Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-09-11: Front
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Omaha, Nebraska September 11, 1940 Dear SB: Your recent card to me and your letter to mother received to-day were very welcome. Your kind thoughtfulness in the gift to mother was a fine and generous expression of your self which we all appreciate. If all of us yielded more often to the impulses of helpfulness and generosity that flit thru our consciousness the human pathway would seem more bright and less steep. It is an excellent habit to form. The letter from Dean Phillips is a nice one and I am glad that you hare sent it. I feel sure that as tine goes on you will see more good reasons why you were wise in the decision not to undertake the pro contract. By the way, I am not taking the Register, tho I see it nearly every day, nor the Iowa City papers. So, if any items of special interest come to your notice I shall appreciate it if you will save them for the record. Under separate cover I am sending you a copy of the Notre Dame touchdown picture that Bert McGrane had sent to me. Will you please inscribe it at the bottom with whatever message you wish and send it on to Mr. Buck. I have written to him at some length, describing the action that lead up to this play, in the belief that perhaps he has forgotten the sequence. The story will add something to his interest in the picture. Do not write on the white border as he may wish to frame the picture. Mother is getting her things In order for her trip. It should be most enjoyable as she has always wanted to go East, and with Adelaide and Mrs. Glade she will have company interested in the same things she wants most to see. Sunday I am driving Ben back to Ames, and soon the family will be back on a winter basis. It is incredible how rapidly this summer has flown. Love Pop
Omaha, Nebraska September 11, 1940 Dear SB: Your recent card to me and your letter to mother received to-day were very welcome. Your kind thoughtfulness in the gift to mother was a fine and generous expression of your self which we all appreciate. If all of us yielded more often to the impulses of helpfulness and generosity that flit thru our consciousness the human pathway would seem more bright and less steep. It is an excellent habit to form. The letter from Dean Phillips is a nice one and I am glad that you hare sent it. I feel sure that as tine goes on you will see more good reasons why you were wise in the decision not to undertake the pro contract. By the way, I am not taking the Register, tho I see it nearly every day, nor the Iowa City papers. So, if any items of special interest come to your notice I shall appreciate it if you will save them for the record. Under separate cover I am sending you a copy of the Notre Dame touchdown picture that Bert McGrane had sent to me. Will you please inscribe it at the bottom with whatever message you wish and send it on to Mr. Buck. I have written to him at some length, describing the action that lead up to this play, in the belief that perhaps he has forgotten the sequence. The story will add something to his interest in the picture. Do not write on the white border as he may wish to frame the picture. Mother is getting her things In order for her trip. It should be most enjoyable as she has always wanted to go East, and with Adelaide and Mrs. Glade she will have company interested in the same things she wants most to see. Sunday I am driving Ben back to Ames, and soon the family will be back on a winter basis. It is incredible how rapidly this summer has flown. Love Pop
Nile Kinnick Collection