Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-09-17: Front
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Tuesday 9-17-40 Dear Gus: I am now located in Room 111 at the Law Commons. It is a fine room with adequate room and plenty of closet space. Hence forward, you may send my mail here or to the fieldhouse - it doesn't matter. Please send my trunk by truck to the law commons as soon as possible - be sure the typewriter is packed. Everything is going very well. Am enclosing a few clippings, etc. Forward the Reader's Digest when it comes & send the laundry. Nile
Tuesday 9-17-40 Dear Gus: I am now located in Room 111 at the Law Commons. It is a fine room with adequate room and plenty of closet space. Hence forward, you may send my mail here or to the fieldhouse - it doesn't matter. Please send my trunk by truck to the law commons as soon as possible - be sure the typewriter is packed. Everything is going very well. Am enclosing a few clippings, etc. Forward the Reader's Digest when it comes & send the laundry. Nile
Nile Kinnick Collection