Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-08-16: Page 03
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Nile Kinnick August 16, 1940 Page #2 future over a space of thirty years or more, if the temptation becomes great. Of course no one can preduct the success of a person going into the law or in various business undertakings. I do feel from my own observation and from comments I have heard from others, that you have the capacity to become a high class lawyer. The able lawyer becomes better as he becomes older, and when he is in the 60's he is at his best. The law also has many rewards, financially, from the standpoint of social good which may be accomplished, and from the standpoint of leadership. Also, in doing significant things in the law, there is the enjoyment of achievement quite similar, I believe, as in athletic victory. I think that much of the same drive which makes for the best in athletics in turn makes for the best in law or any other business or profession. The rewards are also different, but have many similarities. I mention this because I am concerned not with your temporary undertaking, but with your permanent situation. I think all factors should be weighed with care and with thought of the future. Let me hear from you as to how your plans work out. With kind regards and best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Mason Ladd Mason Ladd
Nile Kinnick August 16, 1940 Page #2 future over a space of thirty years or more, if the temptation becomes great. Of course no one can preduct the success of a person going into the law or in various business undertakings. I do feel from my own observation and from comments I have heard from others, that you have the capacity to become a high class lawyer. The able lawyer becomes better as he becomes older, and when he is in the 60's he is at his best. The law also has many rewards, financially, from the standpoint of social good which may be accomplished, and from the standpoint of leadership. Also, in doing significant things in the law, there is the enjoyment of achievement quite similar, I believe, as in athletic victory. I think that much of the same drive which makes for the best in athletics in turn makes for the best in law or any other business or profession. The rewards are also different, but have many similarities. I mention this because I am concerned not with your temporary undertaking, but with your permanent situation. I think all factors should be weighed with care and with thought of the future. Let me hear from you as to how your plans work out. With kind regards and best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Mason Ladd Mason Ladd
Nile Kinnick Collection