Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-09-24: Page 03
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Monday [Sept. 23, 1940] Dear Bob: I am sure that I am as thrilled as you are that you have ajob. I knew that you would land something sooner or later but am glad to hear confirmation of my expectations nonetheless. It sounds pretty good to me--about what you were looking for. How did you happend to land it? How about the unions in this respect? Now that you have made a good connection you will get an opportunity to show the ability that you have know all along that you possessed. At last you must have gained that feeling that I have often heard you yearn for--that of doing something really on your own. Power to you. You will do well I know. You have the right slant on the selling side of the businees game, I believe. I should like to take a whirl at that sometime myself. I am happy to hear that you are making a real effort at meeting and remembering people. It is a good haibt. A lot of acquaintances is a good idea even thogh close friends are few and far between. Your desire to be able to express yourself well verbally and in writing is a good one and should be cultivated. I know of nothing I want more to do than to be able to make a good speech and write a good essayyor newspaper story, or law treatise,etc. Incidentally, the progress that you have made at expressing yourself in writing since you came down to Iowa as a freshman has been very, very, good. And your vocabulary has improved a 100%. I don' t mean to imply by this that you were illiterate when you came down here or that I am in any position to criticize or .judge but such is the case nonetheless. School starts Thurs. and I am looking forward to it--only hoping that I shall like it as well as I think I will. I have been helping with football practice ever since the 10th of Sept. I have agreed to a contract as an assistant coach while I am going thru law school. It will keep me busy but I think I can hack it alright. I am enjoying working with the bys but at the same time I don't have any desire to play another year wich is as it should be. The dough they offered in Chicago to play pro ball wasn't as big as most people think though very nice if you care for it. I didn't I still like the game immensely and enjoy being connected with it but at the same time I wouldn't play another season of football for all of To ping's dough and Sonja thrown in to boot. The bys are shaping up pretty well andif the ends come thru and we get a little passing Iowa should do alright even tho a dupication of the record of last year will be very tough. Thursday night I am going up to Iowa Falls and meet Geo Van Nostrand Chrman of the Young Republ of Iowa and some more of the "boys" and then we are going over to Ft. Dodge on Fri morning and get on Willkies train and ride with him to Iowa Falls wh ere he isgoing to make a speech. Yours truly is going to introduce him and then make a little talk o n citizenship in the afternoon to the Young Repub state convention. Wheb they first approached me I couldn't see the idea but after they kept coming back and I thought it over more I decided that the advantages in the long run would outbalance the disadvantages of which there are several. Mainly however I am beginning to think that it is almost imperative for him to win and want to help in any way possible. It is going to be tough but oh boy how I hope he makes it. On Sat. I am going on up to Soo City to help officiate a football game between Morningside and Midland and give a little kicking and passing exhibition at the half to the tune of $150 and exp. After the game I shall take Miss Miller in tow and see if I have forgotten how to romance. She isn't back in school this year. Jim George is in town for a few days after spending the summer playing ball for Syracuse and Elmira. He doesn't know yet what he is going to do. Yours, Nile
Monday [Sept. 23, 1940] Dear Bob: I am sure that I am as thrilled as you are that you have ajob. I knew that you would land something sooner or later but am glad to hear confirmation of my expectations nonetheless. It sounds pretty good to me--about what you were looking for. How did you happend to land it? How about the unions in this respect? Now that you have made a good connection you will get an opportunity to show the ability that you have know all along that you possessed. At last you must have gained that feeling that I have often heard you yearn for--that of doing something really on your own. Power to you. You will do well I know. You have the right slant on the selling side of the businees game, I believe. I should like to take a whirl at that sometime myself. I am happy to hear that you are making a real effort at meeting and remembering people. It is a good haibt. A lot of acquaintances is a good idea even thogh close friends are few and far between. Your desire to be able to express yourself well verbally and in writing is a good one and should be cultivated. I know of nothing I want more to do than to be able to make a good speech and write a good essayyor newspaper story, or law treatise,etc. Incidentally, the progress that you have made at expressing yourself in writing since you came down to Iowa as a freshman has been very, very, good. And your vocabulary has improved a 100%. I don' t mean to imply by this that you were illiterate when you came down here or that I am in any position to criticize or .judge but such is the case nonetheless. School starts Thurs. and I am looking forward to it--only hoping that I shall like it as well as I think I will. I have been helping with football practice ever since the 10th of Sept. I have agreed to a contract as an assistant coach while I am going thru law school. It will keep me busy but I think I can hack it alright. I am enjoying working with the bys but at the same time I don't have any desire to play another year wich is as it should be. The dough they offered in Chicago to play pro ball wasn't as big as most people think though very nice if you care for it. I didn't I still like the game immensely and enjoy being connected with it but at the same time I wouldn't play another season of football for all of To ping's dough and Sonja thrown in to boot. The bys are shaping up pretty well andif the ends come thru and we get a little passing Iowa should do alright even tho a dupication of the record of last year will be very tough. Thursday night I am going up to Iowa Falls and meet Geo Van Nostrand Chrman of the Young Republ of Iowa and some more of the "boys" and then we are going over to Ft. Dodge on Fri morning and get on Willkies train and ride with him to Iowa Falls wh ere he isgoing to make a speech. Yours truly is going to introduce him and then make a little talk o n citizenship in the afternoon to the Young Repub state convention. Wheb they first approached me I couldn't see the idea but after they kept coming back and I thought it over more I decided that the advantages in the long run would outbalance the disadvantages of which there are several. Mainly however I am beginning to think that it is almost imperative for him to win and want to help in any way possible. It is going to be tough but oh boy how I hope he makes it. On Sat. I am going on up to Soo City to help officiate a football game between Morningside and Midland and give a little kicking and passing exhibition at the half to the tune of $150 and exp. After the game I shall take Miss Miller in tow and see if I have forgotten how to romance. She isn't back in school this year. Jim George is in town for a few days after spending the summer playing ball for Syracuse and Elmira. He doesn't know yet what he is going to do. Yours, Nile
Nile Kinnick Collection