Nile Kinnick correspondence, August-December 1940
1940-10-12: Front
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Saturday afternoon October 12, 1940 Dear SB: The proofs came to-day of the Elgin ads and I am sending one to you together with the letter which accompanied them. Please note the error in the copy about your being last year's captain. An effort should be made to correct that and I suggest a phone or wire to the Chicago agents. We listened to most of the Iowa game this afternoon and were thrilled by the last quarter. Bill Green looked quite alright, didn't he? Ben came in last night a little after midnight and we had a brief but comprehensive visit. To-day he spent most of the day with the McGoun reunion, and just came home as the game ended. Tomorrow right after dinner he, mother and I will move back to Adel for a visit, and B and I will go on to Ames. Fred and Mable were to arrive in Adel on Friday afternoon, driving from Cedar Falls. It was generous of you to send Ben yorr broadcasting stipend for last Saturday; talking your brother's way thru college, so to speak. We cannot get KRNT because it is too close to KOIL. The game this afternoon came over WHO in very good fashion. Pap Ross(coach) and Benson are having a, sad season, so far. Tech beat Benson 35 to 7 last night. The wolves are at Pap's door already. Love Pop
Saturday afternoon October 12, 1940 Dear SB: The proofs came to-day of the Elgin ads and I am sending one to you together with the letter which accompanied them. Please note the error in the copy about your being last year's captain. An effort should be made to correct that and I suggest a phone or wire to the Chicago agents. We listened to most of the Iowa game this afternoon and were thrilled by the last quarter. Bill Green looked quite alright, didn't he? Ben came in last night a little after midnight and we had a brief but comprehensive visit. To-day he spent most of the day with the McGoun reunion, and just came home as the game ended. Tomorrow right after dinner he, mother and I will move back to Adel for a visit, and B and I will go on to Ames. Fred and Mable were to arrive in Adel on Friday afternoon, driving from Cedar Falls. It was generous of you to send Ben yorr broadcasting stipend for last Saturday; talking your brother's way thru college, so to speak. We cannot get KRNT because it is too close to KOIL. The game this afternoon came over WHO in very good fashion. Pap Ross(coach) and Benson are having a, sad season, so far. Tech beat Benson 35 to 7 last night. The wolves are at Pap's door already. Love Pop
Nile Kinnick Collection