Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-10-04: Page 05
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THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY Office of the Director Department of Athletics DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3 we got to D. Moines where I left Bob and went on alone getting into Ia City about 6 oclock. The car used only a quart of oil all the way up and back and I came from Soo City clear to Brooklyn on the same tank of gas. I rolled in here in time to do some studying and so to bed about 11:30 and up at 6:30 and I felt fine and a not tired. Some weekend, eh what. I netted a little over 2 C s I should say. I got expenses from three sources plus my exhibition and officiating fee of $150. And how is the law school going-- pretty good I should say. I am enjoying it as well as I could anything that involves a lot of close, tedious work. It is doing me a lot of good apart from the subjects themselves. It is forcing me to read more closely and is once again is getting my thinking organized and logical which I must admit in the past two years has been somewhat scattered. I am enjoying my coaching also. As outlines and freshmen arguments come on in the law school I am going to find myself terrifically busy once again but I guess I shall alsays find myself in that predicament. Out of this tedious work --briefing, analyzing, etc.--is coming the general principles and philosophy which I want. The practice should be much more interesting than going to law school. There is no doubt that it is pretty tough and it will tax my capabilities to do as well as I have done in the other schools--but I'LL be in there pitching. I had a letter from Ben the other day which 1 should answer but won't have time to do so at any length so why don't you forward this when you have all seen it. You must have a wonderful trip, mother. I am so glad for you. It certainly was your turn for something of that kind. I have bought a new study lamp with a goose neck arm which can be extended if wished. It really is a dandy and should be of use for many years to come. I am planning to register for the draft down here and have registered here to vote. I think it best to affiliate as an lowan in every respect with the possible future there might be for me in this state. Just an idea--can't see that it will make much difference one way or the other. Each year brings new blessings upon our family. The success of one is the success of all and the ppoblem of one is shared by each of us. How happy we have been, Thrgugh thick and thin we have come and so it shall be. But let us not forget the struggle that is going on in the world today. Portentous times are these and we are sluggards in the race if we do not our part mentally to the best of our ability. Two civilizations are at stake--Truth and error are at bay--and Truth will come thru triumphant only thru us daily affirming for ourselves and all the absolute supremacy of Truth, Life and Love--the utter inability of any anti-Christ, materialism, or mesmerism to shackle or man or to do battle against God. I today received a letter from the little apron peddler I told you about. It seems the publicity I unwittingly gave her in Ashby's column has heldped her business considerably. What she says and the way she says it brings a lump to the throat. It is the best thing of this kind I have yet received. Ted Ashby is coming down tomorrow and he will want to see it but after I show it to him I shall forward it. If I am slow in getting this mailed I shall enclose it tomorrow nite. This is just about as lengthy and newsy a letter as I have ever written. Make the most of it for I don't see how I am going to have the time to write another like it this year. Love Nile
THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY Office of the Director Department of Athletics DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3 we got to D. Moines where I left Bob and went on alone getting into Ia City about 6 oclock. The car used only a quart of oil all the way up and back and I came from Soo City clear to Brooklyn on the same tank of gas. I rolled in here in time to do some studying and so to bed about 11:30 and up at 6:30 and I felt fine and a not tired. Some weekend, eh what. I netted a little over 2 C s I should say. I got expenses from three sources plus my exhibition and officiating fee of $150. And how is the law school going-- pretty good I should say. I am enjoying it as well as I could anything that involves a lot of close, tedious work. It is doing me a lot of good apart from the subjects themselves. It is forcing me to read more closely and is once again is getting my thinking organized and logical which I must admit in the past two years has been somewhat scattered. I am enjoying my coaching also. As outlines and freshmen arguments come on in the law school I am going to find myself terrifically busy once again but I guess I shall alsays find myself in that predicament. Out of this tedious work --briefing, analyzing, etc.--is coming the general principles and philosophy which I want. The practice should be much more interesting than going to law school. There is no doubt that it is pretty tough and it will tax my capabilities to do as well as I have done in the other schools--but I'LL be in there pitching. I had a letter from Ben the other day which 1 should answer but won't have time to do so at any length so why don't you forward this when you have all seen it. You must have a wonderful trip, mother. I am so glad for you. It certainly was your turn for something of that kind. I have bought a new study lamp with a goose neck arm which can be extended if wished. It really is a dandy and should be of use for many years to come. I am planning to register for the draft down here and have registered here to vote. I think it best to affiliate as an lowan in every respect with the possible future there might be for me in this state. Just an idea--can't see that it will make much difference one way or the other. Each year brings new blessings upon our family. The success of one is the success of all and the ppoblem of one is shared by each of us. How happy we have been, Thrgugh thick and thin we have come and so it shall be. But let us not forget the struggle that is going on in the world today. Portentous times are these and we are sluggards in the race if we do not our part mentally to the best of our ability. Two civilizations are at stake--Truth and error are at bay--and Truth will come thru triumphant only thru us daily affirming for ourselves and all the absolute supremacy of Truth, Life and Love--the utter inability of any anti-Christ, materialism, or mesmerism to shackle or man or to do battle against God. I today received a letter from the little apron peddler I told you about. It seems the publicity I unwittingly gave her in Ashby's column has heldped her business considerably. What she says and the way she says it brings a lump to the throat. It is the best thing of this kind I have yet received. Ted Ashby is coming down tomorrow and he will want to see it but after I show it to him I shall forward it. If I am slow in getting this mailed I shall enclose it tomorrow nite. This is just about as lengthy and newsy a letter as I have ever written. Make the most of it for I don't see how I am going to have the time to write another like it this year. Love Nile
Nile Kinnick Collection