Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-08-23: Front
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Omaha, Nebraska August 23, 1940 Dear SB: Your letter of Wednesday was a welcome, not only for the news of your activities just now but also for the further comment on your future plans. I am sorry not to written to you sooner, but as you suggested, there isn't much happening here. The decision not to take on the pro hall I am sure is a wise one and that is the decision that 1 have always hoped would be made. If very attractive wages were offered I was prepared to stand by any willingness on your part to take the punishment and to suffer the necessary delay in completing your schooling. But I am very, very glad that you have determined on the other course. I am sure you are right in it. While the money would be difficult to reject. I feel that opportunity to adequately earn your way will never be lacking in your experience. The return to Iowa to begin a study of law looks mighty right to me, and the little enterprises of which you speak will afford you plenty of outlet and should help you develope in ways that will surely mean more in the future than playing more football. So, three cheers! Iowa is a good place to continue your building for the future. If you havenot mailed the tickets before this letter reaches you will you please send only three, as George Wales (the Prince of) cannot make the bus, Seeley is still in the picture. If there are any tickets left from those needed by Ben and me, we shall see that they are cashed for you, I have heard from Aunt Mary and she will house us while in Chicago. She said that they hoped you can arrange to visit them beforeyou leave Chicago. Probably we shall not arrive before Wednesday night as Ben will have to work a couple of clays next week in all probability. As Labor Day is the following Monday there is no need for us to hurry home. Perhaps you will want to ride back with us. Will you please inform us on that point, and perhaps suggest when and how and where, if we should make any attempt to see you after the contest on the 29th. If it proves more convenient to send the tickets to Mary's, her address Is 6816 Cregier Avenue. D. Bice, the wit from Atlantic, is with us, as perhaps mother mentioned. Tomorrow is circus day and the lads expect to eye the greatest on earth. Barnum and Baily plus Ringlings will be in town. Please drop us a few line when you can. Love Pop The sort of an opportunity that is now gone from a large share of this earth's lands. How grateful we should be and how we should fight to defend that kindof opportunity.
Omaha, Nebraska August 23, 1940 Dear SB: Your letter of Wednesday was a welcome, not only for the news of your activities just now but also for the further comment on your future plans. I am sorry not to written to you sooner, but as you suggested, there isn't much happening here. The decision not to take on the pro hall I am sure is a wise one and that is the decision that 1 have always hoped would be made. If very attractive wages were offered I was prepared to stand by any willingness on your part to take the punishment and to suffer the necessary delay in completing your schooling. But I am very, very glad that you have determined on the other course. I am sure you are right in it. While the money would be difficult to reject. I feel that opportunity to adequately earn your way will never be lacking in your experience. The return to Iowa to begin a study of law looks mighty right to me, and the little enterprises of which you speak will afford you plenty of outlet and should help you develope in ways that will surely mean more in the future than playing more football. So, three cheers! Iowa is a good place to continue your building for the future. If you havenot mailed the tickets before this letter reaches you will you please send only three, as George Wales (the Prince of) cannot make the bus, Seeley is still in the picture. If there are any tickets left from those needed by Ben and me, we shall see that they are cashed for you, I have heard from Aunt Mary and she will house us while in Chicago. She said that they hoped you can arrange to visit them beforeyou leave Chicago. Probably we shall not arrive before Wednesday night as Ben will have to work a couple of clays next week in all probability. As Labor Day is the following Monday there is no need for us to hurry home. Perhaps you will want to ride back with us. Will you please inform us on that point, and perhaps suggest when and how and where, if we should make any attempt to see you after the contest on the 29th. If it proves more convenient to send the tickets to Mary's, her address Is 6816 Cregier Avenue. D. Bice, the wit from Atlantic, is with us, as perhaps mother mentioned. Tomorrow is circus day and the lads expect to eye the greatest on earth. Barnum and Baily plus Ringlings will be in town. Please drop us a few line when you can. Love Pop The sort of an opportunity that is now gone from a large share of this earth's lands. How grateful we should be and how we should fight to defend that kindof opportunity.
Nile Kinnick Collection