it wasn't too bad. I next will be given instructions on s turns to circles and precision spins, then comes my final check in which you have to be able to do everything satisfactorily. I shall be facing that little test (that opportunity) before the week is out. After that comes a little formation flying, and I shall have finished primary squadron. Am liking flying more all the time. Often think how fine it would be to own a plane of my own
2 U.S. NAVAL AIR STATION PENSACOLA, FLORIDA Successfully passed my 33 hour check this morning. Among the requirements were pylon 8s, small field procedure, wingovers, loops, immelmanns, split s (s), falling leafs, and a great many cut guns. Didn't feel that I gave my check pilot a real good ride, but it wasn't too bad. I next will be given instructions on s turns to circles and precision spins, then comes my final check in which you have to be able to do everything satisfactorily. I shall be facing that little test (that opportunity) before the week is out. After that comes a little formation flying, and I shall have finished primary squadron. Am liking flying more all the time. Often think how fine it would be to own a plane of my own
Nile Kinnick Collection